22. This time you have to choose the correct form of the verb, singula перевод - 22. This time you have to choose the correct form of the verb, singula английский как сказать

22. This time you have to choose th

22. This time you have to choose the correct form of the verb, singular or plural. Sometimes either a singular or a plural verb is possible.Example: Gymnastics is/are my favourite sport, ('is' is correct)1. The trousers you bought for me doesn't/don't fit me.2. Physics was/were my best subject at school.3. Fortunately the news wasn't/weren't as bad as we had expected.4. The police wants/want to interview Fred about a robbery.5. Three days isn't/aren't long enough for a good holiday.6. Where does/do your family live?7. England has/have lost all their football matches this season.8. Does/Do the police know about the stolen money?9. Can I borrow your scissors? Mine isn't/aren't sharp enough.10. I'm going to take a taxi. Six miles is/are too far for me to walk.Немного не понятны 5 и 10 предложения из последнего упражнения, от чего зависит там глагол. Делала по интуиции.6. In this exercise you have to use the structure in section f.Examples: Our holiday lasted three weeks. It was a three - week holiday.The girls were 14 years old. They were 14 - year - old girlsl. The woman as 27. She was a 27 – year – old woman.2. The flight lasted three hours. It was a three – hour flight.3. The strike lasted four days. It was0 a four – day strike.4. The book has 200 pages. It is a two hundred – page book.5. The boys were ten years old. They were 10 – year – old boys. 6. The television series has ten parts. It is a 10 – part television series.7. The bottle holds two litres. It is a two- litre bottle.8. Each of the tickets cost ten pounds. They were 10 – pound tickets.9. The building has ten storeys (= floors). It is a ten – store (floor) building .10. This bag of potatoes weighs five kilos. It is a five – kilo bag of potatoes .11 We walked for five miles. It was a five – mile walk .
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
22. This time you have to choose the correct form of the verb, singular or plural. Sometimes either a singular or a plural verb is possible. <br>Example The: Gymnastics is / are favourite up my sport, ( 'is' is here correct Your) <br><br>1. of The trousers you bought for me does not / do not of fit me. <br>2. Physics was / were my best subject at school. <br>3. Fortunately the news was not / were not as bad as we had expected. <br>4. The police wants / want to interview Fred about a robbery. <br>5. Three days is not / are not long enough for a good holiday. <br>6. Where does / do your family live ? <br>7. England has / have lost all their football matches this season. <br>8. Does / Do the police know about the stolen money? <br>9. Can I borrow your scissors? Mine is not / are not sharp enough .<br>10. I'm going to take a taxi . Six miles is / are too far for me to walk. <br>A little do not understand 5 and 10 proposals from the last exercise, which determines where the verb. Done by intuition. <br><br><br>6. In this exercise you have to use the structure in section f. <br>Examples: Our holiday lasted three weeks. It was a three - week holiday. <br>The girls were 14 years old. They were 14 - year - old girls <br><br>l. The woman as 27. She was a 27 - year - old woman. <br>2. The flight lasted three hours. It was a three - hour flight. <br>3. The strike lasted four days. It was0 a four - day strike. <br>4. The book has 200 pages. It is a two hundred - page book . <br>5. The boys were ten years old. They were 10 - year - old boys.<br>6. The television series has ten parts. It is a 10 - part television series. <br>7. The bottle holds two litres. It is a two- litre bottle. <br>8. Each of the tickets cost ten pounds . They were 10 - pound tickets. <br>9. The building has ten storeys (= floors). It is a ten - store (floor ) building. <br>10. This bag of potatoes weighs five kilos . It is a five - kilo bag of potatoes. <br>11 We walked for five miles. It was a five - mile walk.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
22. This time you have to choose the correct form of the verb, singular or plural. Sometimes either a singular or a plural verb is possible.<br>Example: Gymnastics is/are my favorite sport, ('is' is correct)<br><br>1. The pants you bought for me doesn't/don't fit me.<br>2. Physics was/were my best subject at school.<br>3. Fortunately the news wasn't/wasn't as bad as we had expected.<br>4. The police want/want to interview Fred about a robbery.<br>5. Three days isn't long enough for a good holiday.<br>6. Where does your family live?<br>7. England has/have lost all their football matches this season.<br>8. Does/Do the police know about the stolen money?<br>9. Can I borrow your scissors? Mine isn't/aren't sharp enough.<br>10. I'm going to take a taxi. Six miles is/are too far for me to walk.<br>A little incomprehensible 5 and 10 sentences from the last exercise, on which depends there verb. I did it on intuition.<br><br>6. In this exercise you have to use the structure in section f.<br>Examples: Our holiday lasted three weeks. It was a three- week holiday.<br>The girls were 14 years old. They were 14 - year old girls<br><br>L. The woman as 27. She was a 27-year-old woman.<br>2. The flight lasted three hours. It was a three- to hour flight.<br>3. The strike lasted four days. It was0 a four-day strike.<br>4. The book has 200 pages. It is a two hundred- page book.<br>5. The boys were ten years old. They were 10-year old boys. <br>6. The television series has ten parts. It is a 10 - part television series.<br>7. The bottle holds two litres. It is a two-litre bottle.<br>8. Each of the tickets cost ten pounds. They were 10 - pound tickets.<br>9. The building has ten storeys. It is a ten - store (floor) building .<br>10. This bag of potatoes weighs five kilos. It is a five- kilo bag of potatoes.<br>11 We walked for five miles. It was a five-mile walk.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
22. This time, you have to choose the right shape for verb, singular or plural. Sometimes a single or plural verb is possible.<br>For example: gym is my favorite sport, » is correct)<br>1. The real you trust me, don't trust me.<br>2. Physics is my best project in school.<br>3. Fortunately the news was n't were',t as bad as we had expected.<br>4. The police wants to interview free about a robbery.<br>5. Three days of isn't / daren "doesn't have a good vacation long enough.<br>6. Where does your family live?<br>7. English has lost all their football matches this season.<br>8. Do the police know the story of money?<br>9. Can I help you with your laundry? I'm isn't aren't sharp enough<br>10. I want to take a taxi. Six million is too fast for me.<br>I don't understand the last exercise of 5 and 10 sentences. It's verb dependence. My intuition.<br>6. In this exercise you have to use the structure in section f.<br>Examples:Our holiday lasted three weeks. It's a three week holiday.<br>The girl is 14 years old. They're 14-year-old girls<br>l.The woman as 27. She is a 27 year old woman.<br>2. The last three hours. It's a three hour flight.<br>3. The last four days of the strike. This is a four-day strike.<br>4. The book has 200 pages. This is a two hundred page book.<br>5. The boy was ten years ago. They are 10 year old boys.<br>6. “television series has ten parts”. It is a 10-part television series.<br>7. bottle holds two litres. This is a two little bot.<br>8. Cost point of view. They are 10 pound tickets.<br>9. Ten stores = floor. This is a ten story building.<br>10. This is a ball of potatoes weights five kilos. This is a five - killed a lot of people.<br>We want five million dollars. It's a fifth of a mile.<br>
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