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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
10. how can i circumvent security passwords?11. explain how the one - time password approach works.12. explain howsmurf attacks and syn flood attacks can be controlled.13. Discuss the risks of equipment failure and how they can be controlled.14. does every organization that has a lan need a firewall?15. Describe three ways in which ips can be used to protect against DDos attacks.16. what problem is common to all private key encryption techniques.17. what is rsa encryption?18. explain the triple des encryption techniques is known as EEE3 and EDE3.19. Distinguish between a digital signature and a digital certificate.20. Describe a digest within the context of a digital signature.21. what is a digital envelope?22. why is inadequate segregation of duties is a problem in the personal computer environment.23. why is the request - response is important? Discuss the reasons an intruder may wish to prevent or delay the receipt of a message.24. Discuss how the widespread use of laptop computers and interface is making data encryption standards more easily penetrable.25. the unique control problems Discuss edi creates.26. "in an edi system, only the customer needs to verify that the order was placed, is from a valid supplier and not vice versa." do you agree with this statement? why or why not?27. Discuss how edi creates an environment in which sensitive information, such as inventory amounts and price data, is no longer private. what potential dangers exist if the proper controls are not in place. give an example.28. what purpose do protocols serve?29. explain the purpose of the two elements of tcp / ip.30. Distinguish betweenthe ftp and TELNET protocols.31. Distinguish betweena network - level firewall and an application - level firewall.32. what is a certification authority, and what are the implications for the accounting profession?33. Discuss the key aspects of the following five seal granting organizations: bbb, TRUSTe, Veri - sign, inc., icsa, and AICP / CICA web trust.34. Differentiate between a lan and a wan. do you have either or both at your university or college?MULTIPLE is CHOICE QUESTIONS1. sniffer software isa. used by malicious web sites to sniff data from cookies stored on the user's hard drive.(b) used by the network administrators to simply network traffic.(c) used by bus topology intranets to sniff for carriers before these a message to avoid data collisions.(d) an illegal program downloaded from the web to sniff passwords from the encrypted data of internet customers.e. illegal software for decoding encrypted messages transmitted over a shared open channel.2. an integrated group of programs that supports the applications and facilitates their access to specified resources is called a (n)a. operating system.the database management system.c. the utility system.the service system.e. object system.3. a user's application may consist of several modules stored in separate memory locations, each with its own data. one module must not be allowed to destroy or corrupt another module. this is an objective ofa. operating system controls.the data resource control.c, computer center and security controls.(d) application controls.4. a program that attaches to another legitimate program but does not replicate itself is called a. a virus.(b) yard.the trojan horse.the logic bomb.หน้า 1255. which of the following is not a data communications control objective.by a critical application list.(b) correcting message loss due to equipment failure(c) preventing illegal accessthe rendering useless any data that a perpetrator successfully captures6. Hackers can disguise their message packets to look as if they come from an authorized user and gain access to the host's network using a technique calleda. spoofing.b, ip spooling.the video is homed.(d) screening.7. Transmitting numerous syn packets to a targeted receiver, buy not responding to an ack is a form ofa. a challenge message.(b) request - response control.the condition of service attack.d =. call back device.8. a message that is contrived to appear to be coming from a trusted member of the source is calleda. a condition of service attack.the digital signature forging.the internet protocol spoofing.the url masquerading.e. a syn ack packet is.9. a DDos at
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