Английская семья - это группа близких родственников, которым приятно о перевод - Английская семья - это группа близких родственников, которым приятно о английский как сказать

Английская семья - это группа близк

Английская семья - это группа близких родственников, которым приятно оправдывать свое стремление к индивидуализму и уединению тем, что иногда они собираются все вместе.

Семья предоставляет англичанину роскошную возможность вести себя так, как ему хочется, а не так, как полагается. Однако если не считать ежегодных отпусков и праздничных дней, члены семьи отнюдь не горят желанием проводить много времени вместе. Как только заканчивается утомительный период детства, англичане отправляются в плавание по жизни, не особенно стесняя себя размышлениями о своих детях или родителях.

"Традиционная английская семья" примерно такова: работающий папа, сидящая дома мама, на которой папа женат, и их 2-4 ребенка. Однако это, к сожалению, далеко не норма: 30 процентов родителей не заключают брак, 10 процентов детей воспитываются только одним родителем (из которых 10 процентов отцы), и два брака из каждых пяти заканчиваются разводом. Две трети разведенных вступают в новый брак, а две трети тех, кто развелся и со своим вторым супругом, женятся (выходят замуж) в третий раз. После чего большая их часть успокаивается - возможно, в связи с полным брачным изнеможением.

Многие пары обращаются за советами к психологу, и порой это даже срабатывает, ибо они, будучи англичанами и, разумеется, испытывая отвращение ко всяким "руководящим советам" да еще со стороны какого-то доброжелательного хлопотуна (который явно любит совать свой нос в чужие дела!), в итоге объединяются на почве общей неприязни и заново привязываются друг к другу.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
British family is a group of close relatives, which pleased to justify their desire for individualism and solitude that sometimes they gather all together.The family provides a luxurious class the opportunity to behave as he wants to, and not as it should be. However, if you do not take annual leave and public holidays, family members is not reluctant to spend a lot of time together. As soon as a tedious period of childhood, the British sent in swimming through life, not particularly constraining themselves thoughts about their children or parents."Traditional English family" is about: Working Dad sitting at home mom on which dad married, and their 2-4 child. But this, unfortunately, is far from the norm: 30 per cent of parents not married, 10 per cent of children are raised by only one parent (of which 10 per cent of the fathers), and two out of every five marriages end in divorce. Two-thirds of the divorced are entering a new marriage, and two thirds of those who divorced and with her second husband, married (married) for the third time. Then most of them settles down, possibly in connection with marriage prostration.Many couples are turning for advice to a psychologist, and sometimes it even works, for they, being British and of course disgusted to all "governing boards" on the part of a benevolent hlopotuna (who obviously likes to poke its nose in other people's business!), eventually merged on the soil and General ill feeling bound to each other.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
The English family - a group of relatives who are pleased to justify their desire for individualism and solitude that sometimes they gather together. The family provides an Englishman splendid opportunity to behave as he wants, not the way it should be. However, except for annual leave and public holidays, the family members are not willing to spend much time together. As soon as the tedious period of childhood, the British set sail through life, not particularly constraining themselves reflections of their children or parents. "Traditional English family" is approximately as follows: working dad sitting at home mom, which Dad married, and 2-4 child. But this, unfortunately, is far from the norm: 30 per cent of parents are married, 10 per cent of children are being raised by only one parent (of which 10 per cent of the fathers), and two out of every five marriages end in divorce. Two-thirds of divorced remarry, and two-thirds of those who are divorced and her second husband, married (married) for the third time. After that, most of them settling down - possibly due to the full marital exhaustion. Many couples seek the advice of a psychologist, and sometimes it even works, because they, as the British and, of course, disgusted to all sorts of "Governing Council" and even with hand of a friendly busybody (who clearly loves to poke his nose into other people's business!), eventually combined on the basis of the general hostility and re-attached to each other.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
The English family - this is a group from close relatives, who are pleased to justify their desire for individualism and seeking that sometimes they are collected all together.

The family provides a Jew luxurious opportunity to do so in so far as he'd like, and not, as it is assumed. However, if you do not take annual leave and holidaysMembers of the family are not lit by a desire to hold a great deal of time together. As soon as the period ends with laborious childhood, british sent in sailing through life,
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