А знаешь, у меня есть мечта. Она очень добрая, и поэтому должна обязательно сбыться. Я хочу, чтобы у нас была настоящая крепкая семья, чтобы мы любили друг друга не только во время медового месяца, но и, чем дальше, тем сильней. Пусть годы только закаляют нас и делают нежней друг к другу. Хочу, чтобы у нас, любимый, было двое деток: девочка и мальчик. Пусть они нас радуют и будут смыслом всей нашей жизни. Согласись, это так прекрасно - смотреть на своих детей и не переставать удивляться, что они - частичка тебя и меня, слившаяся воедино!
Вы хотите что б моя мечта сбылась?
Результаты (
английский) 1:
And you know, I have a dream. She is very kind, and, therefore, must necessarily come true. I wish that we had a real strong family that we loved each other, not only during the honeymoon, but as time went on, the stronger. Let the years only temper us and make more tenderly towards one another. Want to have, favorite, had two children: a girl and a boy. Let us delight and they will be meaning throughout our lives. Admit It, This is so beautiful-look at their children and do not cease to wonder, that they are part of you and me together!
slivšaâsâ you want that my dream has come true?
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (
английский) 2:
And you know, I have a dream. She is very kind, and must therefore necessarily true. I want us to have a real strong family, that we love one another, not only during the honeymoon, but also, more and stronger. Let years only harden us and make each other tenderly. I want us to have, favorite, had two kids: a girl and a boy. Let us delight and they will sense our whole life. Admit it, it is so beautiful - look at their children and do not cease to wonder what they are - part of you and me, merged together!
You would want that dream come true?
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (
английский) 3:
As you know, I have a dream. It is very good, and it should therefore be sure to hell. I want to, so that we had a real tough family, to ensure that we loved each other not only during the honeymoon, but also, the farther,The dreamer. Let years only trainer us and make нежнеи to each other. I wish that we have, a favorite, it was two terracotta: a girl and a boy. Even if they are we are encouraged and will be the meaning of our lives. Согласись,This is so well - look at their children and do not listen wonder that they are a speckle thee and me, слившаяся together!
you want to that my dream come true?
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..