Ты живешь в этом районе? Нет, в другом месте. Я живу рядом с коледжем. перевод - Ты живешь в этом районе? Нет, в другом месте. Я живу рядом с коледжем. английский как сказать

Ты живешь в этом районе? Нет, в дру

Ты живешь в этом районе? Нет, в другом месте. Я живу рядом с коледжем. Ты студент? Да, я учусь на первом курсе. Мне направится учиться. Мои любимые предметы это литература и история. Какие твои любимые предметы? У меня нет любимых предметов. Мне нарвится все. У вас большая группа? В нашей группе 20 человек. А у вас? В нашей группе 22 человека, наша группа немного больше. У тебя есть братья или сестры? Да у меня есть старшая сестра, ей 19 лет, она так же студентка. Она не живет с нами, она живет и учится в другом городе. Как ее зовут? Ее зовут Лиз. У нее много друзей? Я так не думаю. Но у не есть одна настоящая подруга, Роми. А теперь Том расскажи о себе. Я все еще живу с родителями. Моя мама врач, а папа адвокат. Они много работают, я вижу их не очень часто. Они возвращаются домой в 9 вечера. Мы не проводим много времени вместе. Вместе мы только тогда когда ездим отдыхать. Куда вы любите ездить? Мы любим ездить к морю. Моя мама любит плавать и загорать, а папа играть в пляжный волейбол. А что ты любишь делать? Я люблю плавать с маской. У тебя есть домашнее животное? Да у меня есть собака Рекс и кот Марти. Рексу 5 лет, он охраняет наш дом. Он любит играть со мной, а Марти не любит. Кот любит есть и спать. Марти-лентяй.иногда Марти и Рекс играют вместе. Они дружат. А у тебя есть домашние животные? Нет у нас нет домашних животных. Но я очень хочу кошку. Я люблю кошек. Рядом с моим домом есть парк, поэтому с собакой гуляю я. Хочешь в следующий раз пойти гулять со мной? Конечно, это было бы здорово. Позвони мне, хорошо? Обязательно, увидимся в следующий раз.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
You live in the area? No, elsewhere. I live near koledžem. Are you a student? Yes, I'm a freshman. I will learn. My favorite subjects are history and literature. What are your favorite subjects? I have no favorite subjects. I love it all. You have a large group? In our group of 20 people. And do you have? 22 person in our group, our group a little more. Do you have brothers or sisters? Yes I have a big sister her 19 years, she is just a student. She doesn't live with us, she lives and studies in another city. Her name? Her name is Liz. She has a lot of friends? I don't think so. But do not have a real girlfriend, Romy. And now The tell us about yourself. I still live with my parents. My mom is a doctor and lawyer dad. They work hard, I can see them very often. They return home at 9 pm. We do not spend a lot of time together. However, we only then when we go on holiday. Where do you like to travel? We love to go to the sea. My mom likes to swim and sunbathe, and dad playing beach volleyball. And what you love to do? I like swimming with mask. Do you have a pet? Yes I have my dog Rex and cat Marty. Rex 5 years, it protects our home. He likes to play with me and Marty doesn't like. The cat likes to eat and sleep. Marty-bummer. sometimes Marty and Rex are playing together. They are friends. And do you have pets? No we have no pets. But I really want a cat. I love cats. Near my house there is a garden, so I walk the dog. you want next time to go walking with me? Of course It would be great. Call me, OK? Sure, see you next time.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Do you live in this area? Not elsewhere. I live near the college. Are you a student? Yes, I am a freshman. I will go to study. My favorite subjects in literature, and history. What are your favorite subjects? I have no favorite items. I Narvi all. You have a large group? In our group of 20 people. And you? In our group of 22 people, our group a little more. Do you have any brothers or sisters? Yes, I have an older sister, she's 19 years old, she is as a student. She does not live with us, she lives and studies in another city. What's her name? Her name is Liz. She has a lot of friends? I do not think so. But I do not have one true friend, Romy. And now Tom tell us about yourself. I still live with my parents. My mom is a doctor, lawyer dad. They work hard, I see them not very often. They return home at 9 pm. We did not spend much time together. Together we are only when we go to rest. Where would you like to ride? We love to go to the sea. My mom loves to swim and sunbathe, and Dad playing beach volleyball. What do you like to do? I love snorkeling. Do you have a pet? Yes I have a dog and a cat Rex Marty. Rex 5 years, he guards our home. He loves to play with me, and Marty does not like. Cat loves to eat and sleep. Marty lentyay.inogda Marty and Rex play together. They are friendly. Do you have any pets? No we do not have pets. But I really want a cat. I love cats. Near my house there is a park, so I walk with a dog. Next time you want to go out with me? Of course, it would be great. Give me a call, okay? Be sure, I'll see you next time.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
You live in the area? No, in another place. I live next to the коледжем. Are you a student? Yes, I'm on the first course. I will go to school. My favorite subjects are literature and history. What are your favorite items?I don't have your favorite items. I нарвится all. Do you have a large group? In our group 20 people. And for you? In our group of 22 human rights, our group a little bit more. Do you have any brothers or sisters? Yes, I have a sister,It was 19 years old, it was the same student. She does not live with us, she is living and studying in another city. What is her name? Her name is Liz. It has a lot of friends? I do not think so. But I do not have one real friend, Crystalised. And now that tell us who you are.I still live with my parents. My mother's doctor, and pope's lawyer. They are working hard, I see they are not very often. They returned home at 9 pm. We do not spend much time together. However, we only when Fratto relax.Where do you love to travel? We love to travel to the sea. My mother loves to swim and sunbathe, and Pope to play beach volleyball. And what do you like to do? I love to fly with a mask. Do you have a pet?Yes I have a dog Rex and Marti. Rex 5 years, he is guarding our house. He loves to play with me, and Marti loves me. Cote loves is and go to bed. Marti-why?.sometimes Marti and Rex played together. They friendships.And do you have any pets? No, we have no domestic animals. But I have a cat. I love cats. Near my house there is a park, so I take a walk with my dog. Do you want the next time to go walking with me? Of course,That would be nice. Call me, well? Be sure, i'll see you in the next time.
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