Lie detectors are properly called emotion detectors, for their aim is  перевод - Lie detectors are properly called emotion detectors, for their aim is  английский как сказать

Lie detectors are properly called e

Lie detectors are properly called emotion detectors, for their aim is to measure bodily changes that contradict what a person says. The polygraph machine records changes in heart rate. breathing. blood pressure. and the electrical activity of the skin (galyanic skin response. or GSR). In the first part of the polygraph test. you are electronically connected to the machine and asked a fc“ neutral questions (“What is your name?” “Where do you live?“). Your physical reactions seryc as the standard (baseline) for evaluating what comes next. Then y on are asked a few critical questions among the neutral ones (“When did you rob the bank?"). The assumption is that if y on are guilty. your body will reveal the truth. even if you try to deny it. Your heart rate. respiration. and GSR will change abruptly as you respond to the incriminating questions.

That is tlte theory; but psychol0gists have found that lie detectors are simply not reliable. Since most physical changes are the same across all emotions, machines cannot tell uhether you are feeling guilty. angry. nervous, thrilled, or revved up from an exciting day. Innocent people may be tense and nervous about the whole procedure. They may react physiologically to a certain \ ord (”bank”) not because they robbed it. but because they recently bounced a check. In either case the machine will record a “lie”. The reverse mistake is also common. Some practiced liars can lie without ilinching. and others leam to beat the machine by teasing muscles or thinking about an exciting experience during neutral questions.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Lie detectors are properly so-called emotion detectors, for their aim is to measure bodily changes that contradict what a person says. The polygraph machine records changes in heart rate. breathing. blood pressure. and the electrical activity of the skin (skin galyanic response.write or GSR). In the first part of the polygraph test. you are electronically connected to the machine and asked a fc "neutral questions (" What is your name? " "Where do you live?"). Your physical reactions seryc as the standard (baseline) for evaluating what comes next. Then y on are asked a few critical questions among the neutral ones ("When did you rob the bank?"). The assumptions is that if y on are guilty. your body will reveal the truth. even if you try to deny it. Your heart rate. respiration. and GSR will change abruptly as you respond to the incriminating questions. That is tlte theory; but psychol0gists have found that lie detectors are simply not reliable. Since most physical changes are the same across all emotions, machines cannot tell uhether you are feeling guilty. angry. "nervous, thrilled, or revved up from an exciting day. Innocent people may be tense and "nervous about the whole procedure. They may react physiologically to a certain ord ("bank") not because they robbed it. but because they recently bounced a check. In either case the machine will record a "lie". The reverse is also common mistake. Some practiced liars can lie without ilinching. and others leam to beat the machine by teasing muscles or thinking about an exciting experience during neutral questions.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
lie detectors are properly called emotion detectors, their aim is to measure bodily changes that contradict what a person says. the polygraph machine records changes in heart rate. breathing. blood pressure. and the electrical activity of the skin (galyanic skin response. (gsr). in the first part of the polygraph test. you are electronically connected to the machine and asked a fc "neutral questions (" what is your name? "where do you live? "). your physical reactions seryc as the standard (baseline) for evaluating what comes next. then, on a very a few critical questions among the neutral ones ("when did you rob the bank?") the assumption is that if y on are guilty. your body will reveal the truth. even if you try to deny it. your heart rate. respiration. and make science will change as you respond to the incriminating questions.that is tlte theory; but psychol0gists have found that lie detectors are simply not reliable. since most physical changes are the same across all really, machines cannot tell uhether you are feeling guilty. angry. nervous, thrilled, or revved up from an exciting day. innocent people may be c and nervous about the whole procedure. they may react physiologically to a certain ord ("bank") not because they robbed it. but because they recently bounced a check. in either case the machine will record a "lie". the reverse mistake is also common. some practiced liars can lie without ilinching. and others leam to beat the machine by teasing muscles or thinking about an exciting experience during neutral questions.
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