месторождение найдено, и решено начать его разработку. Бурение нефтяны перевод - месторождение найдено, и решено начать его разработку. Бурение нефтяны английский как сказать

месторождение найдено, и решено нач

месторождение найдено, и решено начать его разработку. Бурение нефтяных скважин – это процесс, в ходе которого разрушаются горные породы, и раздробленные частицы выносятся на поверхность. Оно может быть ударным или вращательным. При ударном бурении породу крошат тяжелыми ударами бурового инструмента, и раздробленные частицы выносятся из скважины водным раствором. При вращательном бурении срезанные обломки породы поднимаются на поверхность с помощью рабочей жидкости, циркулирующей в скважине. Тяжелая буровая колонна, вращаясь, давит на долото, которое и разрушает породу. Скорость проходки при этом зависит и от характера породы, и от качества оборудования, и от мастерства бурильщика.

Очень важную роль играет буровой раствор, который не только выносит на поверхность частицы породы, но и работает в качестве смазки и охладителя буровых инструментов. Он же способствует образованию глинистой корки на стенках скважины. Буровой раствор может быть сделан на водной или даже нефтяной основе, в него часто добавляют различные реагенты и добавки.

Как же нефть извлекают из скважин? В материнских пластах она находится под давлением, и если это давление достаточно высокое, при вскрытии скважины нефть начинает естественным образом фонтанировать. Обычно этот эффект сохраняется в начальной стадии, а потом приходится прибегать к механизированному способу добычи – с помощью разного рода насосов или с помощью ввода в скважину сжатого газа (этот способ называют газлифтным). Чтобы повысить давление в пласте, в него закачивают воду, где она выполняет роль своего рода поршня. К сожалению, в советские времена этим способом злоупотребляли, стремясь получить максимальную отдачу наиболее быстрыми темпами. В результате после разработки скважин оставались еще богатые нефтью, но уже слишком сильно заводненные пласты. Сегодня для повышения пластового давления применяют также одновременную закачку газа и воды.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
mine is found and decided to start his development. Oil drilling is the process by which rocks are destroyed and fragmented particles are brought to the surface. It can be a shock or angular. When hammer drilling rock broken by heavy blows of the drilling tool, and fragmented particles are brought from aqueous solution. When rotational drilling cut fragments of rocks rise to the surface using fluid circulating in a borehole. Heavy drilling column, revolving, puts pressure on the bit, which destroys the breed. ROP if this depends on the nature of the breed, and the quality of equipment and the skill of the driller.Very important is the role of drilling mud, which not only brings to the surface the particles of rock, but also works as a lubricant and coolant drilling tools. He also contributes to the formation of mud cake on the walls of the borehole. Drilling mud can be placed on water or even petroleum-based, often add various chemicals and additives.How oil is extracted from wells? In maternal seam it is under pressure, and if this pressure is high enough, at the opening of wells oil naturally begins to gush. Usually this effect is in the early stages, and then had to resort to mechanized mining method using different kinds of pumps or by entering into a well compressed gas (called gaslifted). To increase the pressure in the reservoir, pumped water, where she plays the role of a kind of piston. Unfortunately, in Soviet times, abused this way, seeking to get the most out of the most rapidly. As a result, after the development of wells remained the oil-rich, but already too much zavodnennye. Today to increase reservoir pressure applied simultaneous injection of gas and water.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
mine found and decided to begin its development. The drilling of oil wells - a process in which the broken rocks and crushed particles carried to the surface. It may be rotational or shock. When the shock rock drilling crumble heavy blows of the drilling tool, and fragmented particles are removed from the well with an aqueous solution. In rotary drilling cuttings cut rise to the surface via the working fluid circulating in the borehole. Heavy drill string, rotating, pushing on bit, which destroys the breed. The rate of penetration and thus depends on the nature of the breed, and the quality of the equipment and the skill of the driller. A very important role is played by the drilling fluid, which not only makes the surface of the rock particles, but also works as a lubricant and coolant drilling tools. It also promotes the formation of filter cake on the walls of the well. The drilling fluid may be done on an aqueous or oil-based, it is often added various reactants and additives. As the oil is removed from the wells? The mother layers it is under pressure, and if the pressure is high enough, upon opening of oil wells begins naturally gush. Normally, this effect is retained in the initial stage, and then have to resort to mechanized production - by means of various kinds of pumps or by entering compressed gas into the well (the method called gas lift). To increase the pressure in the reservoir, it is pumped into the water, where it serves as a kind of piston. Unfortunately, in Soviet times abused in this way, trying to get the most out fastest. As a result, after the development wells were still rich in oil, but it's too much waterflood. Today, to increase reservoir pressure is also used for simultaneous injection of gas and water.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
the deposit has been found and agreed to develop it. oil drilling is a process during which is rocky, and the fractured particles are brought to the surface.it can be a shock or rotational. in ударном drilling head крошат heavy blows of drilling tool, and the fractured particles are made from the well water solution.with the fast spin drilling cut the rocks up to the surface through a working fluid circulating in a well. a drilling column, rotating, pressing down on the chisel, which destroys the breed.speed drive and depends on the nature of the rock, and from the quality of the equipment and technique бурильщика.

very important role is played by the drilling mud, which not only makes the surface of the particles of the rockbut works as a lubricant and coolant drill tools. he contributes to the formation of clay crust on the walls of the wells. drilling fluid can be placed in water or oil basedhe often add various reagents and additives.

how oil is drawn from wells. in the parent (she's under a lot of pressure, and if the pressure is high enough, theat the opening of oil wells is naturally to gush forth. usually this effect remains in the initial stage.and then we have to use механизированному mode of production, with a variety of pumps or by entering into a well compressed gas (this method is called газлифтным). to increase the pressure in the reservoir.to download the water, where she plays the role of a piston. unfortunately, in soviet times, this way was to get the maximum value the most rapidly.as a result, after the development of wells were still rich with oil but it's too much заводненные layers. today, to increase the reservoir pressure by the simultaneous injection of gas and water.
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