Ловушка.В один обычный день я шел в лицей. Там стояли турникеты. Как о перевод - Ловушка.В один обычный день я шел в лицей. Там стояли турникеты. Как о английский как сказать

Ловушка.В один обычный день я шел в

В один обычный день я шел в лицей. Там стояли турникеты. Как обычно прошел я их без проблем. Закончился первый урок. Закончился второй урок. Закончились третий, четвертый, пятый урок.И в финале последние пять минут на шестом уроке. Пришел директор и заставил подписать неизвестные бумаги. Не подумав я подписался. После звонка я хотел пойти домой. Но у администрации были другие планы...55.
я вместе с одноклассниками подхожу к гардеробу. И мы видим что вместо турникетов стоит омон. И нам говорят: школа теперь ваш единственный дом.81. Нормальная реакция людей: Что? Это шутка? отпустите нас на свободу! Но Омон решил загнать нас обратно в класс. Мы сопротивлялись. Но бесполезно.
И тогда я подумал: как мне сбежать отсюда? меня посетила мысль: сначала одноклассник отвлекает одного охранника и мы его убиваем. Потом берем его оружие и прорываемся на свободу...
Все сначала шло по плану: но охранник был терминатором...Это ловушка - сказал один из одноклассников. Терминатор побил нас и заставил учиться, чтобы мы сдали егэ на 100 баллов. И тут я проснулся

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Trap.In one typical day I went to the Lyceum. There were turnstiles. As usual I passed them without problems. Ended the first lesson. Ended the second lesson. Ended third, fourth, fifth and final lesson last five minutes on the sixth lesson. The Director came and forced to sign a paper unknown. Without thinking I have subscribed. After the call I wanted to go home. But the Administration had other plans. 55. I, along with classmates come to wardrobe. And we see that instead of turnstiles worth riot police. And we say: school is now your only home. 81. A normal reaction people: what? Is this a joke? release us to freedom! But riot police decided to drive us back into class. We resisted. But useless.And then I thought: How can I escape from here? I visited classmate first thought is: distracting one guard and we kill. Then take his guns and burst of freedom ...Everything went to plan: first, but the guard was terminator ... It's a trap-said one of the classmates. Terminator has beaten us and forced to learn, so we passed the exam on 100 points. And then I woke up
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
One normal day I went to high school. There were turnstiles. As usual, I took them without problems. He ended the first lesson. Finished second lesson. We finished third, fourth, fifth urok.I in the final of the last five minutes of the sixth lesson. Director came and forced to sign a paper unknown. Without thinking I signed. After the call I wanted to go home. But the administration had other plans ... 55.
I, along with my classmates come to the wardrobe. And we see that instead of turnstiles is SWAT. And we say: The school is now your only dom.81. The normal reaction of people: What? This is a joke? let us go free! But Aumont decided to drive us back to the classroom. We resisted. But it is useless.
And then I thought, how do I get out of here? I fear: first classmate distract one guard and we have to kill him. Then take his weapons and burst free ...
All went according to plan at first: but the guard was terminated ... It's a trap - said one of his classmates. Terminator beaten and forced us to learn that we have passed the exam for 100 points. And then I woke up

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
a trap.
in a normal day, i went to high school. there were turnstiles. as usual i went without problems. was the first lesson. over the second lesson. out of the third, the fourth, the fifth lesson.and in the last five minutes of the sixth class. here, the unknown and made to sign the papers. without thinking, i signed up for. after the phone call, i wanted to go home. but the administration has other plans...55.
i together with the classmates go to гардеробу. and we see that instead of turnstiles is omon. and we say: the school is now the only дом.81. the normal reaction of people: what? is this a joke? give us freedom.but the omon decided to us back in class. we have resisted. but to no avail. "and then i thought: how can i get out of here? i had the thought: first, classmate distracts a guard and we kill him.then take his gun and get started free...
again went according to plan, but the guard was go terminator is a trap, said one of his classmates. terminator beat us and made to learnwe have sat at 100 points. and then i woke up

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