меня зовут МИЛАНА, мне 17 лет. Я живу в городе Екатеренбурге. Люблю заниматься спортом. У меня есть подруга Маша, мы часто проводим время вмести. Хочу научиться хорошо петь
my name is MILAN, I'm 17 years old. I live in Ekaterenburge. I love to play sports. I have a girlfriend Masha, we often spend time together. Want to learn how to sing well
my name is Milan, I'm 17 years old. I live in Ekaterenburge. I love to play sports. I have a girlfriend Masha, we often spend time together. I want to learn to sing well
my name is milan, i"m 17 years old. i live in the city екатеренбурге. i love sports. i have a friend, masha, we often spend time together. want to learn good singing