ГЛАВА 2. МЕСТО И МЕТОДЫ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЙВ качестве места исследования были перевод - ГЛАВА 2. МЕСТО И МЕТОДЫ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЙВ качестве места исследования были английский как сказать



В качестве места исследования были выбраны два приусадебных участка д.к. Ясная поляна Гомельского района с посадками картофеля площадью не менее 100 м2. Каждая посадка была разбита на две опытных площадки (50м2 каждый).
На данных участках были высажены разные сорта картофеля:
1 участок – сорт «Ласунок». Подходит для выращивания на всех типах почв. Высокая отзывчивость на удобрения. Во избежание сильного развития ботвы необходимо брать азотистых удобрений на 10-15% меньше рекомендуемых доз. Быстрое накопление урожая в начале вегетации. Короткий период физиологического покоя клубней. Строгое соблюдение режима хранения (–1 до +2 градусов Цельсия).
2 участок – сорт «Журавинка». Устойчив к картофельной нематоде и раку картофеля, высокая устойчивость к черной ножке и парше. Средняя устойчивость к фитофторозу листьев и клубней, ризоктониозу, вирусам. Клубни округло–овальные, средние. Кожура красная гладкая, глазки мелкие, мякоть светло-желтая, цветки красно-фиолетовые. Отзывчив на удобрения, но отрицательно реагирует на повышенные дозы азотных удобрений, многоклубневый. В период вегетации требует оптимального избыточного переувлажнения, продолжительный период покоя клубней, лежкость хорошая.
При изучении структуры природных популяций колорадского жука мы руководствовались методом, предложенным Фасулати [4, 7], позволяющим определить изменения фенооблика популяций вида по долевому соотношению девяти основных морф переднеспинки имаго (рисунок 1).
Рисунок переднеспинки колорадского жука представляет собой сложную и лабильную систему меланиновых пятен различных размеров и формы, большинство из которых попарно симметричны. В типичном рисунке выделяется до 20-22 пятен. В описании изменчивости обычно используется система обозначений Л. Тауэра с некоторыми изменениями и дополнениями. Изменчивость определяется выраженностью и разнообразными слияниями соседних пятен. При этом выделяются 5-6 групп особо изменчивых пятен, каждая из которых путем редукции или слияния ее элементов дает несколько относительно дискретных вариантов. Слияния пятен могут быть как симметричными, так и асимметричными. Большинство из вариантов представлены практически во всех популяциях с достаточно высокой (более 1%) частотой.
Фенологические учеты выхода имаго.
Изменения частот встречаемости имаго всех выделяемых морфотипов оценивали в полевых условиях на частных посадках картофеля районе, методом маршрутного учета. Имаго собирали с растений картофеля по диагональной линии участка через каждые 5 метров в начале периода массового выхода имаго летней генерации. Общий объем выборки при трехкратной повторности в каждом учете составлял не менее 100 особей. Для собранных имаго проводили фенетический анализ и рассчитывали доли каждого морфотипа.

