Расскажи чем ты занимался? Прости меня правда не могла с тобой общатся. И хотела тебе написать сообщение извинится зашла в вк ты мне написал. Очень обрадовалась
Tell us what are you engaged in? Forgive me the truth could not have with you a traditional Tuscan restaurant. And you wanted to write a post to apologize in VK I wrote. Very glad
Tell me what you did? I'm sorry I could not really with you obschatsya. And you want to write a message you have written has come to apologize to me in the VC. overjoy
tell me what did you do? i"m sorry, i really couldn"t communicate with you. and i wanted you to write a message to apologize in the vc you wrote to me. very happy