The mission of our University is to shape the creative and critical pe перевод - The mission of our University is to shape the creative and critical pe английский как сказать

The mission of our University is to

The mission of our University is to shape the creative and critical personalities of students and define the directions of development in science and technology. The education offered at our institution is strongly linked with scientific research and the needs of economy and is consistent with standards of the European Higher Education Area. The degrees awarded by Wrocław University of Technology are a symbol of high quality of education, confirmed by the National Accreditation Committee and the Accreditation Committee of Universities of Technology.

Today’s Wrocław University of Technology is an inheritor of the tangible property of the German Königliche Technische Hochschule Breslau and the intellectual and research traditions of the Lvov Polytechnic. The university has been functioning under the current name since 1945. It was established and organised by researchers from Lvov and Warsaw. Since the very beginning of its existence, it has been an important centre of technical education. Today, it belongs to the best technical universities in Poland – over 34 000 students study here under the guidance of 2 000 academic teachers, at the 16 faculties in Wroclaw, Jelenia Góra, Legnica, Wałbrzych). It rates high in the annual rankings of Polish universities.

In this way, owing to the Wrocław Univeristy of Technology, Wrocław appears as the capital of Polish computer science. This is because of the European level of teaching and research run by the university employees. Their achievements are recognised not only in Poland but also abroad.

