День благодарения отмечается в последний четверг ноября, но многие аме перевод - День благодарения отмечается в последний четверг ноября, но многие аме английский как сказать

День благодарения отмечается в посл

День благодарения отмечается в последний четверг ноября, но многие американцы заодно берут день отпуска в пятницу и в результате получают четыре выходных дня. Это позволяет им совершать дальние поездки, чтобы навестить родственников или друзей. История праздника восходит к 1621 году, когда в Массачусетс прибыли пуритане, полные решимости исповедовать без помех свою неортодоксальную религию. После суровой зимы, во время которой скончалась примерно половина переселенцев, они обратились за помощью к соседям-индейцам, которые научили их сажать кукурузу и другие культуры. Собранный следующей осенью обильный урожай внушил им мысль возблагодарить Господа, устроив праздничное угощение. Застолье в День благодарения стало национальной традицией — и не только потому, что столь многие американцы добились преуспевания на этой земле, но и потому, что наше воображение до сих пор поражают те жертвы, которые принесли первые переселенцы ради своей свободы. Очень масштабно празднуют День благодарения в Нью-Йорке, там проводится грандиозный парад воздушных шаров.
По сию пору праздничный ужин в День благодарения почти всегда включает что-нибудь из тех блюд, которые подавались на первом праздничном пиру: жареную индейку, клюквенный соус, картофель, тыквенный пирог. Прежде чем приступить к трапезе, будь то в кругу семьи или среди друзей, принято возносить благодарность за эти дары, в том числе и за радость встречи по случаю праздника.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Thanksgiving is celebrated on the last Thursday of November, but at the same time, many Americans take a day of vacation Friday and as a result get four days off. This allows them to make long trips to visit relatives or friends. The history of the holiday dates back to 1621, the year when the Puritans arrived in Massachusetts, determined to practise without interference its unorthodox religion. After a harsh winter, during which roughly half of the settlers died, they turned for help to neighboring Indians, who taught them to plant corn and other crops. Harvested a bountiful harvest next autumn has inspired them thought to thank the Lord, having arranged a festive treat. The Thanksgiving Feast became a national tradition — and not only because so many Americans have achieved success on this earth, but also because our imagination still amaze those victims who brought the first settlers for the sake of their freedom. Very big celebrate Thanksgiving in New York, there is held a Grand Parade balloons.In this season of Thanksgiving dinner almost always includes some of the dishes that were served at the first festive feast: Roast Turkey, cranberry sauce, potatoes, pumpkin pie. Before you begin the meal, whether it's with your family or among friends, it is customary to give thanks for these gifts, including the joy of meeting on the occasion of the feast.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]

Thanksgiving Day is celebrated on the last Thursday of November, but many Americans take a day of vacation at the same time on Friday, and as a result get four days off. This enables them to make long trips to visit relatives or friends. Festival history dates back to 1621 when the Puritans arrived in Massachusetts, determined to practice without interference his unorthodox religion. After a harsh winter, during which died about half of migrants, they enlisted the help of neighbors, the Indians, who taught them how to plant corn and other crops. The collected next autumn bountiful harvest inspired them thought thank God, having arranged a festive meal. Feast on Thanksgiving Day became a national tradition - not only because so many Americans have prosperity in this land, but also because our imagination still amaze the sacrifices that brought the first settlers for their own freedom. Very large scale celebrate Thanksgiving in New York, there is held a grand parade balloons.
On this day gala dinner on Thanksgiving Day almost always includes something of the foods served at the first holiday feast: roast turkey, cranberry sauce, potatoes, pumpkin pie. Before the meal, whether in the family or among friends, decided to offer up thanks for these gifts, including meeting and for the joy of the occasion.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
thanksgiving is on the last thursday in november, but many americans also take the day off friday and as a result have four days off. this allows them to take long trips to visit relatives or friends. the celebration dates back to 1621, when massachusetts arrived puritans, determined to practice their religion without interference with the heterodox. after a severe winter, during which died about half the settlers, they enlisted the help of the neighbors, the indians, who had taught them to plant corn and other crops. the collected next autumn abundant harvest inspired them thought, thank god, with the meal. how thanksgiving became a national tradition - and not just because so many americans have made to flourish in this land, but because our imagination still affect the victim, who brought the first settlers for his freedom. very small celebrate thanksgiving in new york, there is a grand parade balloons.at this time a thanksgiving dinner almost always contains something of the dishes that were served at the first festive feast: roast turkey, cranberry sauce, potatoes, pumpkin pie. before proceeding to a meal, be it with family or friends, roger: thanks for the gifts, including for the pleasure of meeting on the occasion of the celebration.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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