, что ни либеральные реформы, ни коммунистический диктат не привели к  перевод - , что ни либеральные реформы, ни коммунистический диктат не привели к  английский как сказать

, что ни либеральные реформы, ни ко

, что ни либеральные реформы, ни коммунистический диктат не привели к обществу процветания.
В 1979 г. в Центре изучения близнецов и усыновленных детей в США начали наблюдать несколько сотен двойняшек и тройняшек. Все они были разлучены вскоре после рождения и воспитывались в разных концах Англии и Америки. Экспериментаторы исходили из предположения, что, если близнецы идентичные, все различия, возникшие впоследствии, следует отнести за счет разной среды обитания. Однако, исследования показали, что различия между детьми, воспитанными раздельно, и близнецами, росшими в одной семье, практически отсутствуют.
Другое исследование, проведенное в Дании, показало, что дети преступников, даже если их воспитывать в домах добропорядочных граждан, в большей степени склонны к конфликтам с законом, чем собственные отпрыски. Более того, есть все основания считать, что, если один из разлученных однояйцевых близнецов имеет судимость за уголовное преступление, второй рано или поздно тоже свернет на скользкую дорожку.
Некоторые исследователи идут еще дальше и считают, что первопричина многих видов правонарушения, в первую очередь таких тяжких, как убийства, разбойные нападения, изнасилования и поджоги - не социальная, а биологическая.
Самый серьезный удар по “теории о среде” нанесла сравнительно молодая наука – социобиология. Исследования на животных показали, что у агрессивных обезьян уровень одного из гормонов – серотина – ниже, чем у пассивных. Это, вполне возможно, относится и к человеку – у людей, совершивших преднамеренные насильственные преступления, тоже наблюдается недостаток этого гормона. Так кто же виноват: среда или генетика?
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
that neither liberal reforms, nor the Communist dictatorship had not led to a society of prosperity. In 1979, in the center of the study of twins and adopted children in the United States have begun to observe a few hundred twins and triplets. All of them were separated shortly after birth and raised in different parts of England and America. Experimentalists have proceeded from the assumption that, if the twins are identical, all differences arising subsequently, should be attributed to the different Wednesday. However, studies have shown that the distinction between children raised separately, and twins bred in one family, are virtually non-existent. Another study conducted in Denmark found that children of criminals, even if they bring up in the homes of good citizens, more likely to conflict with the law, than their own offspring. Moreover, there is every reason to believe that, if one of the separated identical twins having been sentenced for a criminal offence, the second too, sooner or later will turn on the slippery slope. Some scholars go further, and believe that the root cause of many types of offenses, especially serious crimes as murder, robbery, rape and arson-is not social and biological. The most serious blow to the "theory on Wednesday" struck a relatively young science, sociobiology. Animal studies have shown that aggressive monkeys one level of hormones-serotina-lower than passive. This is, quite possibly, applies to a person-people who commit deliberate violent crimes, too, there has been a lack of this hormone. So who's to blame: Wednesday or genetics?
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
That no liberal reforms nor the communist dictatorship did not lead to the prosperity of society.
In 1979, the Center for the study of twins and adopted children in the United States began to observe hundreds of twins and triplets. They were separated soon after birth and raised in different parts of England and America. Experimenters have proceeded from the assumption that if the twins are identical, any differences that have arisen subsequently, it should be attributed to the different habitats. However, studies have shown that differences between children reared separately, and the twins that grew in the same family, are virtually absent.
Another study conducted in Denmark found that children of criminals, even if they are brought up in the homes of law-abiding citizens, are more likely to conflicts with the law than their own offspring. Moreover, there is every reason to believe that, if one of separated identical twins has been convicted of a criminal offense, a second sooner or later, too, will turn on a slippery slope.
Some researchers go further and say that the root cause of many types of offense in the first place such serious as murder, robbery, rape and arson -. not a social and biological
most serious blow to the "theory of the environment" caused a relatively young science - sociobiology. Animal studies have shown that the level of aggressive monkeys one of the hormones - serotonin - lower than the passive. This is, quite possibly, also applies to a person - people who have committed intentional violent crime, too, there is a lack of this hormone. So who is to blame: Wednesday or genetics?
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
that liberal reforms, the communist dictatorship led to the society's prosperity.in 1979. in the study of twins and adopted children in the united states began to observe a few hundred twins and triplets. they were all separated shortly after he was born and raised in various parts of england and america. the experimenters were based on the assumption that, if the twins are identical, differences emerged later, should be attributed to the different habitats. however, studies have shown that the differences between children росшими provided separately, and the twins in the same family are almost non-existent.another study conducted in denmark, showed that children of criminals, even if they raise in the homes of good citizens, they are more likely to conflict with the law as their own children. moreover, there is every reason to believe that, if one of the separated однояйцевых twins has a conviction for a criminal offence, the second early or late, will this road.some researchers go further and consider that the root cause of many types of offences, particularly serious as murder, armed robbery, rape and arson - social and biological.the most serious blow to the "theory of the environment" has a relatively young science, sociobiology. animal studies have shown that aggressive monkeys level one of the hormones is серотина is lower than that of passive. this probably applies to the person - people who have committed intentional violent crimes, also have a deficiency of this hormone. so who's to blame: environment and genetics.
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