Научная новизна заключена в экспериментальном и теоретическом исследов перевод - Научная новизна заключена в экспериментальном и теоретическом исследов английский как сказать

Научная новизна заключена в экспери

Научная новизна заключена в экспериментальном и теоретическом исследовании магнитокалорических, а также некоторых магнитных, структурных, тепловых свойств материалов в переменных магнитных полях (частотой до 50 Гц) большой интенсивности (до 80 кЭ). Основной упор в проекте будет направлен на экспериментальное и теоретическое исследование магнитокалорического эффекта в переменных магнитных полях. Исследование других параметров (магнитоктрикция, намагниченность, восприимчивость) в постоянных и переменных магнитных полях, теплоемкость и теплопроводность в постоянных полях будут проводиться для установления природы поведения МКЭ в переменных магнитных полях в различных материалах. Выяснение механизма поведения МКЭ в переменных полях приводит нас естественным образом к исследованию кинетики фазовых переходов, которое также является научной новизной.

Исследования магнитных свойств материалов в переменных магнитных полях большой интенсивности до сих пор не проводились. Основной причиной этого можно назвать отсутствие прикладной необходимости в таких исследованиях. Соответственно, не были сконструированы источники переменного магнитного поля, не были разработаны методы исследования магнитных, структурных и тепловых свойств материалов в таких полях. В рамках данного проекта, для решения поставленных задач, предлагается разработка метода измерения намагниченности и магнитной восприимчивости материалов в переменных магнитных полях, в дополнение к уже разработанными авторами проекта методам измерения МКЭ и магнитострикции в переменных магнитных полях.

Достижимость решения поставленной задачи вытекает из того, что российская группа имеет уже опыт исследования магнитокалорических свойств материалов в переменных магнитных полях:
- авторами проекта разработаны методики исследования магнитокалорического эффекта и магнитострикции в переменных магнитных полях.
- созданы различные источники переменных магнитных полей, в том числе высокочастотные (амплитуда поля 6.2 кЭ, частота до 50 Гц), источник сильного переменного магнитного поля (амплитуда до 80 кЭ, частота до 1 Гц).

Исходя из имеющегося опыта, есть понимание, что имеющиеся методики нужно дополнить методом измерения намагниченности и магнитной восприимчивости в переменных магнитных полях, и четкое представление решения данной задачи. Также опыт предыдущих исследований показывает, что для многих материалов источник переменного магнитного поля с амплитудой 6.2 кЭ и частотой до 50 Гц недостаточен для исследования обратимых магнитоструктурных переходов. В рамках проекта предлагается создание источника поля с амплитудой 15-20 кЭ и частотой до 50 Гц.

