Корни пиар. История зарождения.Впервые выражение «паблик рилейшнз» упо перевод - Корни пиар. История зарождения.Впервые выражение «паблик рилейшнз» упо английский как сказать

Корни пиар. История зарождения.Впер

Корни пиар. История зарождения.
Впервые выражение «паблик рилейшнз» употребил в 1807 году президент США Томас Джефферсон в своем «Седьмом обращении к Конгрессу». Зарождение самостоятельного вида деятельности и науки пр относится к началу ХХ столетия. Еще в 1900 году Гарвардский университет использовал бюро паблисити, а в университете штата Пенсильвания в 1904 году был создан собственный офис паблисити.
В 1918 году курс пр был включен в учебный план Университета штата Иллинойс, а в 1922 году – в Нью-Йоркском университете. Первая книга о пиар-увидела свет в 1923 году. Ее автор – Эдвард Бернауз – племянник Зигмунда Фрейда. Книга называлась «кристаллизация общественного мнения». А к началу 1930-х годов в Соединенных Штатах пр сложились как функция менеджмента. С этого времени пр стали превращаться в самостоятельную сферу бизнеса, обслуживающую растущую потребность предпринимателей во взаимодействии и (или) влиянии на общественное мнение (мнение или предпочтения потребителя).
Историю науки под названием «связи с общественностью» принято отсчитывать с 1902 года, когда впервые была применена практика классических пиар. Американская журналистка Ида Тарбелл опубликовала серию статей под общим названием «История «Стандарт-Ойл Компани». А владельцем этой фирмы был сам Джон Д. Рокфеллер – всемирно известная американская легенда. Тарбелл подвергла уничтожающей критике нечистоплотные методы конкурентной борьбы, применяемые руководством компании, а заодно и личные качества самого нефтяного магната. Вызванный статьями общественный резонанс был столь значителен, что репутация «живой легенды» оказалась серьезно подмоченной. Это не смогло не сказаться на успешном ведении дел. Начались неприятности с компаньонами, резко ухудшились отношения внутри фирмы. Семейная жизнь дала трещину Рокфеллера. Вокруг этих публикаций разразился настоящий скандал. На фоне серьезного общественного возмущения Конгресс США принял знаменитое антитрестовское законодательство. После чего – подверглись наказанию ряд компаний, замеченных в «теневом» бизнесе. Рокфеллер, будучи умным человеком и опытным бизнесменом, принял следующее решение. Он нанял журналиста – хорошо известного в деловых кругах Соединенных Штатов Айви Ли. Ли стал автором ряда статей, посвященных не предпринимателю магнату Рокфеллеру, а Рокфеллеру – отцу семейства, примерному мужу и любящему папочке. Материалы были размещены в самых известных газетах того времени. Сентиментальные американцы увидели в «старине Джо» то, что хотели видеть – пример добропорядочного гражданина, энергичного делового человека – пример для подражания. Айвин Ли с честью выполнил поставленную перед ним задачу, тем самым «пиар джин был выпущен из бутылки».
В 1948 году в США создается Общество пр, а в 1955 году в Лондоне – Международная ассоциация пр (Международной ассоциации по связям с общественностью – премии ipra), которая ныне объединяет специалистов из 65 стран. В 1970-х годах пр получает распространение во всем мире. Стремительно развивается эта сфера и в России, а также в странах Восточной Европы и СНГ.
Отечественный опыт пр имеет свои отличительные особенности. В частности, приходится лишь удивляться темпам качественного роста этой отрасли за последние 3-5 лет. В настоящее время десятки высших учебных заведений России ведут подготовку специалистов. Вот уже несколько лет действует Российская Ассоциация по Связям с Общественностью (РАСО), Гильдия работников пресс-служб и служб «Паблик рилайшинз» России.
