Президент США Барак Обама во время визита в Грецию потребует от местны перевод - Президент США Барак Обама во время визита в Грецию потребует от местны английский как сказать

Президент США Барак Обама во время

Президент США Барак Обама во время визита в Грецию потребует от местных властей поддержать возобновление антироссийских санкций и закрыть греческие порты для российских кораблей.
Как сообщает греческое издание Militaire со ссылкой на статью фонда Heritage Foundation, Обама попытается надавить на Грецию, чтобы та поддержала возобновление санкций против России. Голосование по этому вопросу состоится в ЕС в декабре.

Кроме того, Обама собирается выступить против размещения российского флота в греческих портах в связи с воссоединением Крыма с Россией и поддержкой режима Башара Асада в Сирии. По информации издания, президент США попросит Грецию взять пример с Испании, которая отменила будущие визиты российских кораблей.

Также в статье говорится, что американский лидер выступит с призывом позволить Македонии вступить в НАТО. В настоящее время республика не может стать членом альянса, так как Греция блокирует вступление.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
United States President Barack Obama during a visit to Greece will require local authorities to support the resumption of the anti-Russian sanctions and close the Greek ports for Russian ships.As reported by the Greek Edition Militaire, with reference to article Heritage Foundation Fund, Obama will try to put pressure on Greece to supported the resumption of sanctions against Russia. Voting on this issue will take place in the EU in December.In addition, Obama is going to oppose the placement of the Russian fleet in Greek ports in connection with the reunification of the Crimea with Russia and support the regime of Bashar Assad in Syria. According to the newspaper, the President of the United States will ask Greece to take the example of Spain, which has cancelled upcoming visits by Russian ships.Also, the article says that the American leader will speak to allow Macedonia to join NATO. Currently, the Republic cannot become a member of the Alliance, as Greece blocks entry.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
US President Barack Obama during his visit to Greece will require local authorities to support the resumption of anti-Russian sanctions, and close the Greek ports to Russian ships.
According to the Greek edition Militaire under Article Heritage Foundation Fund, Obama will try to put pressure on Greece, so that she supported the renewal of sanctions against Russia. Voting on this issue will take place in the EU in December.

In addition, Obama is going to speak against the deployment of the Russian fleet in the Greek ports in connection with the reunification of the Crimea with Russia and support for the regime of Bashar Assad in Syria. According to the newspaper, the US president will ask Greece to take the example of Spain, which has canceled upcoming visits of Russian ships.

The article also says that the American leader appealed to allow Macedonia to join NATO. Currently, the country can not become a member of the alliance, as Greece is blocking entry.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
us president barack obama during his visit to greece would require local authorities to support the resumption of антироссийских sanctions and to greek ports for russian ships.according to the greek edition militaire, with reference to article fund heritage foundation, obama tries to put pressure on greece to the supported renewed sanctions against russia. vote on this issue will take place in the eu in december.in addition, obama is going to speak out against the russian fleet in the greek ports in conjunction with the reunion of the crimea with russia and support the regime of bashar assad in syria. according to the press, the president of the united states will take the example of greece and spain, which canceled future visits by russian warships.as the article says that the american leader will speak to let macedonia to join nato. currently, the republic could not become a member of the alliance, as greece's entry.
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