Основанием тому, что решение этих задач под силу данному коллективу, являются:
- профессионализм членов коллектива в вопросах темы проекта. Со многими объектами исследования предлагаемого проекта члены коллектива работают уже давно и успешно, многие исследования были поддержаны различными научными фондами, были получены новые и важные результаты (см. список публикаций членов коллектива);
- комплексный характер проводимых исследований;
- наличие современного проверенного научного оборудования, в том числе, не имеющая аналогов в мире модуляционная методика измерения магнитокалорического эффекта и магнитострикции. Данные методики, разработанные сотрудниками, входящими в коллектив данной заявки, позволяют проводить исследования материалов, в том числе малоразмерных образцов, в широкой области температур и полей;
- источник сильного магнитного поля до 80 кЭ на основе криомагнитной системы замкнутого цикла, для которой не требуется жидкий гелий, различные источники переменных магнитных полей;
- опыт коллектива в разработке новых методик физических исследований, конструировании, сборке и автоматизации экспериментальных установок;
- образцы для исследований для первых этапов уже есть у группы, образцы для последующих этапов или находятся на этапе получения, или в ближайшее время планируются получать;
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Novelty lies in the experimental and theoretical study of magnitokaloričeskih, as well as some magnetic, structural, thermal properties of materials in variable magnetic fields (up to 50 Hz) high intensity (up to 80 EC). The primary focus of the project will focus on experimental and theoretical investigation of magnitokaloričeskogo effect in variable magnetic fields. Research other parameters (magnitoktrikciâ, magnetization, susceptibility) in fixed and variable magnetic fields, heat capacity and thermal conductivity in permanent fields will be held to establish the nature of the conduct of FEA in magnetic fields variables in different materials. Elucidation of mechanism behavior MEE in fields variables leads us naturally to the study of the kinetics of phase transitions, which is also a scientific novelty.Study of magnetic properties of materials in a variable high-intensity magnetic fields so far have not been carried out. The main reason for this may be called the lack of application of the need for such studies. Accordingly, have not been constructed of alternating magnetic field sources, were not developed methods of research of magnetic, structural and thermal properties of materials in such fields. In this project, for the decision of tasks, it is proposed to develop a method of measuring the magnetization and magnetic susceptibility of materials in variable magnetic fields, in addition to the already developed by the authors of the draft measurement MEE and magnetostriction in variable magnetic fields.Reachability solution stems from the fact that the Russian group has already experience study magnitokaloričeskih properties of materials in variable magnetic fields: -the authors of the project developed methods of research magnitokaloričeskogo effect and magnetostriction in variable magnetic fields. -various sources of variable magnetic fields, including high-frequency (amplitude field 6.2 Ke, frequency to 50 Hz), the source of a strong alternating magnetic field (amplitude up to 80 EC up to 1 Hz).Based on past experience, there is an understanding that the methodology be supplemented the measurement method of magnetization and magnetic susceptibility in variable magnetic fields, and clear representation of the solution of this task. The experience of previous studies shows that for many materials, the source variable magnetic field with an amplitude of 6.2 up to tbe and 50 Hz is inadequate for the study of reversible magnetostructural transitions. Within the project it is proposed to create a field with an amplitude of 15-20 EC and frequency to 50 Hz.The reason that these tasks under the force of this team are: -professionalism of team members in matters of project themes. With many objects of study of the proposed project team members have been working already for a long time and successfully, many studies were supported by various scientific foundations, new and important results (see list of publications team members);-integrated nature of research;-the presence of modern validated scientific equipment, including not having analogues in the world modulation measurement technique magnitokaloričeskogo effect and magnetostriction. These techniques developed by members within the team of this application, allow for research materials, including small samples in a wide range of temperatures and fields;-the source of strong magnetic fields up to 80 EC on the basis of the closed-loop system, kriomagnitnoj, that does not require liquid helium, various sources of variable magnetic fields;-experience in the development of new methods of physical research, designing, Assembly and automation of experimental plants;-samples for research for the early stages of the group already have samples for subsequent phases or are in the process of obtaining, or planned in the near future;
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Scientific novelty lies in the experimental and theoretical study of magnetocaloric as well as some of the magnetic, structural, thermal properties of the materials in alternating magnetic fields (up to a frequency of 50 Hz), high intensity (up to 80 kOe). The main emphasis of the project will focus on experimental and theoretical study of the magnetocaloric effect in alternating magnetic fields. Exploring other options (magnitoktriktsiya, magnetization, susceptibility) in fixed and variable magnetic fields, heat and thermal conductivity in constant fields will be carried out to establish the nature of the behavior of the MCE in alternating magnetic fields in different materials. Elucidation of the mechanism of the behavior of the MCE in alternating fields leads us naturally to the study of the kinetics of phase transitions, which is also a scientific novelty. Studies of the magnetic properties of materials in alternating magnetic fields of high intensity still not been carried out. The main reason is the lack of need for application in such studies. Accordingly, there have been designed with AC magnetic field has not been developed methods of investigating magnetic, structural and thermal properties of the materials in these fields. In this project, for the task, it is proposed to develop a method of measurement of the magnetization and magnetic susceptibility of materials in alternating magnetic fields, in addition to those already developed by the authors of the project measurement methods FEM and magnetostriction in alternating magnetic fields. Accessibility solutions of the problem stems from the fact that Russian group already has experience of research magnetocaloric material properties in alternating magnetic fields: - authors of the project developed a technique of research of the magnetocaloric effect and magnetostriction in alternating magnetic fields. - set up various sources of variable magnetic fields, including high-frequency (amplitude of the field 6.2 kOe, the frequency to 50 Hz), the source of a strong alternating magnetic field (amplitude of up to 80 kOe, the frequency up to 1 Hz). Based on your experience, there is an understanding that the existing methods should be supplemented by measuring the magnetization and magnetic susceptibility in alternating magnetic fields, and a clear idea of solving this problem . Also, the experience of previous research shows that for many materials the AC magnetic field with an amplitude of 6.2 kOe and the frequency to 50Hz is insufficient to study reversible magnetostructural transitions. The project proposes the creation of a source field with an amplitude of 15-20 kOe and frequency up to 50 Hz. The reason that the solution of these problems by virtue of this team are: - professional team members in matters of design themes. With many objects of study of the proposed project team members have been working long and successful, many studies have been supported by various research foundations, there have been new and important results (see. List of publications team members) - the complex nature of the research; - the presence of modern proven scientific equipment, including having no analogues in the world modulation technique for measuring the magnetocaloric effect and magnetostriction. These techniques, developed by employees belonging to the team of this application, allow the study of materials, including of small samples in a wide range of temperatures and fields; - a source of strong magnetic fields up to 80 kOe based cryomagnetic closed loop system, which does not require liquid helium, various sources of variable magnetic fields; - Experience team to develop new methods of physical research, design, assembly and automation of experimental facilities; - samples for research for the first stage is already in the group samples for subsequent phases or are in the process of receipt, or soon plans to obtain;

