
Звонок "друга" и еще 17 способов сд

Звонок "друга" и еще 17 способов сделать новости правильными

Замалчивание темы
Пример: не сообщать о том, что Хиллари Клинтон с коллегой-республиканцем предложила выдвинуть Виктора Ющенко на соискание Нобелевской премии.

Интерпретация темы, преподнесение информации в выгодном ключе
Пример: на майдан Незалежности вышли не из-за недовольства граждан, а корысти ради.

"Лексическая цензура": употребление синонимов с другой смысловой окраской.
Пример: не "монетизация льгот", а "денежные выплаты", не "тела террористов", а "трупы", не "Чечня", а "Чеченская республика", не "войска коалиции", а "оккупационные войска" и т.п.

"Вольный" монтаж: создание заданной реальности при помощи урезанных цитат (Может подразделяться на монтаж с участием автора сюжета и без его участия — журналист видит в эфире урезанный кусок).
Пример: предвыборные дебаты кандидатов в президенты США Буша и Керри: Буш лишается собственных критических высказываний в адрес Владимира Путина, но признается в дружеских к нему чувствах.

Отказ канала от уже снятого корреспондентом сюжета
Примеры: митинги льготников, которые не пошли в эфир. Съемки Елены Трегубовой уже после скандала с Парфеновым, после выхода второй книги, очередной отказ канала от демонстрации сюжета.

Пример: заниженное количество заложников в Бесланской школе

Акцент на международных новостях
Пример: один из выпусков теленовостей: Скороговоркой — о двух российских событиях: спецоперации в Нальчике и захвате посла Гвинеи-Бисау в Москве студентами, не получающими стипендии. Подробнее — о премьерном показе фильма "Осама" в Москве. Остальные новости выпуска: арест итальянского мафиозо, невиданный пожар в Уругвае, начало форума в Давосе, найдены останки шерстистого мамонта, Неделя высокой моды в Париже и "кулинарные "Оскары" в Лионе)

Кадровая политика: отстранение ведущего от эфира на время (Алексей Пивоваров), перевод его в административную должность (Татьяна Миткова, Савик Шустер, Станислав Кучер), увольнение (Леонид Парфенов)

Экономическое принуждение журналистов
Пример: высокие зарплаты, кредиты на покупку квартир, не позволяющие уйти с канала — Подробнее в комментарии Сергея Канева

"Темники" — "рекомендации" к тому, каким образом преподносить сюжеты, какие брать темы. Подробнее в комментарии Марата Гельмана

Кроме всего прочего в арсенале нынешних последователей главного идеолога КПСС Суслова также:
* "Кураторы" в разных редакциях одного телеканала, согласовывающие с руководством программ и журналистами содержание материалов на предмет соответствия идеологии и установкам, данным из администрации президента. * "Джинса" или заказные, проплаченные сюжеты.

* Вмешательство госорганов в редакционную политику.
("Телефонное право" — звонки руководству СМИ от чиновников любого ранга. Вмешательство в прямой эфир (прерывание корреспондента в эфире, например, ведущим программы)).
* Отсмотр сюжетов корреспондентов до эфира редакторами или специальными сотрудниками — проверка на наличие нелицеприятных для власти или акционеров фактов и комментариев.
* Отсутствие "живого эфира", политические ток-шоу в записи или закрыты вовсе.
Неформальный запрет, информационное бойкотирование присутствия в эфире конкретных людей, в основном, оппозиции.