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
CHAPTER 2. PLACE AND RESEARCH METHODSAs a place of study were selected two adjoining plot d.k. Yasnaya Polyana Gomel region with plantings of potatoes at least 100 m2. Each landing was divided into two experienced area (50 m 2 each). On these plots were planted different varieties:1 plot-variety "Lasunok". Suitable for growing in all soil types. High responsiveness to fertilizers. To avoid strong development of nitrogenous fertilizers should be tops on 10-15% less than recommended doses. The rapid accumulation of the harvest at the beginning of the growing season. Short period of physiological dormancy of tuber. Strict observance of the storage mode (-1 to +2 degrees Celsius).2 plot-"zhuravinka" variety. Resistant to potato nematode and potato cancer resistant to black stem and scab. Average resistance to phytophthorosis leaves and tubers, Rhizoctonia, viruses. Tubers are round-oval-shaped, medium-sized. The rind is smooth, red eyes are small, flesh yellow, purple-red flowers. Responsive to fertilizer, but adversely reacts to higher doses of nitrogen fertilizers, mnogoklubnevyj. In the period of vegetation requires optimal excess moisture, longer period of dormancy of tuber, good shelf life.When studying the structure of natural populations of Colorado potato beetle, we have used the method proposed by Fasulati [4, 7] allowing to detect changes in population fenooblika equity ratio of nine major morphs perednespinki Imago (Figure 1). Drawing perednespinki Colorado beetle is a complex and labil′nuû system melaninovyh spots of various sizes and forms, most of which are pairwise symmetric. In a typical figure up to 20-22 spots. In describing the variability commonly used notation l. Tower, with some modifications and additions. The variability determined manifestation and various mergers of neighboring spots. With this 5-6 teams stand out especially volatile spots, each of which by reduction or merging its elements gives a few discrete choices. Merge spots can be both symmetric and asymmetric. Most of the options presented in almost all populations with relatively high (more than 1%) frequency.Phenological records release Imago. Changing the frequencies of occurrence of Imago all allocated morfotipov evaluated in field conditions on private potato crop area, route accounting method. Imago were collected from potato plants on a diagonal line through plot every 5 meters at the beginning of the period of mass release of Imago summer generation. The total volume of the sample when repeated three times in each posting at least 100 individuals. For the collected adults spent fenetičeskij analysis and calculated the share of each morphotype are presented.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
CHAPTER 2. PLACE AND METHODS OF INVESTIGATION As a place of study were chosen two infield DK Yasnaya Polyana Gomel region with potato planting area of not less than 100 m2. Each planting was divided into two test sites (each 50m2). In these areas were planted with different varieties of potatoes: 1 portion - Class "Lasunok." Suitable for cultivation on all soil types. The high responsiveness to fertilizer. To avoid the strong development of foliage is necessary to take nitrogen fertilizer by 10-15% less than the recommended doses. Rapid accumulation of the crop at the beginning of the growing season. A short period of physiological rest tubers. Strict adherence to storage (-1 to +2 degrees Celsius). 2 section - Class "Zhuravinka". Resistant to potato cyst nematode and the potato cancer, high resistance to blackleg and scab. High resistance to late blight of leaves and tubers, Rhizoctonia viruses. The tubers are round-oval, medium. Red rind is smooth, his eyes small, flesh is light yellow, red and purple flowers. Responsive to fertilizer, but negatively react to higher doses of nitrogen fertilizers, mnogoklubnevy. During the growing season requires optimal excessive waterlogging, a long period of dormancy of tubers, keeping quality is good. In the study of the structure of natural populations of the Colorado potato beetle, we were guided by the method proposed Fasulati [4, 7], which allows to determine changes fenooblika populations of the species under the equity ratio of the nine major morphs of pronotum of adults ( Figure 1). Figure pronotal Colorado potato beetle is a complex and labile system melanin spots of different sizes and shapes, most of which are mutually symmetrical. Typically, the figure stands to 20-22 spots. In the description of the variability commonly used notation L. Tower, with some modifications and additions. Volatility is determined by the severity and variety of mergers of neighboring spots. This distinguished group of 5-6 very choppy spots, each of which by reduction or merger of its elements provides several relatively discrete options. Mergers spots can be both symmetrical and asymmetrical. Most of the options are presented in almost all populations with high enough (over 1%) frequency. Phenological exit surveys of adults. Changes in the frequency of occurrence of adults of all allocated morphotypes were evaluated under field conditions at private potato crop area, the method of route accounting. Imago collected from potato plants on a diagonal line through the site every 5 meters at the beginning of the mass output of summer generation of adults. The total sample size in the triplicate for each account is not less than 100 individuals. For the collected of adults conducted phenetic analysis and calculated the share of each morphotype.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
chapter 2. the place and the methods of research

as a place of study were selected by two small station b.x.. yasnaya polyana of gomel region with crops of potatoes of not less than 100 square meters.each landing was divided into two pilot sites (50м2 each).
the data plots were planted different varieties:
1 station - class "ласунок». suitable for growing in all soil types.high responsiveness to fertilizer. in order to avoid the strong development ботвы should take азотистых (10 - 15% less than the recommended doses. the rapid accumulation of the crop at the beginning of vegetations.a short period of physiological comfort of tubers. strict compliance with the regime for storage (–1 to 2 degrees celsius).
2 plot - class "журавинка». нематоде cancer resistant to potato and potatohigh resistance to black leg and парше. the average resistance to фитофторозу leaves and tubers, ризоктониозу, viruses. in округло–овальные, medium. red smooth skin, eyes small, flesh is light yellow.flowers are red and purple. responsive to fertilizers, but negative reaction at elevated doses of nitrogen fertilizers, многоклубневый. in the period of vegetation requires optimal excess переувлажнения,the long period of peace, лежкость good.
in studying the structure of natural populations of colorado beetle, we applied the method proposed фасулати [4, 7].to determine the changes фенооблика populations of species долевому ratio of nine main shifter переднеспинки imago (figure 1).
figure переднеспинки colorado beetle is a complex and лабильную system меланиновых spots of various sizes and shapes, most of which are symmetrical in pairs.in a typical figure is 20 - 22 spots. in the description of commonly used system of symbols l. the tower, with some changes and additions.volatility is defined выраженностью and various mergers of neighbouring spots. this brings out 5 - 6 groups particularly volatile blurseach of them through the reduction or merger of its elements gives a relatively discrete choices. the merger of spots can be symmetrically arranged, and asymmetrical.most of the options presented in almost all populations with high enough (greater than 1%) frequency.
фенологические registrations of the imago.
changes in frequencies of occurrence of imago of all available морфотипов measured under field conditions in private a potato crop area, the method of accounting.imago collected from potato plants on the diagonal line of the station every five meters in the early period of mass release imago summer generation.the total sample in трехкратной повторности each incorporating at least 100 species. for the collected imago was фенетический analysis and calculated the share of each морфотипа

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