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
the novelty is in the experimental and theoretical study магнитокалорических, as well as some magnetic, structural,the thermal properties of the materials in the variable magnetic fields (frequency 50 hz), high intensity (80 c).the main emphasis of the project will focus on the experimental and theoretical study магнитокалорического effect variable magnetic fields. the study of other parameters (магнитоктрикция,magnetization, susceptibility) of constant and variable magnetic fields.specific heat and thermal conductivity constant fields will be carried out to establish the nature of the conduct of fea in the variable magnetic fields in various materials.elucidation of the mechanism of fea in variable fields leads us naturally to the study of kinetics of phase transitions, which is also a scientific novelty.

study of magnetic properties of the materials in a variable magnetic field intensity has not yet taken place.the main reason for this is the absence of the need for such studies. accordingly, the sources were not designed ac magnetic fieldno methods have been developed for the study of magnetic, structural and thermal properties of the materials in these fields. in this project, to achieve the desired objectives.development of the measurement method is proposed намагниченности and magnetic susceptibility of materials in variable magnetic fields.in addition to the existing sponsors in measuring the fea and магнитострикции in variable magnetic fields.

the achievability of the task at hand is derived from thatthat the group has the experience of research магнитокалорических material properties in the variable magnetic fields:.author project developed methodology research магнитокалорического effect and магнитострикции in variable magnetic fields.
- there are different sources of variable magnetic fields.including high frequency (amplitude fields 6.2 ke, frequency up to 50 hz), the source of strong ac magnetic field amplitude to 80 c, frequency 1 hz).

, based on past experience, it is understoodavailable methods to complement the measurement method намагниченности and magnetic susceptibility in the variable magnetic fields, and the clear solution to this problem.as the experience of previous research shows that, for many materials, the source of alternating magnetic field with amplitude 6.2 ke and frequency to 50 hz is insufficient to study обратимых магнитоструктурных transitions. the project is the source of the amplitude of 15 - 20 c and frequency up to 50 hz.

basis,that meeting these challenges under the force of this team are:
- professional community members on the theme of the project.with many objects of study proposed project members work for a long time, and successfully, many studies were supported by various scientific funds, there have been new and important results (see para.list of publications of community members);
- integrated research;
- a modern, reliable scientific equipment, includinghaving no analogues in the world модуляционная measurement магнитокалорического effect and магнитострикции. the methodology developed by the members of staff of the applicantto study materials, including small samples in the field and temperature fields;
is the source of a strong magnetic field to 80 c on the basis of криомагнитной system cycle.which does not require liquid helium, the various sources of variable magnetic fields;
- experience of developing new methods of study design.assembling and automation pilot plants;
- samples for studies for the first stage is the group, the samples for the subsequent phases, or are in the process of receiving.or in the near future are planned to receive;
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