. Где вы живете? 2. Где живет ваш друг? З.Что они учат в школе? 4. Вы  перевод - . Где вы живете? 2. Где живет ваш друг? З.Что они учат в школе? 4. Вы  английский как сказать

. Где вы живете? 2. Где живет ваш д

. Где вы живете? 2. Где живет ваш друг? З.Что они учат в школе? 4. Вы учите английский? 5. Вы смотрите телевизор каждый день? 6. Почему он редко смотрит телевизор? 7. Когда вы обычно бываете дома? 8. Кто обычно остается дома с детьми? 9. Я редко бываю дома в субботу и в воскресенье. 10. Кто обычно звонит вам каждую неделю? 11. Вы часто разговариваете с другом по телефону? 12. Моя подруга часто звонит мне, и я разговариваю с ней о моих проблемах. 13. Твоя мама обычно готовит мясо или рыбу на обед? 14. Вы часто готовите овощи? 15. Мой брат часто слушает радио и смотрит телевизор. Обычно он слушает музыку в машине, заучивает красивые песни и затем поет их. 16. Когда мой брат задает мне вопросы, я всегда отвечаю на них. 17. Почему этот учитель редко отвечает на наши вопросы? 18. Когда мой друг спрашивает меня о работе, я отвечаю на его вопросы, а он нет. 19. Вы играете на^лианино? 20. Моя сестра не играет Ua скрипке, она играет на виолончели/ 21. Вы играете в теннис? 22. Ее брат играет в футбол и в хоккей? 23. Они каждый день играют в компьютерные игры. 24. Он обычно ездит на работу на машине или на метро? 25. Она ездит в Лондон на поезде или летает на самолете? 26. Они собираются ехать в театр на такси. 27. Кто собирается идти в парк пешком? 28. Чей друг здесь живет?
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
. Where do you live? 2. Where is your friend? H. What they teach in school? 4. you learn English? 5. do you watch tv every day? 6. Why he rarely watches tv? 7. When do you usually go home? 8. who usually stays home with the kids? 9. I rarely happen at home in Saturday and Sunday. 10. who usually calls you every week? 11. Do you frequently chat with a friend on the phone? 12. My girlfriend often calls me, and I talk to her about my problems. 13. your mom usually prepares meat or fish for lunch? 14. Do you frequently prepare vegetables? 15. My brother often listens to the radio and watching tv. He usually listens to music in the car, zaučivaet beautiful songs and then singing them. 16. When my brother asks me questions, I always tell them. 17. Why is this teacher rarely responds to our questions? 18. When my friend asks me about work, I answer his questions, and he's not. 19. you play the ^ lianino? 20. My sister doesn't play the violin, she plays Ua cello/21. You play tennis? 22. Her brother plays football and hockey? 23. They each day playing computer games. 24. He usually goes to work by car or Metro? 25. she travels to London by train or fly on a plane? 26. They are going to go to the theatre by taxi. 27. who is going to go to the Park on foot? 28. Whose friend lives here?
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
. Where do you live? 2. Where does your friend? Z.Chto they are taught in school? 4. Do you teach English? 5. Do you watch TV every day? 6. Why is he rarely watches TV? 7. When do you usually spend time at home? 8. Who usually stays at home with the kids? 9. I'm rarely at home on Saturday and Sunday. 10. Who usually calls you every week? 11. Do you often talk with a friend on the phone? 12. My friend often calls me, and I talk to her about my problems. 13. Your mother used to cook meat or fish for dinner? 14. Do you often cook vegetables? 15. My brother often listens to the radio and watching television. He usually listens to music in the car, learns the beautiful songs and then sing them. 16. When my brother asked me a question, I always tell them. 17. Why is this teacher rarely answers our questions? 18. When my friend asks me about the work, I answer his questions, but he did not. 19. Do you play ^ lianino? 20. My sister does not play Ua violin, she plays the cello / 21. Do you play tennis? 22. Her brother plays football and hockey? 23. Every day they play computer games. 24. He usually goes to work by car or subway? 25. She traveled to London by train or fly on an airplane? 26. They are going to go to the theater in a taxi. 27. Who is going to go to the park on foot? 28. Whose friend lives here?
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
. where do you live? 2. where is your friend? з.что they teach you in school? 4. do you teach english? 5. do you watch tv every day? 6. why does he often watch tv? 7. when do you usually go home? 8. who usually stays at home with the kids? 9. i"m seldom at home on saturday and sunday. 10. who usually calls you every week? 11. do you often talk with a friend on the phone? 12. my friend often calls me, and i talk to her about my problems. 13. your mom used to cook meat or fish for dinner? 14. do you often cook the vegetables? 15. my brother often listens to the radio and watch tv. he usually listens to music in the car, заучивает beautiful songs and singing them. 16. when my brother asked me questions, i always answer them. 17. why the teacher rarely answer our questions? 18. when my friend asked me about work, i answer his questions, but he"s not. 19. you play on the ^ лианино? 20. my sister"s photo. she plays the cello / 21. do you play tennis? 22. her brother plays soccer and hockey. 23. they every day playing computer games. 24. he usually goes to work by car or subway? 25. she goes to london on the train or fly in an airplane? 26. they"re going to go to the theater for a taxi. 27. who"s going to go to the park on foot? 28. whose friend lives here?
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