Р. S
Однако все эти технологии, возможно, и не имели бы такого большого действия, если бы не страх самих журналистов, который зачастую называют "самоцензурой".
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Call "friend" and another 17 ways to make news with the correct Silence theme Example: do not report that Hillary Clinton with fellow Republican invited to nominate Viktor Yushchenko for the Nobel Prize. Interpretation of the theme, the presentation of information in a good vein Example: on Maydan Nezalezhnosti came not because of discontent citizens and selfishness sake. "Lexical censorship": the use of synonyms with different semantic overtones. Example: not "monetization of social benefits," and "cash payments", not "body", and "corpses", not "Chechnya" and "Chechen Republic", not "coalition troops" and "occupying forces", etc. "Free" installation: create a given reality using truncated quotations (can be divided into a montage with participation of the author of the plot and his absence is a journalist sees online abridged piece). Example: pre-election debate of candidates for Presidency United States Bush and Kerry: Bush forfeits his own criticisms of Vladimir Putin's address, but recognized the friendly feelings towards him. The refusal of the channel from the already filmed Reporter story Examples: rallies recipients who did not go to the stream. Shooting Helen Tregubovoj after the scandal with Parfenov in, after the release of the second book, another refusal of the channel from the demonstration plot. Misinformation Example: low number of hostages in the Beslan school Emphasis on international news Example: one of the newscasts: Patter — about two Russian events in Nalchik and the capture of Guinea-Bissau's Ambassador in Moscow, not students receiving scholarships. Find out more about the premiere showing of the film "Osama" in Moscow. Other news release: arrest of Italian mafioso, unprecedented fire in Uruguay, the beginning of the Forum in Davos, found the remains of a woolly mammoth, Paris Haute Couture fashion week and "culinary" Oscars "in Lyon) Personnel policy: the removal of lead from the ether for a while (Alexei Pivovarov), a translation of his administrative post (Tatyana Mitkova, savik Shuster, Stanislav Kucher), dismissal (Leonid Parfenov) Economic coercion of journalists Example: high salaries, loans for the purchase of apartments to get away from the feed is more in comments by Sergei Kanev "Temnyky" — "recommendation" on how to present stories which borrow themes. More info in comments Marat Guelman Gallery In addition to the arsenal of current followers of the chief ideologist of the COMMUNIST PARTY also: Suslova * "Curators" in different editions of one tv channel, in negotiating with programme management and journalists content for compliance with ideology and installations, data from the Office of the President. * "Jeans" or bespoke, paid subjects. * Interference of State bodies in drafting policy. ("Telephone law" — calls the leadership of officials of any rank. interference in the live broadcast (on-air correspondent abort, for example, the presenter of the programme)). * Otsmotr stories correspondents to ether editors or special employees — check for hard-hitting for power or shareholders of the facts and comments. * The lack of a "live broadcast" political talk show in the recording or closed altogether. The informal ban, boycott the presence in the air of specific people, mainly opposition. R. S However, all of these technologies, perhaps, would not have such a large action, if it were not for the fear of the journalists themselves, which is often referred to as "self-censorship".
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
The call "friend" and another 17 ways to make news right Silence theme Example: not to tell that Hillary Clinton and Republican colleagues proposed to nominate Viktor Yushchenko for the Nobel Prize. The interpretation of the theme, presenting information in a positive way Example: Maidan Nezalezhnosti out not because of dissatisfaction of citizens, and for personal gain. "lexical censorship": the use of synonyms other connotation. Example: not the "monetization of benefits" and "cash payments", not "body terrorists" and "dead bodies", not " Chechnya, "and" the Chechen republic, "not" coalition forces "and" occupation forces "etc." Free "installation: the creation of a given reality by means of truncated quotes (can be divided into assembly with the participation of the author of the story and without him - Journalist sees the air trimmed piece). Example: The pre-election debate US presidential candidates Bush and Kerry: Bush loses his own criticism of the Putin, but recognized in the friendly feelings for him. The refusal of the channel from the already captured correspondent plot Examples: rallies exempts who did not go on the air. Shooting Elena Tregubova after scandal Parfenov, after the release of the second book, another link failure of the demonstration plot. Misinformation Example: underestimated the number of hostages in the Beslan school emphasis on international news An example of one of the editions of TV news: Patter - two Russian events: a special operation in Nalchik and capture the Ambassador of Guinea-Bissau in Moscow students who do not receive scholarships. More - premiere of the film "Osama" in Moscow. The rest of the news release: the arrest of the Italian mafia, an unprecedented fire in Uruguay, the beginning of the forum in Davos, found the remains of a woolly mammoth, Fashion Week in Paris, and "cooking" Oscars "in Lyon) HR policy: the removal of lead from the air at the time of (Alexei Pivovarov) , translate it into an administrative position (Tatiana Mitkov, Savik Shuster, Stanislav Kucher), dismissal (Leonid Parfenov) economic coercion of journalists Example: high salaries, loans for purchase of apartments that do not allow to leave the channel - More commentary Sergei Kanev "Temnik" - "recommendation" to how to present stories which take the theme. Read more in the comments Marat Gelman In addition, in the arsenal of today's followers of the chief ideologist of the CPSU Suslov also: * "Hosts" in the different versions of the channel, are coordinated with the management of the program and journalists content materials for compliance with the ideology and attitudes, data from the presidential administration. * "Jeans" or custom, proplachennye subjects. * The intervention of government agencies in the editorial policy. ("Telephone justice" - management of media calls from the officials of any rank. Interference in the live broadcast (interruption correspondent on the air, for example, the presenter of the program)). * Otsmotren stories reporters before the broadcast editors or special staff - check for hard-hitting for power or shareholders of the facts and comments. * No "live air", political toxin show recording or closed altogether. The informal ban, boycott news presence in the air of certain people, mostly opposition. R. S, however, all of these technologies, perhaps, would not have such a large action, if not for the fear of the journalists themselves, which is often referred to as "self-censorship".

