Основная идея романа – неприятие лжи, проявляющейся как в моральных нормах, бытующих в обществе, так и в людях, событиях, предметах - тесно связана с образом главного героя. Холден Колфилд знакомит читателя не только с внешней, событийной стороной своей жизни (хронотоп романа состоит из трёх дней, один из которых герой проводит в Пэнси, а остальные два – в своём родном городе Нью-Йорке), но и внутренними представлениями о знакомых ему людях, тех или иных жизненных ситуациях, собственном характере.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
The basic idea of the novel-the rejection of falsehood, manifested both in moral norms prevailing in society, and in individuals, events, subjects-is closely linked to the way the main character. Holden Caulfield introduces not only with an external event, a party of her life (novel ' chronotop consists of three days, one of which the hero spends in Pènsi, and the remaining two in his hometown of New York City), but also the internal representations of familiar to him people of certain life situations, their own nature.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
The main idea of the novel - the rejection of falsehood, which is manifested in moral norms prevailing in society and in the people, events, objects - is closely linked with the image of the hero. Holden Caulfield introduces not only from the outside, event-party of your life (time-space of the novel consists of three days, one of which the hero spends Pansy, and the other two - in his hometown of New York City), but also internal representations of familiar to him people those or other situations, your own character.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
The main idea was novel - the rejection lies, as manifested in both moral norms prevailing in society, and the people, events, objects, are closely linked to the way the hero.Holden Колфилд introduces the reader not only with external, executors side of life (хронотоп romana consists of three days, one of which is the hero Пэнси, and the remaining two are in his home town New York),
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