Degree of innovationIs the product new in itself or does it supplement перевод - Degree of innovationIs the product new in itself or does it supplement английский как сказать

Degree of innovationIs the product

Degree of innovation
Is the product new in itself or does it supplement an existing product with a new, desirable quality?

Does the product fulfil all requirements of handling, usability, safety, and maintenance, and does the manual explain its use in a comprehensible way?

Formal quality
How logical is the constructive structure and the congruity of the formal composition? How is the form related to the function?

Is the product adapted appropriately to the physical and, if necessary, psychcological conditions of the user?

Have the product’s material, formal, and non-material value been designed for a long life-span?

Symbolic and emotional content
What does the product offer the user beyond its immediate practical purpose in terms of sensual quality, possibilities of a playful use or emotional attachment?
Product periphery
How is the product as part of a system integrated into the system environment? How have packaging and disposal issues been solved?

Self-explanatory quality
What does the product convey about its purpose and use without knowing the manual? How distinct are product semantics and product graphics?

Ecological compatibility
Are materials, material costs, manufacturing technology and energy consumption in an appropriate proportion to the product utility? To what extent have disposal problems and recycling issues been considered?
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Degree of innovationIs new in the product itself or does it supplement an existing product with a new, quality is desirable?FunctionalityDoes the product fulfil all requirements of handling, usability, safety, and maintenance, and does the manual explain its use in a comprehensible way?Formal qualityHow logical is the constructive structure and the congruity of the formal composition? How is the form related to the function? ErgonomicsIs the product appropriately adapted to the physical and, if necessary, the psychcological conditions of the user?DurabilityHave the product's material, formal, and non-material value been designed for a long life-span?Symbolic and emotional contentWhat does the product offer the user beyond its immediate practical purpose in terms of sensual quality, possibilities of a playful use or emotional attachment?Product peripheryHow is the product as part of a system integrated into the system environment? How have packaging and disposal issues been is solved?Self-'s self-explanatory qualityWhat does the product convey about its purpose and use without knowing the manual? How distinct are product semantics and product graphics?Ecological compatibilityAre materials, material costs, manufacturing technology and energy consumption in an appropriate proportion to the product utility? To what extent have disposal problems and recycling issues been considered?
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Degree of innovation
Is the product product new in itself or does IT supplement an the existing product product with a new, to desirable quality? Functionality Does the the product product fulfil all 'requirements of handling, of usability, safety, and maintenance, and does the manual the explain its' use in a comprehensible way? Formal quality How is the Constructive class logical structure and the congruity of the formal composition? How is the The form related to the function? Ergonomics Is the product product Adapted appropriately to the Physical and, the if Necessary, psychcological conditions of the the user? Durability Have a the product product's material, formal, and the non-material of value Been designed for a a long life:-span ? Symbolic and emotional the content for What does the product product offer the user the to beyond its' Practical immediate purpose in terms of sensual quality, Possibilities of a playful use or emotional attachment? the Product Periphery How is the product product as with part of a system integrated Into the system are environment? Packaging and have How Disposal Issues Been solved? Of Self-explanatory quality for What does the product product Convey about its' purpose and use without Knowing the manual? The distinct product product are How semantics and the graphics product product? Ecological compatibility Are the materials, material Costs, manufacturing technology and energy is consumption in an Appropriate Proportion to the utility product product? To what extent have disposal problems and recycling issues been considered?

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
these of innovationis the product new in itself or does it supplement an existing product with a new, desirable quality?Functionalitydoes the product fulfil all requirements of handling, usability, safety, and maintenance, and does the manual explain its use in a comprehensible way?formal qualityhow logical is the constructive structure and the congruity of the formal composition. how is the form related to the function?ergonomicsis the product adapted appropriately to the physical and, if necessary, psychcological conditions of the user.Durabilityhave the product"s material, formal, and non - material has been designed for a long life - europe?Symbolic and emotional contentwhat does the product offer the user beyond its immediate practical purpose in terms of sensual quality, possibilities of a playful use or emotional attachment?product peripheryhow is the product as part of a system integrated into the system environment? how have packaging and disposal issues been solved?self explanatory qualitywhat does the product convey about its purpose and use without knowing the manual? how distinct are product semantics and product graphics?ecological compatibilityare materials, material costs, manufacturing technology and energy consumption in an appropriate a to the product utility. to what extent have disposal problems and recycling issues been considered?
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