Студентка-модельер Оливия Ун из универ Корнелла создала платье и куртку, которые защищают свою владелицу не только от холода, но и от гриппа, смога, аллергенов, а еще почти не нуждаются в чистке. Перед нами очередной пример внедрения нанотехнологий в одежду. Точнее - в процесс создания необычной хлопчатобумажной ткани. Верхняя часть платья содержит хлопок, покрытый наночастицами серебра. Ун сначала создала положительно заряженные Мопковые волокна, используя химические реакции, чтобы вызвать Положительную ионизацию ткани. Серебро обладает естественными антибактериальными свойствами, которые усилены благодаря наномасштабу частиц (резко возросла площадь поверхности) так что платье Ун способно убивать множество бактерий и вирусов. Серебро в такой форме также сокращает потребность в чистке ткани. Но еще интереснее женская куртка от УН. Ее рукава, карманы и капюшон выполнены из вида, с внедрением в Ткань частиц палладия. Палладиевые наночастицы придали куртке антибактериальные свойства и даже способность к очистке воздуха от загрязнений и аллергенов. У модной коллекции Ун один недостаток квадратный такой ткани стоит примерно 12 тысяч долларов метр
Результаты (
английский) 1:
Student-fashion designer Olivia Ung from Cornell University has created a dress and jacket that protects its owner not only from the cold, but also from the flu, smog, allergens, and yet almost never need cleaning. Before us another example of introducing nanotechnology into clothes. More precisely, in the process of creating unusual cotton fabrics. The upper part contains cotton dresses, covered with silver nanoparticles. Ung first created a positively charged Mopkovye fibers using chemical reactions that cause Positive ionization of tissue. Silver has natural antibacterial properties that are enhanced with nanomasštabu particles (surface area increased dramatically) so dress Ung can kill many bacteria and viruses. Silver in this form also reduces the need for cleaning fabric. But even more interesting women's down jacket from OZ. Her sleeves, pockets and hood are made out of Fabric with the introduction of Palladium particles. Palladium Nanoparticles gave jacket antibacterial properties and even the ability to clean up the air from pollutants and allergens. Fashion collection have Ung one drawback square such tissue is approximately 12 thousand dollars meter
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
Student fashion designer Olivia Un from Cornell university has created a dress and jacket, which protects its owner not only from the cold, but also from the flu, smog, allergens, and even almost do not need to be cleaned. Before us is another example of the introduction of nanotechnology in clothes. More precisely - in the process of creating an unusual denim. The upper part of the dress contains cotton coated with silver nanoparticles. Un first created positively charged Mopkovye fiber using chemical reactions that cause tissue positive ionization. Silver possesses natural antibacterial qualities that are strengthened by nanoscale particles (dramatically increased surface area) so un dress can kill a lot of bacteria and viruses. Silver is in this form also reduces the need for cleaning fabrics. But even more interesting women's jacket from the UN. Her sleeves, pockets and hood are made of a kind, with the introduction into the fabric of the palladium particles. Palladium nanoparticles gave jacket antibacterial properties and even the ability to clean the air of pollutants and allergens. In fashion collection Un square one drawback of such tissue is about 12 thousand dollars a meter
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
student designer olivia mi of cornell university created the dress and jacket which protects its owner not only from the cold and flu, smog, allergens, and almost don"t need cleaning. in another example of the introduction of nanotechnology in the clothes. more specifically, in the process of creating unusual cotton fabric. the top part of the dress is наночастицами cotton covered with silver. woon first established a positively charged мопковые fibers using chemical reaction to generate a positive ionization patterns. silver has natural antibacterial properties, which reinforced by наномасштабу particles (surface area increased dramatically, so dress eun can kill many bacteria and viruses. the silver in this form also reduces the need for cleaning the tissue. but more importantly the jacket from the un. her sleeves, pockets and a hood made of species, with the introduction of the palladium particles. palladium наночастицы jacket antibacterial properties and even have the ability to clean the air from pollutants and allergens. at the fashion collection un one drawback square such tissue is approximately 12 thousand dollars a meter
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