Погода часто носит переменчивый характер. Посреди лета может быть тепл перевод - Погода часто носит переменчивый характер. Посреди лета может быть тепл английский как сказать

Погода часто носит переменчивый хар

Погода часто носит переменчивый характер. Посреди лета может быть тепло и солнечно, но уже на следующий день может стать холодно и пойти дождь. По-настоящему экстремальные природные явления (сильные засухи, торнадо, штормы, сильный мороз или жара) относительно редки. Это также связано с тем, что Германия находится в умеренном климатическом поясе, на севере климат морской, южнее переходит в умеренно-континентальный.

The weather is often changeable character. In the middle of the summer can be sunny and warm, but the next day can be cold and rain to go. A truly extreme natural phenomena (severe droughts, tornadoes, storms, bitter cold or hot) are relatively rare. This is also due to the fact that Germany is located in the temperate climatic zone, in the north of maritime climate, the south becomes moderately continental.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Weather is often fickle nature. In the midst of summer can be warm and sunny, but already the next day can become cold and rain. Really extreme natural phenomena (droughts, tornadoes, storms, severe frost or heat) are relatively rare. It is also connected with the fact that Germany is in the temperate zone marine climate in the North to the South turns into moderate-continental.The weather is often changeable character. In the middle of the summer can be sunny and warm, but the next day can be cold and rain to go. A truly extreme natural phenomena (severe droughts, tornadoes, storms, bitter cold or hot) are relatively rare. This is also due to the fact that Germany is located in the temperate climatic zone, in the north of the maritime climate, the south becomes moderately continental.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
The weather is often changeable character. In the middle of the summer can be sunny and warm, but the next day can be cold and rain to go. A truly extreme natural phenomena (severe droughts, tornadoes, storms, bitter cold or hot) are relatively rare. This is also due to the fact that Germany is in the temperate zone, the climate in the north of the sea, to the south goes to temperate continental. Of The weather is often the changeable character. In the middle of the summer can be sunny and warm, but the next day can be cold and rain to go. A truly extreme natural phenomena (severe droughts , tornadoes, storms, bitter cold or hot) are relatively rare. This is also due to the fact that Germany is located in the temperate climatic zone, in the north of maritime climate, the south becomes moderately continental.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
the weather is often changeable character. in the middle of the summers can be warm and sunny, but already the next day can be cold and rained. in this extreme natural phenomena (severe drought, tornadoes, storms, severe frost or heat) is relatively low. this is also due to the fact that germany is located in the temperate climate zone in the north of the south sea, is in the temperate continental.the weather is often changeable character. in the middle of the summer can be sunny and warm, but the next day can be cold and rain to go. a truly extreme natural in (of droughts, tornadoes, had, bitter cold or hot) are relatively rare. this is also due to the fact that germany is located in the temperate climatic zone, in the north of maritime climate, the summer becomes moderately continental.
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