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Я уже разговаривала с Вами что я хочу учиться в школе права и приезжала в университет в марте. У меня ситуация немного изменилась и я решила этот год заканчивать в России, а начинать учиться у вас с сентября 2016. Я уже прошла курсы подготовки к IELTS в школе иностранных языков в Сент-Олбансе, но еще не сдала экзамен. Стефани уже присылала мне Application Form но я не могу заполнить так как пока еще нет экзаменов и не могу понять если на момент поступления в университет Хартфордшира у меня уже будет диплом бакалавра экономики нужно ли мне сдавать Математику или мне достаточно сдать только IELTS. Если мне все же нужно сдавать экзамен по математике, есть ли у вас какие-то курсы по подготовке? Расскажите пожалуйста о курсах, их стоимости и срока. И высылаете ли вы приглашения от университета чтобы я смогла оформить визу для посещения курсов. Я имею ввиду не ту визу, которая нужна для обучения в университете TIER4, а котороя просто студенческая для посещения курсов С-visit-Student. И еще такой вопрос: могу ли я претендовать на стипендию, которая покроет расходы за обучение? Если да, то что мне для этого нужно? У меня очень хорошее портфолио и возможно будет диплом бакалавра с отличием
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
I already talked to you that I want to study at the law school and came to the University in March. I have things have changed a bit and I decided to finish this year in Russia, and begin to learn from you since September 2016. I already passed the IELTS preparation courses in foreign languages school in St Albans, but have not yet passed the exam. Stephanie has already sent me the Application Form but I can't fill because, as yet, no exams and can not understand if, at the time of admission to the University of Hertfordshire I already will be Bachelor of Economics do I need to take Math or me enough to pass only IELTS. If I need to take an exam in math, do you have any training? Tell us please about the courses, their cost and deadline. And whether you send invitations from the University so I could apply for a visa to attend courses. I mean not the visa, which is necessary for University study and TIER4 which just student to visit courses-visit-Student. And one more question: can I qualify for the scholarship, which covers tuition fees? If so, what do I need? I have a very good portfolio and will probably be the Bachelor's degree with honors
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
I'm talking to you I want to study in law school and came to the university in March. My situation has changed a bit and I decided this year to end up in Russia, and to begin to learn from you in September 2016. I have passed IELTS preparation courses in language school in St. Albans, but have not yet passed the exam. Stephanie has sent me Application Form but I can not fill because as yet no exams, and if you can not understand at the time of admission to the University of Hertfordshire, I will have a Bachelor of Economics do I have to take math or just enough for me to pass IELTS. If I do need to take the exam in mathematics, if you have any training courses? Tell us about the courses, their cost and duration. And sends you an invitation from the university, I was able to get a visa to attend courses. I do not mean that a visa, which is needed to study at the University TIER4, and kotoroya a student to attend courses On-visit-Student. And another question: Can I apply for a scholarship, which will cover the cost of tuition? If so, what do I need? I have a very good portfolio, and will probably be a bachelor's degree with honors
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
I have been talking with you that I want to study at the school of law and went to the university in March. I have the situation a little bit has changed, and I decided to finish this year in Russia, and to begin to learn from you in September 2016.I had already been training courses to the student in the school foreign languages in St. Олбансе, but has not yet deposited the exam.Stephanie has already godsend Application Form but I can't fill as there is not as yet examinations and do not understand if the moment it arrives at university Хартфордшира i already have will be bachelor's degree in economy whether or not you want meMathematics or me enough to pass only student.If I need to take the exam in mathematics, do you have any courses on training? Tell us please about the courses, their cost and the period of time.Confirmed and whether or not you have an invitation from the University of that I was able to obtain a visa to attend courses. I have in view is not the visa, which is required for the training at the University of Tier4,A http_port simply student to attend courses to visit the student. And yet the question: can i qualify for a scholarship, which will cover the cost of training? If yes, then what should I do i need to do?I have a very good portfolio and possibly will be bachelor's degree with honors
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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