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
a "friend" and another 17 ways to make news right

up topic example: not reportedwhat hillary clinton with fellow republican invited to nominate viktor yushchenko to the nobel prize.

interpretation of the topic, преподнесение information in a positive manner. for example:on the maidan nezaleznosti came not because of grievances of citizens and interests sake.

"lexical censorship": the use of synonyms with different semantic sections. "example:" monetization of benefits "and" cash payment. ""the bodies of the terrorists" and "dead", not "chechnya", and "the chechen republic", not "coalition forces" and "occupation forces" and so on.

"free" installation.the establishment of a reality with the help of limited quotations (can be divided into installation involving the author a story without his participation, reporter sees on abridged piece). example:the candidates in the us presidential election of bush and kerry, bush has its own critical remarks about vladimir putin, but is friendly to his feelings.

a channel from the already made correspondent story
examples: rallies льготников who don't go to air. after the film's трегубовой парфеновым scandal, after the release of the second bookanother rejection channel from the demonstration plot.

example: заниженное number of hostages in beslan school

the emphasis on international news. example: one of the issues of the tv news.скороговоркой - two russian developments, special operation in nalchik and the ambassador of guinea bissau in moscow students not receiving grants. for more information about премьерном screening of film "osama" in moscow.the news of the arrest of an italian mafioso, fire in uruguay, the beginning of the forum in davos, шерстистого found the remains of a mammoth, fashion week in paris, and "cooking" oscars "in lyon)

personnel policies, removal of lead from the air at the time (alexei beer makers), the translation of his administrative post (tatiana миткова savik shuster, stanislav kucher), discharge (leonid parfenov)

economic coercion journalists. example: high wages, loans for the purchase of housing, not to leave the canal for details in the comments of kanev

"темники" - "recommendations" to thehow to present stories which take the topic. further in the commentary of marat гельмана

also, the current of the main ideologue of the суслова:
* "curators" in different versions of one channel, согласовывающие management programmes and the media content in accordance with the ideology and policy, the data from the office of the president.* "jeans" or customized, burners plots.

* interference госорганов in editorial policy.
("telephone justice" - calls the media from officials of any rank.interference in direct ether (interruption of the air, for example, a program)).
* отсмотр plots correspondents in editors or special fellows - test for a нелицеприятных for power or shareholders of facts and comments.
* the lack of "living off"political talk show on the record or closed altogether.
the ban, the boycott of presence in the air the specific people, mostly opposition.

r. s
however, all these technologies may
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