Некоторое время я был очень доволен, что мог побыть один. (content)
Песню стоило записать на магнитофон, (worth) |1
8. Он быстро сообразил, что случилось, (quick) Ц
9.3а их спором было трудно следить, (hard) И
Рано или поздно вы обязательно услышите об этом, (certain)
Он жил на те скромные деньги, которые его отец сумел отложить, (able)
12.06 этой новости стоило написать его отцу, (worth) 13.Он был очень доволен, что застал брата дома, (delighted) 14.В такой день что-нибудь неизбежно должно было случиться, (sure)
15. Я не был достаточно заинтересован в том, чтобы продол-
жать спор,(interested)
Результаты (
английский) 1:
For a while I was very pleased that I could be one. (content)The song was worth the record on a tape recorder, (worth) | 18. He quickly realized what had happened, (quick) TS9.3 and their dispute was hard to follow, hard andSooner or later, you're sure to hear about it (cer tain)He lived in the modest money that his father managed to postpone (able)12.06 this news worthwhile to write his father (worth) 13. He was very pleased that caught the brother House, (delighted) 14. On this day something was bound to happen, (sure)15. I was not sufficiently interested to continuePress dispute (interested)
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
For a while I was very happy that I could be alone. (content)
Song cost recorded on a tape recorder, (worth) | 1
8th. He quickly realized what had happened, (quick) C
9.3a their dispute was difficult to follow, (hard) And
sooner or later you're bound to hear about this, (certain)
He lived in the modest money that his father was able to postpone, (able )
12.06 worth of news to write to his father, (worth) 13.On was very happy that he found his brother at home, (delighted) 14. In this day something was bound to happen, (sure)
15. I was not interested enough to continue
to reap the dispute, (interested)
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
for a while, i was very happy that he could be the one. (content)the song was recorded on a tape recorder, (worth) | 18. he"s quick, what happened (quick).9.3а their dispute was hard to follow (in)sooner or later, you"ll hear about it (certain)he lived in the modest money that his father was able to postpone (able)12.06 this news should write to his father (worth) 13.он was very pleased to find brother home, (plus) 14.в that day, something inevitably had to случиться (sure)15. i was not sufficiently motivated to continuei am a (water)
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