Он не слышал, как подъехал автомобиль. 2. Вы настаиваете на том, чтобы окно оставалось открытым? 3. Я подождала, пока мой гость не ушел, а затем поспешила на станцию. 4. Мы ожидали, что он поможет нам. 5. Так как упражнение было длинное, я не могла выполнить его за полчаса. 6. Его работа в зарубежной компании (be employed) помогла ему в быстром продвижении по службе (promote). 7. Поторопись! 8. Мы стояли на палубе (deck) и следили за приближением лодки. 9. Она слышала, как люди ходили по коридору. 10. Его картины сейчас выставляются в крупнейших выставочных залах страны. 11. Предполагают, что пароход отправляется в субботу. 12. Я видел, что она в слезах, но решил, что мое утешение может ее расстроить еще больше. 13. Ему починили крышу автомобиля всего за полчаса. 14. Я не могу оставаться здесь дольше. 15. Письмо было написано, и я пошел отправить его. 16. Он решительно возражал против того, чтобы я пользовалась его словарями. 17. Распорядитесь, чтобы ему немедленно дали лекарство. 18. Одевайся немедленно! 19. Я оставил его, когда он разбирал (sort) прибывшую утром почту. 20. То, что он стал победителем чемпионата, - совершенно удивительный, но приятный факт. 21. Его застали играющим в карты с несовершеннолетними. 22. Она рассказывала мне о том, что случилось, с трудом подбирая слова, запинаясь (stumble) на каждой фразе. 23. Сообщили, что самолет вылетел из Ванкувера с опозданием. 24. Так как ночь была холодная, я надела теплое пальто. 25. Меня очень удивляет, что он сделал это. 26. Мне очень трудно сделать это. 27. Он открыл дверь, чтобы я могла пройти. 28. Я никогда не видел ее плачущей. 29. Я хотел бы, чтобы чай был крепкий и со сливками. 30. Моя сестра хочет, чтобы я изучала испанский язык.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
He had heard as a car pulled up. 2. you insist that the window stays open? 3. I waited until my guest is gone, and then hurried to the station. 4. We expect that he will help us. 5. Since the exercise was long, I couldn't run it for half an hour. 6. His work in a foreign company (be self-employed) helped him rapid promotions (promote). 7. Hurry up! 8. We stood on deck (deck) and watched the approaching boats. 9. She had heard how people walked through the corridor. 10. His paintings now are exhibited in the largest exhibition halls in the country. 11. Assume that the steamer is sent in Saturday. 12. I've seen it in tears, but decided that my consolation can upset her even more. 13. He repaired the roof of the car for just half an hour. 14. I can't stay here any longer. 15. The letter was written, and I went to send it. 16. He strongly objected to I enjoyed its dictionaries. 17. Choose to allocate its, he immediately gave the medicine. 18. Get dressed immediately! 19. I left it when he tried (sort) arrived in the morning mail. 20. the fact that he was the winner of the Championship, totally awesome, but pleasant fact. 21. caught Him playing cards with minors. 22. She was telling me about what happened with difficulty picking up words, stammering (stumble) on each phrase. 23. Reported that the plane flew from Vancouver late. 24. Because the night was cold, I wore a warm coat. 25. I am very surprised that he did it. 26. I find it very difficult to do so. 27. He opened the door so I could pass. 28. I never saw her crying. 29. I would like the tea was strong and with cream. 30. My sister wants I studied Spanish.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
He did not hear the car drove up. 2. You insist that the window was open? 3. I waited for my guest did not leave, and then hurried to the station. 4. We expect that he will help us. 5. Since the exercise was long, I could not do it in half an hour. 6. His work in a foreign company (be employed) helped him in rapid promotions (promote). 7. Hurry! 8. We were standing on the deck (deck) and watched the approaching boats. 9. She could hear people walking down the hall. 10. His paintings are now exhibited in the largest exhibition halls of the country. 11. It is believed that the ship is sent on Saturday. 12. I saw that she was in tears, but I decided that my delight may upset her even more. 13. He repaired the roof of the car in just half an hour. 14. I can not stay here any longer. 15. The letter was written, and I went to send it. 16. He strongly objected to the fact that I enjoyed his dictionaries. 17. ordered that he be given the medicine immediately. 18. Get dressed immediately! 19. I left him when he judged the (sort) arrived almost morning. 20. The fact that he won the championship - absolutely amazing, but the pleasant fact. 21. He caught playing cards with minors. 22. She told me about what had happened, struggling for words, stammered (stumble) to each phrase. 23. Reported that the plane flew from Vancouver late. 24. Since the night was cold, I put on a warm coat. 25. I was very surprised that he did it. 26. It is very difficult to do so. 27. He opened the door for me to go through. 28. I've never seen her cry. 29. I would like to see the tea was strong and cream. 30. My sister wants me to learn Spanish.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (
английский) 3:
he heard the car went up. 2. you insist on the window was open. 3. i waited until мой guest leave, and then hurried to the station. 4. we expect that he will help us. 5. since the exercise was long, i couldn't do it for half an hour. 6. his work in зарубежной company (be employed) helped him rapid promotion (re). 7. hurry up! 8. we stood on the deck (deck) and followed the boat. 9. she heard people walking down the hall. 10. his paintings are сейчас крупнейших exhibition halls in the country. 11. assume that the boat is leaving on saturday. 12. i saw she was in tears, but i think my solace may disappoint her even more. 13. he repaired the car for half an hour. 14. i can't stay here any longer. 15. the letter was written, and i'm going to send it. 16. he strongly objected to the fact that i used the word lists. 17. see that he immediately gave the medicine. 18. одевайся immediately! 19. i left him when he was going through (from) the ceremony in the morning mail. 20. what he has won the championship, is удивительный, but приятный fact. 21. he was playing cards with minors. 22. she told me about what happened, it's hard to pick up the words, stammers (stumble) каждой phrase. 23. reported that the plane flew from vancouver to late. 24. as the night was cold, i wear a warm coat. 25. i was very surprised that he did it. 26. it's very difficult to do this. 27. he opened the door, so i could пройти. 28. i've never seen her плачущей. 29. i would like to чай was крепкий and cream. 30. my sister wants me to study испанский language.
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