Wrocław University of Technology allows students to learn either according to standard programmes or to choose an individual programme. In this way, students can shape their own specialisations. The university maintains lively contacts with teaching and research institutions from all over the world - from Europe to America. Thanks to the co-operation agreements signed, students and research employees of the Wrocław University of Technology have the opportunity to study abroad and to take part in joint research projects. The university is involved in the following research programmes: Erasmus +, Erasmus-Mundus, the 7th Framework Programme, and Leonardo da Vinci. Also, there are many students’ organisations at the Wrocław University of Technology. Students have the opportunity to develop their scientific and creative passions, as well. The kind of such activity depends solely on the student’s imagination. The high level of research carried out, matching the world’s best, and the well-equipped laboratories result in a wide co-operation with Polish and international companies, e.g. Philips Lighting Poland S.A., KOGENERACJA S.A., Toyota, LG, WABCO, EnergiaPro, KGHM Polska Miedź S.A., Whirlpool. As part of these agreements, joint research projects are carried out. Also, students gain the opportunity to perform internships or training or to write their diploma thesis in the branches of the renowned companies in any part of the world.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
The mission of our University is to shape the creative and critical personalities of students and define the directions of development in science and technology. The education offered at our institution is strongly linked with scientific research and the needs of the economy and is consistent with standards of the European Higher Education Area. The degrees awarded by Wrocław University of Technology are a symbol of high quality of education, confirmed by the National Accreditation Committee and the Accreditation Committee of Universities of Technology. Today's Wrocław University of Technology is an inheritor of the tangible property of the German Königliche Technische Hochschule Breslau and the intellectual and research traditions of the Lvov Polytechnic. The university has been functioning under the current name since 1945. It was established and organised by researchers further from Lvov and Warsaw. Since the very beginning of its existence, it has been an important centre of technical education. Today, it belongs to the best technical universities in Poland-over 34 000000 students study here under the guidance of 2000 academic teachers, at the 16 faculties in Wroclaw, Jelenia Góra, Legnica, Wałbrzych). It rates high in the annual rankings of Polish universities. In this way, owing to the Univeristy of Technology, Wrocław Wrocław appears as the capital of Polish computer science. This is because of the European level of teaching and research run by the university employees. Their achievements are recognised not only in Poland but also abroad. Wrocław University of Technology allows students to learn either according to standard programmes or to choose an individual programme. In this way, students can shape their own specialisations. The university maintains lively contacts with teaching and research institutions from all over the world - from Europe to America. Thanks to the co-operation agreements signed, students and research employees of the Wrocław University of Technology have the opportunity to study abroad and to take part in joint research projects. The university is involved in the following research programmes: Erasmus +, Erasmus-Mundus, the 7th Framework Programme, and Leonardo da Vinci. Also, there are many students’ organisations at the Wrocław University of Technology. Students have the opportunity to develop their scientific and creative passions, as well. The kind of such activity depends solely on the student’s imagination. The high level of research carried out, matching the world’s best, and the well-equipped laboratories result in a wide co-operation with Polish and international companies, e.g. Philips Lighting Poland S.A., KOGENERACJA S.A., Toyota, LG, WABCO, EnergiaPro, KGHM Polska Miedź S.A., Whirlpool. As part of these agreements, joint research projects are carried out. Also, students gain the opportunity to perform internships or training or to write their diploma thesis in the branches of the renowned companies in any part of the world.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
The mission of our University is to shape the creative and critical personalities of students and define the directions of development in science and technology. The education offered at our institution is strongly linked with scientific research and the needs of economy and is consistent with standards of the European Higher Education Area. The degrees awarded by Wrocław University of Technology are a symbol of high quality of education, confirmed by the National Accreditation Committee and the Accreditation Committee of Universities of Technology. Today's Wrocław University of Technology is an inheritor of the tangible property of the German Königliche Technische Hochschule Breslau and the intellectual and research traditions of the Lvov Polytechnic. The university has been functioning under the current name since 1945. It was established and organised by researchers from Lvov and Warsaw. Since the very beginning of its existence, it has been an important centre of technical education. Today, it belongs to the best technical universities in Poland - over 34 thousand students study here under the guidance of 2000 academic teachers, at the 16 faculties in Wroclaw, Jelenia Góra, Legnica, Wałbrzych). High rates in It the annual rankings of Polish universities. In this way, owing to the Wrocław Univeristy of Technology, Wrocław appears as the capital of Polish computer science. This is because of the European level of teaching and research run by the university employees. Achievements are recognised Their not only in Poland but also abroad. Wrocław University of Technology allows students to learn either according to standard programmes or to choose an individual programme. In this way, students can shape their own specialisations. The university maintains lively contacts with teaching and research institutions from all over the world - from Europe to America. Thanks to the co-operation agreements signed, students and research employees of the Wrocław University of Technology have the opportunity to study abroad and to take part in joint research projects. The university is involved in the following research programmes: Erasmus +, Erasmus-Mundus, the 7th Framework Programme, and Leonardo da Vinci. Also, there are many students' organisations at the Wrocław University of Technology. Students have the opportunity to develop their scientific and creative passions, as well. The kind of such activity depends solely on the student's imagination. The high level of research carried out, matching the world's best, and the well-equipped laboratories result in a wide co-operation with Polish and international companies, eg Philips Lighting Poland SA, KOGENERACJA SA, Toyota, LG, WABCO, EnergiaPro, KGHM Polska Miedź SA, Whirlpool. As part of these agreements, joint research projects are carried out. Also, students gain the opportunity to perform internships or training or to write their diploma thesis in the branches of the renowned companies in any part of the world.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
the mission of our university is to shape the creative and critical personalities students and define the directions of development in science and technology. the education offered at our institution is strongly linked with scientific research and the needs of the economy and is consistent with standards of the european higher education area.the degrees on by Wrocław university of technology are a symbol of high quality of education, confirmed by the national accreditation committee and the accreditation committee of universities of technology.

today's Wrocław university of technology is an inheritor of the tangible property of the german Königliche Technische Hochschule Breslau and the intellectual and research traditions of the Lvov Polytechnic. the university has been functioning under the current name since 1945. it was established and organised by researchers from Lvov and warsaw. since the very beginning of its has been an important centre of technical education. today, it is most closely related to the best technical universities in poland, over 34000 students study here under the guidance of 2 000 academic teachers, at the 16 faculties in wroclaw, Jelenia photo, Legnica, Wałbrzych). it rates high in the annual rankings of polish universities.

in this way, owing to the Wrocław Univeristy of technology.
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