1. Давид провел две недели в Лондоне у дедушки, 2. Уезжая в Лондон, ма перевод - 1. Давид провел две недели в Лондоне у дедушки, 2. Уезжая в Лондон, ма английский как сказать

1. Давид провел две недели в Лондон

1. Давид провел две недели в Лондоне у дедушки, 2. Уезжая в Лондон, мальчик ничего не
знал о предполагаемом (intended) браке своей матери. 3. В этом озере много разной рыбы.
4. После путешествия, которое дли¬лось несколько часов, Джейн с Давидом прибыли в
Лондон. 5. « Я дам вам один совет», - сказал он. Эти слова прозвучали странно: он никогда
раньше не давал мне советов. 6. Я предпочитаю мебель, сделанную из дерева, а не из
пластмассы. 7. Приближаясь к дому мистера Смита, Давид увидел детскую фи¬гурку,
стоявшую на пороге. 8. Вся корабельная команда отправляется сегодня на берег. 9. Мы
должны зайти в булочную и купить хлеба. 10. Дядя Джона и Эмили усыновил (to adopt)
их, когда они были детьми. 11. Я провела праздники у своей тети. 12. Джейн с гордостью
говорила о доб¬роте своего брата. 13. Двухнедельное пребывание в Лондоне доста¬вило
Давиду большое удовольствие. 14. Ему очень пригодились знания, полученные в
университете. 15. В присутствии мужа миссис Смит боялась приласкать своего сына. 16.
После минутной нерешительности Давид подошел к миссис Смит и поцеловал ее. 17. Все
сотрудники его отдела помогают ему в этой работе. 18. Он живет на расстоянии двух
километров отсюда. 19. У меня сломались часы, и я должен был пойти к часовому мастеру,
чтобы починить их. 20. Я никогда не кладу лимон в чай. 21. Его успехи в учебе вполне
закономерны. 22. Вы уже читали сегодняшние газеты?
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. David spent two weeks in London, 2. Going to London, nothing boyknew about the alleged (intended) married his mother. 3. In this Lake many different fish.4. After that for a few hours, Moose ¬ Jane with David arrived inLondon. 5. "I'll give you one piece of advice," he said. Those words sounded strange: he nevernever gave me tips. 6. I prefer furniture made of wood and not fromplastics. 7. Approaching the House Mr Smith, David saw a child's Phi gurku ¬,sitting on the doorstep. 8. all shipborne command is sent today. 9. Wemust go to the bakery and buy bread. 10. Uncle John and Emily adopted (to adopt)them when they were children. 11. I spent holidays with his aunt. 12. Jane proudlytalked about Ext ¬ company his brother. 13. A two-week stay in London ALE ¬ COEsDavid a great pleasure. 14. It is very useful the knowledge acquired inthe University. 15. In the presence of her husband Mrs. Smith was afraid to cuddle her son. 16.After a minute of indecision, David walked up to Mrs. Smith, and kissed her. 17. allmembers of his Department to help him in this work. 18. He lives twokilometers from here. 19. I have a broken clock, and I had to go to time Wizardto fix them. 20. I never put lemon in tea. 21. his progress quitelegitimate. 22. Have you read today's newspaper?
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. David spent two weeks in London with his grandfather, 2. Before leaving London, nothing boy
knew about the alleged (intended) marriage to his mother. 3. In this lake a lot of different fish.
4. After a journey that dli¬los few hours, Jane and David arrived in
London. 5. "I'll give you one piece of advice," - he said. These words were strange: he had never
before did not give me advice. 6. I prefer furniture made ​​of wood, and not from
plastic. 7. Approaching the home of Mr. Smith, David saw a child fi¬gurku,
standing on the doorstep. 8. All of the ship's command is sent to the bank today. 9. We
need to go to the bakery and buy bread. 10. Uncle John and Emily adopted (to adopt)
them when they were children. 11. I spent the holidays with his aunt. 12. Jane proudly
talked about his brother dob¬rote. 13. The two-week stay in London dosta¬vilo
David great pleasure. 14. It is very useful knowledge from
the university. 15. In the presence of her husband, Mrs. Smith was afraid to caress her son. 16.
After a moment of indecision, David walked over to Mrs. Smith, and kissed her. 17. All
employees of his department to help him in this work. 18. He lives at a distance of two
kilometers from here. 19. I have a broken clock, and I had to go to the watchmaker,
to repair them. 20. I never put lemon in your tea. 21. His success in studies is quite
natural. 22. You may have already read today's newspaper?
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. david spent two weeks in london"s grandfather, 2. when i left the house in london, the boy didn"tknew about the alleged (intended) married his mother. 3. lots of fish in this lake.4. after the trip, which дли¬лось hours, jane and david arrived inlondon. 5. "i"ll give you a room, he said. that sounded weird: he neverdon"t give me advice. 6. i prefer the furniture made of wood, notplastics. 7. coming to the house of mr. smith, david saw a baby фи¬гурку,стоявшую on the doorstep. 8. the naval command is sent today to the shore. 9. wemust go to the bakery to buy bread. 10. uncle john and emily took (to adopt)them when they were children. 11. i spent the holiday with his aunt. 12. jane proudlytalking about the доб¬роте his brother. 13. leading a two-week stay in london доста¬вилоdavid is a great pleasure. 14. i use the knowledge gained in theuniversity of. 15. in the presence of her husband, mrs. smith was stroking my son. 16.after the minute indecision david came to mrs. smith, and kissed her. 17. allstaff of the division to help him in this work. 18. he lives at a distance of twokilometers from here. 19. i have a broken watch, and i had to go to the hours of masterto fix them. 20. i never put a lemon in the tea. 21. his progress in study quiteappropriate. 22. have you read today"s newspaper?
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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