Они сказали, что подобное вряд ли случается дважды. 8. По-видимому, он собирается стать врачом. 9.детям не разрешалось трогать кроликов. 10. Оказалось, что я его хорошо знаю.
They said that this is unlikely to happen twice. 8. Apparently, it's going to be a doctor. 9. children are not allowed to touch the bunnies. 10. It turned out that I know well.
They said that this is unlikely to happen twice. 8. It appears that he is going to become a doctor. 9.detyam not allowed to touch the rabbit. 10. It turned out that I know him well.
they said that this is unlikely to happen twice. 8. apparently, he's going to be a doctor. 9.детям were not allowed to touch the rabbits. 10. it turns out that i know him well.