Nowadays, some people may hold the opinion that the best way of reward перевод - Nowadays, some people may hold the opinion that the best way of reward английский как сказать

Nowadays, some people may hold the

Nowadays, some people may hold the opinion that the best way of rewarding students is giving oral praise to them. Others agree that there are many other better ways to praise the students.
As far as I am concerned I believe that there are many other better ways to praise the students. Firstly, sometimes it is necessary to resort to material stimulation which is the most efficient type of motivation. For example, student will get more desire to developing if parents give them some money or buy them a good laptop for studying. Secondly, one of the best ways to praise the students is to inspire students to learn more. Students should realize that studying and learning is very interesting indeed. Teachers, for example, should give their students lessons in interesting form in order students' ambitions to studying do not exist.
However, some people think that giving oral praise to students is the best way of rewarding them because it is a very efficient motivating factor.
To my mind, it is hard to accept that giving the oral praise to students is the really effective motivating factor. I think that the praise should be based on the students' assessement which is the best way to express teachers' admiration. This way students can make more better results.
To sum up, there are different points of view upon this problem, but I still stand my ground that giving oral praise to students is not such effective way of rewarding students because it is cannnot help them to develope their abilities more
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Nowadays, some people may hold the opinion that the best way of rewarding students is giving oral praise to them. Others agree that there are many other better ways to praise the students.As far as I am concerned I believe that there are many other better ways to praise the students. Firstly, sometimes it is necessary to resort to material stimulation which is the most efficient type of motivation. For example, student will get more desire to developing if parents give them some money or buy them a good laptop for studying. Secondly, one of the best ways to praise the students is to inspire students to learn more. Students should realize that studying and learning is very interesting indeed. Teachers, for example, should give their students lessons in interesting form in order students' ambitions to studying do not exist.However, some people think that giving oral praise to students is the best way of rewarding them because it is a very efficient motivating factor.To my mind, it is hard to accept that giving the oral praise to students is the really effective motivating factor. I think that the praise should be based on the students' assessement which is the best way to express teachers' admiration. This way students can make more better results.To sum up, there are different points of view upon this problem, but I still stand my ground that giving oral praise to students is not such effective way of rewarding students because it is cannnot help them to develope their abilities more
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Nowadays, some people may hold the opinion that the best way of rewarding students is giving oral praise to them. That there agree Others Others are MANY OTHER better ways to praise the students.
Of As far the as with the concerned am I of I of I Believe That there are MANY OTHER better ways to praise the students. Firstly, sometimes it is necessary to resort to material stimulation which is the most efficient type of motivation. For example, student will get more desire to developing if parents give them some money or buy them a good laptop for studying. Secondly, one of the best ways to praise the students is to inspire students to learn more. Students should realize that studying and learning is very interesting indeed. Teachers, for example, Should give Their students lessons Insider in interesting The form in order students' Ambitions to Studying do not The exist.
HOWEVER, some people of think That giving scene of oral praise to students is the: best way of a rewarding Them Because IT is a very efficient of motivating factor .
the to up my yet Mind, IT is to the accept of hard That the giving scene of oral praise to the students is really effective is of motivating factor. I think that the praise should be based on the students 'assessement which is the best way to express teachers' admiration. This way students CAN the make more better results.
The To sum ​​up closeup, there are Different points of the view upon the this problem, But I of to still the stand up my ground That giving scene of oral praise to students is not such effective is way of a rewarding students Because IT is cannnot to help Them to develope their abilities more
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
nowadays, some people may hold the opinion that the best way of rewarding students is giving help to them made us feel at home. others agree that there are many other better ways to the students made us feel at far as i am concerned, i believe that there are many other better ways to the students made us feel at home. Firstly, sometimes it is necessary to resort to material stimulation which is the most efficient type of motivation. for example, the student will get more desire to developing if parents give them some money or buy them a good laptop for studying. anyways, one of the best ways to made us feel at home the students is to inspire students to learn more. students should realize that studying and learning is very interesting indeed. teachers, for example, should give the students lessons in college students" ambitions form in order to the do not exist.however, some people think that giving oral made us feel at home to students is the best way of rewarding them because it is a very efficient motivating my mind, it is hard to accept that the help us made us feel at home to students is the very effective motivating factor. i think that the made us feel at home should be based on the students" assessement which is the best way to express teachers" admiration. this way students can make more better sum up, there are different points of view upon this problem, but i still stand my ground and made us feel at home giving help to students is not such effective way of rewarding students because it is cannnot help them to develope their abilities.
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