Я транжира. Я не могу устоять, чтобы не купить диски, компьютерные игры или сладости. Я знаю, девочки тратят больше, чем мальчики на одежду и аксессуары, потому что они помешаны на моде.
I'm a spender. I can't resist not to buy CDs, computer games, or sweets. I know girls spend more than boys on clothes and accessories, because they are obsessed with fashion.
I am a spender. I can not resist not to buy CDs, computer games or sweets. I know the girls spend more than boys on clothes and accessories, because they are obsessed with fashion.
i spender. i can"t resist buying dvds, computer games, or sweets. i know the girls are more than boys on clothing and accessories, because they are in fashion.