Почти все, что мы делаем регулируется некоторым набором правил. Есть п перевод - Почти все, что мы делаем регулируется некоторым набором правил. Есть п английский как сказать

Почти все, что мы делаем регулирует

Почти все, что мы делаем регулируется некоторым набором правил. Есть правила для игр, правила морали и обычаи, а есть правила, созданные государством, они называются «законы». Но в отличие от норм морали, за нарушение закона вы будете вынуждены заплатить штраф, возместить убытки, или идти в тюрьму.
Многие задают вопрос: «А для чего нужны законы». Ответ прост – живя в обществе мы обязаны соблюдать интересы окружающих на людей и законы помогают нам в этом. Ведь закон – это свод правил. Даже в хорошо организованном обществе, люди имеют разногласия и конфликты. Нам нужен закон, для того чтобы обеспечить безопасное и мирное общество, в котором права граждан будут уважать. Правовая система должна уважать индивидуальные права, и в то же время, гарантировать их. Ведь общество должно верить в верховенство закона, и в то, что закон распространяется на каждого человека. В нашем обществе, законы не предназначены только для управления нашим поведением: они также предназначены для осуществления социальной политики. Например, некоторые законы предусматривают льготы для различных социальных групп. Другая цель закона это справедливость, заключающаяся в том, что каждый должен в равной степени быть подчинён закону. Закон также служит для того, чтобы сильные группы и отдельные лица не используют свои мощные позиции в обществе. Таким образом, в демократическом обществе, законы не в камне, но должны отражать меняющиеся потребности общества.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Almost everything we do is governed by certain rules. There are rules for games, moral rules and customs, and there are rules established by the State, they are called "laws". But unlike rules of morality, for breaking the law you will be forced to pay a fine, damages, or go to jail.Many people ask the question: "why do we need laws. The answer is simple-living in society, we are obliged to respect the interests of others at people and laws help us in this. Because the law is a set of rules. Even in a well organized society, people have disagreements and conflicts. We need a law to ensure a safe and peaceful society in which the rights of citizens will be respected. The legal system should respect individual rights, and at the same time, guarantee them. Because society has to believe in the rule of law, and that the law applies to everyone. In our society, laws are not only designed to control our behavior: they are also intended for the implementation of social policy. For example, some laws provide for benefits for various social groups. Another objective of the law is justice, namely, that everyone should be equally located in the law. The Act also serves to strong groups and individuals do not use their powerful positions in society. Thus, in a democracy, laws are not in stone, but should reflect the changing needs of society.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Almost everything we do is governed by a certain set of rules. There are rules for the game, the rules of morality and customs, and there are rules established by the State, they are called "laws". But unlike morality, for violating the law you will be forced to pay a fine, pay damages, or go to jail.
Many people ask the question: "Why do we need laws." The answer is simple - while living in society, we are obliged to observe the interests of the surrounding people and the laws help us in this. The law - a set of rules. Even in a well-organized society, people have disagreements and conflicts. We need a law to ensure the safe and peaceful society where the rights of citizens will be respected. The legal system should respect individual rights, and at the same time, guarantee them. After all, society must believe in the rule of law, and that law applies to every person. In our society, laws are not designed only to control our behavior: they are also designed to implement social policies. For example, some laws provide for benefits for various social groups. Another purpose of the law is justice, which consists in the fact that everyone should be equally subordinate to the law. The law also provides for stronger groups and individuals do not use their powerful position in society. Thus, in a democratic society, laws are not in stone, but should reflect the changing needs of society.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
almost everything we do is governed by certain rules. there are rules for the games, the rules of morals and customs, and have the rules established by the state, they are called "laws". but unlike the moral norms, for violation of the law, you will be forced to pay a fine, damages, or go to jail.many ask me a question: "why do i need laws". the answer is simple - living in the society, we must adhere to the interests of the surrounding people and laws to help us in this. because the law is a set of rules. even in a well organized society, people have disagreements and conflicts. we need to act, in order to ensure a safe and peaceful society in which the rights of citizens will be respected. the legal system should respect individual rights, and at the same time, to guarantee them. because society needs to believe in the rule of law, and that the law applies to everyone. in our society, laws are not only to control our behavior, they are also intended for the implementation of social policies. for example, some laws provide benefits for various social groups. another purpose of the law is justice, which is what everyone should equally be подчинён law. the act also provides for strong groups and individuals use their powerful positions in society. thus, in a democratic society, laws are not in stone, but must reflect the changing needs of society.
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