Today it is clear for everyone that we are moving towards the changes  перевод - Today it is clear for everyone that we are moving towards the changes  английский как сказать

Today it is clear for everyone that

Today it is clear for everyone that we are moving towards the changes in many sectors of life and education, It is a well known fact that the development of the nation, its prosperity and wealth depend on the people's education. Most people understand that education needs changes. What kinds of changes are needed? Who is responsible for the implementation of the reform programme.

We know that the government of the country has a programme of reforming the system of education in our Republic and it responsible for the implementation of the reform programme.

The top priority in the government actions is certainly basic education which is compulsory for all children. The main purpose of compulsory education is to involve all children into schools, but this is not the only task of the education reform. The changes of content, curricula and methods of teaching and learning are also planned. The reform presupposes to computerize the process of teaching and learning. Some steps have already been taken in this direction: about 300 class-rooms in the country have already been computerized. Computerized teachong and learning help to create the system of life - long education for everybody.

Computers, as it generally known, can send and receive information electronically; electronics becomes a very important tool of instruction. In the nearest future electronics will be used in distance education. Distance education takes place when a teacher and students (pupils) are separated by physical distance. This kind of education gives an opportunity for people of all ages to improve their education, to get new professional skills, and develop their abilities and talents.

Life - long learning is the future of education for the 21st century. And if you ask what everyone must learn in future we shall tell you: "Learn to know, learn to do, learn to live together and learn to be; these four pillars should be the foundation for any educational vision in the 21st century
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Today it is clear for everyone that we are moving towards the changes in many sectors of life and education, It is a well known fact that the development of the nation, its prosperity and wealth depend on the people's education. Most people understand that education needs changes. What kinds of changes are needed? Who is responsible for the implementation of the reform programme.We know that the government of the country has a programme of reforming the system of education in our Republic and it responsible for the implementation of the reform programme.The top priority in the government's actions is certainly the basic education which is compulsory for all children. The main purpose of compulsory education is to involve all children into schools, but this is not the only task of the education reform. The changes of content, curricula and methods of teaching and learning are also planned. The reform presupposes to computerize the process of teaching and learning. Some steps have already been taken in this direction: about 300 class-rooms in the country have already been computerized. Computerized teachong and learning help to create the system of life-long education for everybody.Computers, as it generally known, can send and receive information electronically; electronics becomes a very important tool of instruction. In the nearest future electronics will be used in distance education. Distance education takes place when a teacher and students (pupils) are separated by physical distance. This kind of education gives an opportunity for people of all ages to improve their education, to get new professional skills, and develop their abilities and talents.Life - long learning is the future of education for the 21st century. And if you ask what everyone must learn in future we shall tell you: "Learn to know, learn to do, learn to live together and learn to be; these four pillars should be the foundation for any educational vision in the 21st century
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
today it is clear for everyone that we are moving towards the changes in many sectors of life and education, it is a well known fact that the development of the nation, its prosperity and wealth depend on the people's education. most people understand that education needs changes. what kinds of changes are needed? who is responsible for the implementation of the reform programme.we know that the government of the country has a programme of reforming the system of education in the republic and was responsible for the implementation of the reform programme.the top priority in the government actions is more basic education, which is compulsory for all children. the main purpose of compulsory education is to involve all children into schools, but this is not the only task of the education reform. the changes of content, curricula and methods of teaching and learning are also planned. the reform presupposes to computerize the process of teaching and learning. some steps have already been taken in this direction: about 300 class - rooms in the country have already been computerized. Computerized teachong learning help to create the system of life - long education for everybody.computers, as it generally known, can send and receive information electronically; electronics becomes a very important tool of instruction. in the nearest future electronics will be used in distance education. distance education takes place when a teacher and students (pupils) are separated by physical distance. this kind of education gives an opportunity for people of all ages to improve their education, to get new professional skills, and develop their abilities and long learning is the future of education for the 21st century. and if you ask what everyone must learn in future we shall tell you: learn to know, learn to do, learn to live together and learn to be; these four pillars should be the foundation for any educational environment in the 21st century
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