Ballet is a performance in which dancing and music tell a story withou перевод - Ballet is a performance in which dancing and music tell a story withou английский как сказать

Ballet is a performance in which da

Ballet is a performance in which dancing and music tell a story without any speaking. But, in my opinion, ballet is very much like a sport. It certainly can tell a story. It can also express a mood. But it is a very controlled form of danc¬ing, with complicated movements that need great skill and a lot of training. This kind o'f dancing must look effortless and graceful. A lot of movements that ballet dancers make are unnatural for a human body. Ballet dancers achieve the necessary result after many years of hard training, and the steps to it are so difficult! Even experienced dancers must constantly practice or they may lose their skill.Some professionals prefer to practise alone and practically all ballet dancers take daily classes. Classes usually begin with barre [ba:] exercises. Dancers use the barre for support, that's wft'y they can concentrate on strengthening mus¬cles. The exercises are not at all easy and dancers do them many times, which is certainly boring, but in this way dancers develop endurance1. Isn't the process like regular sports training? B. Write 5 questions on the text.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Балет-это спектакль, в котором танцы и музыка рассказывают историю без всяких разговоров. Но, на мой взгляд, балет очень похож на спорт. Это, конечно, может рассказать историю. Он также может выразить настроение. Но это очень контролируемая форма танца, со сложными движениями, которые требуют большого мастерства и большой подготовки. Этот вид танца должен выглядеть легким и изящным. Многие движения, которые совершают артисты балета, неестественны для человеческого тела. Артисты балета добиваются необходимого результата после многих лет упорных тренировок, а шаги к нему так сложны! Даже опытные танцоры должны постоянно тренироваться, иначе они могут потерять свое мастерство.<br>Некоторые профессионалы предпочитают заниматься в одиночку, и практически все артисты балета проходят ежедневные занятия. Занятия обычно начинаются с упражнений Барре [ба:]. Танцоры используют штангу для поддержки, поэтому они могут сосредоточиться на укреплении мышц. Эти упражнения совсем не просты, и танцоры делают их много раз, что, безусловно, скучно, но таким образом танцоры развивают выносливость 1. Разве этот процесс не похож на обычную спортивную тренировку ? <br> <br>B. напишите 5 вопросов по тексту.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Ballet is a performance in which dancing and music tell a story without any speaking. But, in my opinion, ballet is very much like a sport. It certainly can tell a story. It can also express a mood. But it is a very controlled form of danc'ing, with complicated movements that need great skill and a lot of training. This kind of o'f dancing must look effortless and graceful. A lot of movements that ballet dancers make are unnatural for a human body. Ballet dancers achieve the necessary result after many years of hard training, and the steps to it are so difficult! Even experienced dancers must constantly practice or they may lose their skill.<br>Some professionals prefer to practice alone and practically all ballet dancers take daily classes. Classes usually begin with barre exercises. Dancers use the barre for support, that's wft'y they can concentrate on strengthening mus'cles. The exercises are not at all easy and dancers do them many times, which is certainly boring, but in this way dancers develop endurance1. Isn't the process like regular sports training?<br> <br>B. Write 5 questions on the text.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Ballet is a performance in which dancing and music tell a story without any speaking. But in my opinion, ballet is very much a sport. It can tell a story. It can also express a pattern. But it's a very controlled form of dance, with complex movements that require a lot of training. This is a "f dance must look for efficiency and grace.". Many sports, ball dancers make are unnatural for a human body Ballet dancers achieve the necessary result after many years of hard training,and the steps to it are so difficult! Even experienced dancers have to do the same, or they may lose their skill.<br>Some professionals prepare for loneliness in practice and all the ball Let dancers take daily classes in practice. Classes usually begin with barre[ba]exercises. dancers use the barre for support,that's wft'y they can concentrate on strengthening mus cles. The exercises are not at all easy and dancers do them many times,which is certainly boring,but in this way dancers develop endurance1. "Not like normal exercise?<br>B.Write 5 questions on the text.<br>
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