В 1999 году создана Ассоциация компаний-консультантов по связям с общественностью (АКОС), которая была принята в с ICO – Международный комитет ассоциаций компаний-консультантов в сфере пр на Первом всемирном форуме этой организации, прошедшем в Швейцарии в сентябре 1999 года. В этом же году в Российской Ассоциации Маркетинга (РАМ) образован Департамент пиар-технологий.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
The roots of PR. History of origin.For the first time the phrase "PR" used in the year 1807 United States President Thomas Jefferson in his Seventh address to Congress. The emergence of independent activity and science prospect dates back to the early 20th century. Back in the year 1900 Harvard University used the publicity Bureau, and at the University of Pennsylvania in 1904, was established its own Office flack. In 1918 year OL course was included in the curriculum of the University of Illinois, and in 1922, at New York University. The first book about PR was published in the year 1923. Its author is Edward Bernauz is the nephew of Sigmund Freud. The book was called "the crystallization of public opinion". And at the beginning of the 1930-ies in the United States, the prospect has created as a function of management. Since then, OL began to turn into an independent business area, serving the growing need for entrepreneurs in interaction and (or) impact on public opinion (opinion or preference of the consumer).History of science entitled "public relations" taken from the year 1902 count down when the practice was first introduced to classical PR. American journalist Ida Tarbell published a series of articles titled "the history of the standard oil company. And the owner of the company was John d. Rockefeller-the world-famous American legend. Tarbell criticized the withering criticism of unscrupulous competition methods applied by the company's management, as well as the personal quality of the oil Tycoon. Caused by the articles public outcry was so significant that the reputation of a "living legend" has been seriously tarnished. This could not affect the successful conduct of the business. The trouble began with companions, relations deteriorated sharply within the firm. Family life fractured. Around these publications real scandal erupted. Against the background of serious public outrage, Congress adopted the famous United States antitrust law. Then were punished a number of companies noted in "shady" business. Rockefeller, as a smart man and a skilled businessman, adopted the following decision. He hired a journalist-a well-known in business circles of the United States of Ivy Lee. Lee was the author of several articles on not entrepreneur magnate Rockefeller and Rockefeller-father families, the estimated her husband and loving Daddy. Materials were placed in the most famous newspapers of that time. Sentimental Americans saw "old Joe" that like to see is an example of a respectable citizen, an energetic business man is an example to follow. Ajvin Lee with honor fulfilled his task, thus "PR gene was released from a bottle.In the year 1948 United States creates a Society etc, and in the year 1955 in London-International Association of PR (International public relations Association-ipra Awards), which now unites experts from 65 countries. In the 1970-IES, etc gets spread around the world. This area is rapidly expanding both in Russia and in the countries of Eastern Europe and the CIS.Domestic experience PR has its distinctive features. In particular, account for only qualitative growth rate that surprised the industry in the past 3-5 years. Currently, dozens of Russian higher education institutions preparing specialists. For several years the Russian public relations Association (RASO), Guild employees press-services and "Public rilajšinz" of Russia.In 1999 year established consultancies Association of public relations (ACST), which was adopted in ICO-International Committee of associations of companies, consultants in the field of PR at the first World Forum of this organization, was held in Switzerland in September 1999 year. In the same year, the Russian Association of marketing (RAM) founded the Department of PR-technologies.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
The roots of public relations. History of origin.
For the first time the term "public relations" have used in 1807, US President Thomas Jefferson in his "seventh address to Congress." The origin of self-activity and science, etc. refers to the beginning of the twentieth century. Even in 1900 from Harvard University used a Bureau of publicity, and the University of Pennsylvania in 1904 established its own office publicity.
In 1918 the exchange rate, etc. was included in the curriculum of the University of Illinois, and in 1922 - at New York University. The first book on public relations was published in 1923. Its author - Edward Bernauz - a nephew of Sigmund Freud. The book was called "the crystallization of public opinion." By the beginning of the 1930s in the United States, etc. have developed as a function of management. From that time forth began to turn into an independent business, serving the growing needs of entrepreneurs in the interaction and (or) influence on public opinion (opinion or consumer preferences).
The history of science under the name of "public relations" decided to count since 1902, when it was first applied practice of classic public relations. American journalist Ida Tarbell published a series of articles under the title "History" Standard Oil Company ". And the owner of this company itself was John D. Rockefeller - the world famous American legend. Tarbell subjected to withering criticism unscrupulous methods of competition, used the company's management, and along with the personal qualities of the oil tycoon. Volunteered to be a public outcry was so significant that the reputation of a "living legend" was seriously tarnished. It has not been able to affect the successful conduct of affairs. The trouble started with companions sharply deteriorated relations within the firm. Family life is cracking Rockefeller. Around these publications a scandal erupted. Against the backdrop of a serious public outrage, the US Congress adopted the famous antitrust laws. Then - have been penalized several companies caught in the "shadow" business. Rockefeller, being a smart man and experienced businessman took the following action. He hired a journalist - well-known in the business circles of the United States Ivy Lee. Lee was the author of a series of articles devoted to the entrepreneur does not magnate Rockefeller and Rockefeller - the father of the family, about her husband and a loving dad. The materials were placed in the most famous newspapers of the time. Sentimental Americans saw in the "old days Joe" what they wanted to see - an example of good citizen, an energetic business man - an example to follow. Ayvin Lee honorably fulfilled its task, thereby "PR genie was out of the bottle."
