Among the city’s architectural monuments are the remnants of the fortr перевод - Among the city’s architectural monuments are the remnants of the fortr английский как сказать

Among the city’s architectural monu

Among the city’s architectural monuments are the remnants of the fortress walls and gates, the Black Sea Hospital, the naval arsenal (18th century), and the Cathedral of the Transfiguration

Достопримечательности Херсона обязательно оставят след в Вашей памяти. В первую очередь, это останки Херсонской крепости XVIII века и Екатерининский собор 1781 года. Стоит посетить Арсенал, Греко-Софийскую церковь 1780 г., Григориевский монастырь, музей природы Черноморского заповедника, легендарную тачанку 1967 года. Символом города считается памятник первым кораблям Черноморского флота, созданный в 1972 году
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Among the city's architectural monuments are the remnants of the fortress walls and gates, the Black Sea Hospital, the naval arsenal (18th century), and the Cathedral of the TransfigurationSights of Kherson necessarily leave a trail in your memory. First of all, it is the remains of the Kherson fortress dating back to the 18th century and the Catherine Cathedral, 1781. Visit Arsenal, the Greek-Orthodox Church of 1780, the Grigorievskij monastery, Museum of nature reserve in the Black Sea, the legendary tačanku, 1967. The symbol of the city is considered a monument of the first ships of the Black Sea fleet, established in the year 1972
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Among the city's architectural monuments are the remnants of the fortress walls and gates, the Black Sea Hospital, the naval arsenal (18th century), and the Cathedral of the Transfiguration Attractions Kherson necessarily leave a mark in your memory. First of all, the remains of the Kherson fortress XVIII century St. Catherine's Cathedral in 1781. Worth visiting Arsenal, Greek Sofia church in 1780, Grigorievsky Monastery, Museum of Nature Reserve of the Black Sea, the legendary tachanka 1967. The symbol of the city is the monument to the first ships of the Black Sea Fleet, established in 1972

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
The city's Amоng аrсhiteсturаl monuments restaurant are the remnаnts of the fortress walls and gates, the Black Sea Hospital, the may serve as an excuse or justification аrsenаl ( 18th century), and the Cathedral of the Trаnsfigurаtiоn

attractions in Kherson always leave trail in your memory. In the first place,This is the remains Kherson fortress XVIII century and gemstones the cathedral 1781. Well worth a visit Arsenal, Greek Sofia church, 1780 g., Григориевскии monastery, the museum of nature Black Sea reserve,The legendary тачанку 1967. The city symbol is considered to be the first monument in the Black Sea fleet ships, established in 1972,
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