Двадцать пятого апреля я навестил своего друга Петрова. Он — инженер.  перевод - Двадцать пятого апреля я навестил своего друга Петрова. Он — инженер.  английский как сказать

Двадцать пятого апреля я навестил с

Двадцать пятого апреля я навестил своего друга Петрова. Он — инженер. У него большая семья. Он женат, и у него трое детей. Его родители живут с ним. Не сколько лет назад Петров получил квартиру. Их квартира находится на пятом этаже нового дома. В ней четыре комнаты: столовая, две спальни, кабинет, ванная и кухня. Мне очень нравится их столовая. Это большая красивая комната. Стены этой комнаты желтые. Жена Петрова очень любит цветы. В их квартире обычно много цветов. В углу столовой стоит рояль. Сын Петрова, Виктор, любит музыку и хорошо играет на рояле. Направо от рояля — диван, а налево — телевизор. На стенках несколько картин. Кабинет Петрова мне тоже нравится. Он небольшой, но очень удобный. В нем стоит письмен ный стол, книжный шкаф и два кресла. В шкафу много книг н журналов. В кабинете находится телефон. Вчера я снова навестил Петрова. Мы не слушали радио. Мы смотрели по телевизору новую кинокартину. Потом мы обсудили ее. В 11 часов вечера я ушел домой.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Twenty-fifth day of April, I visited her friend Petrova. He is the engineer. He had a large family. He is married and has three children. His parents live with him. Not how many years ago Petrov got an apartment. Their apartment is located on the fifth floor of the new House. In four rooms: the dining room, two bedrooms, study, bathroom and kitchen. I really like their dining room. It's a big beautiful room. The walls of this room are yellow. Petrov's wife loves flowers. In their apartment is usually a lot of colors. In a corner of the dining room is worth a grand piano. Son Petrov, Viktor, loves music and plays well on the piano. Right from the piano — a sofa bed, and left-tv. On the walls of several paintings. Cabinet Petrova I too like. It's small, but very handy. It stands written s ' desk, bookcase and two armchairs. In the closet many books n mags. The Cabinet is a telephone. Yesterday I again visited Petrova. We have not listened to the radio. We watched on tv a new movie. Then we discussed it. In 11:00 pm I left home.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
The twenty-fifth of April, I went to see his friend Petrov. He is an engineer. He has a big family. He is married and has three children. His parents live with him. Not many years ago, Petrov got an apartment. Their apartment is on the fifth floor of a new home. There are four rooms: a dining room, two bedrooms, office, bathroom and kitchen. I really like their room. This is a big beautiful room. The walls of the room yellow. Petrova wife loves flowers. Their apartment is usually a lot of flowers. a piano in the corner of the dining room. Petrov son, Victor, loves music and plays the piano. Right from the piano - a sofa, and the left - the TV. On the wall a few pictures. Cabinet Petrov I like it too. It's not big but very comfortable. It is Pis'men ny desk, bookcase and two armchairs. In the closet a lot of books called journals. The office phone is. Yesterday I visited Petrov again. We are not listening to the radio. We watched on TV the new motion picture. Then we discussed it. At 11 pm I went home.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
on 25 april, i visited my friend back. he is an engineer. he had a large family. he is married and has three children. his parents live with them. not many years ago, petrov was flat. their apartment is on the fifth floor of the new house. it has four rooms, a dining room, two bedrooms, office, bathroom and kitchen. i really like their dining room. it"s a beautiful room. the walls of this room are yellow. wife petrova is very fond of flowers. in their apartment, usually a lot of flowers. in the corner of the dining room is a piano. petrov"s son, victor, loves music and plays the piano. to the right of the couch, and left the tv. a few paintings on the walls. office - i like it, too. he"s a small but very comfortable. it should be written out desk, bookcase and two chairs. in the closet there are a lot of books and magazines. in the office, the phone is located. yesterday, i again visited india. we didn"t listen to the radio. we saw on tv a new кинокартину. then we discussed its. at 11 o"clock in the evening, i went home.
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