In 1948, the US created the Society, etc., and in 1955 in London - International Association etc. (International Association of Public Relations - Award ipra ), which now brings together experts from 65 countries. In the 1970s, etc. is spreading throughout the world. Rapidly developing this sphere in Russia and in Eastern Europe and the CIS.
National experience, etc. has its own idiosyncrasies. In particular, it accounts for only wonder qualitative growth rate of this industry for the last 3-5 years. Currently, dozens of Russian higher educational institutions train specialists. For several years, operates the Russian Association of Public Relations (RASO), Guild employees of press services and services "Public rilayshinz" of Russia.
In 1999 he founded the Association of consulting companies in public relations (ICCO), which was adopted with the ICO - The International Committee of the Association of Consulting Companies in prospect in the first World Forum of the organization, held in Switzerland in September 1999. In the same year in the Russian Marketing Association (RAM), the Department of PR-technologies.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
在同一年在俄罗斯的营销协会(RAM)教育部的公关的技术。the roots of pr. the history of the term "public рилейшнз».
for the first time used in 1807 u.s. president thomas jefferson in his" seventh treatment to конгрессу».the emergence of a distinct activity and science etc. refers to the early 20th century. in 1900, the harvard university used the паблисити,and at the university of pennsylvania in 1904 was established his own office паблисити.
in 1918 course ol was included in the curriculum of the university of illinois, and in 1922, at the city university of new york.the first book on pr was released in 1923. its author is edward бернауз, nephew of sigmund freud. the book was called "the crystallization of public opinion.but by the beginning of the 1930s in the united states) have as a function of management. since that time, etc. have become an area of businessthe history of science, entitled "the общественностью» taken back to 1902, when for the first time, was applied to the practice of the classical pr.serving the increasing demand for entrepreneurs in collaboration and (or) the impact on public opinion (opinion or preferences of the consumer. "тарбелл reverse criticism by unscrupulous methods of competition, the company's management, as well as a personal quality, the oil tycoon.the american journalist ida тарбелл published a series of articles under the title "the history of the standard oil company. and the owner of the company was john d. rockefeller is a world-renowned american legend.the public outcry caused by the articles was so significant, that reputation has been seriously подмоченной "living cover stories. it could not affect the successful conduct of the business. the trouble started with business partners.deteriorated the relationship within the firm. family life crumbling rockefeller. around these publications as a scandal.against the backdrop of serious public resentment of the us congress passed the famous antitrust legislation. after what is occurred, a number of companies involved in the теневом» business. rockefellerbeing a clever man and an experienced businessman, adopted the following decision. he hired journalist is well known in business circles of the united states ivy lee. lee has written a number of articlesno business on магнату рокфеллеру and рокфеллеру is the father of примерному husband and loving father. materials were placed in the most prominent newspapers of the time.sentimental americans saw in the "old джо» what we want to see is an example of good citizen, robust business man - for an example.айвин to honor fulfilled its task, thereby the pr gene was released from бутылки».
in 1948 in the united states, a society of ol.in 1955 in london) is an international association (international association of public relations is the prize ipra), which currently brings together experts from 65 countries.in the 1970s, ol has spread throughout the world. this area is developing rapidly, and in russia and in the countries of eastern europe and the cis.
domestic experience) has its distinctive characteristics. in particular, thehave a surprise with the qualitative growth of the industry in the last 3 to 5 years. currently, dozens of higher educational institutions of russia are trained professionals.for several years now operates the russian association for public affairs (sear) guild of media services and the public рилайшинз» russia.
in 1999, established the association of consultants, public relations (акос)adopted with ico, the international association of consultants in the field of ol at the first global forum of the organization, held in switzerland in september 1999.in the same year in the russian marketing association (ram) established the department of marketing technology.
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