Великобритания неимоверно богата достопримечательностями, которые поистине могут считаться доказательством величия и могущества этой страны. Начать знакомиться с ними следует с Лондона, ведь этот город, как, наверное, ни один другой в мире, имеет такое количество знаковых мест — это и Тауэрский мост, и Букингемский дворец, и Вестминстерское аббатство, и знаменитый «Лондонский глаз», и много-много чего еще.
Богат старинными достопримечательностями и Уэльс, здесь находится огромное количество замков, самые известные из которых образуют так называемое Железное кольцо короля Эдуарда I, это, пожалуй, самое колоритное место в Королевстве, где в полной мере сохранился дух Средневековья. Под стать старинной архитектуре и здешняя природа, полная некоего аскетизма и величественного очарования.
Есть в Королевстве ошеломительной красоты природный заповедник Озерный край, здесь небольшие озера чередуются с колоритными английскими деревнями. Эти места, кажется, неподвластны времени, и жизнь здесь плывет по своему особому руслу.
Завораживающе выглядят пейзажи Шотландии, где леса сменяются горами и повсюду встречаются живописнейшие озера. Созерцая все это, начинаешь в полной мере понимать и ощущать, что такое гармония. И только фантастический миф о чудовище, которое обитает в озере Лох-Несс, может вернуть вас из приятного забытья.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
United Kingdom is incredibly rich in attractions that truly can be considered proof of the greatness and power of that country. Start learning it should be with the city of London, as probably no one else in the world has so many iconic places is the Tower Bridge and Buckingham Palace and Westminster Abbey, and the famous London Eye, and many more.Rich in historical sights and Wales, there is a great number of castles, the most famous of which form the so-called iron ring of King Edward I, is, perhaps, the most picturesque place in the Kingdom, where fully preserved the spirit of the middle ages. The ancient architecture and the local nature, full of a certain asceticism and majestic charm.There are in the Kingdom of the astonishing beauty of the Lake District nature reserve, here small lakes alternate with colorful English villages. These places seem to be timeless, and life here drifts on your special channel.Fascinating look landscapes of Scotland, where the forests give way to mountains and picturesque lakes are found everywhere. Contemplating all this, begin to fully understand and feel what is harmony. And only a fantastic myth of the monster that inhabits the Lake Loch Ness, you can return from a pleasant slumber.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
UK is incredibly rich in attractions that truly can be considered as proof of the greatness and power of the country. Start acquainted with them should be to London, because this city is probably no one else in the world has so many iconic places - this is the Tower Bridge, Buckingham Palace and Westminster Abbey, and the famous "London Eye", and many -A lot more.
Rich in ancient sights and Wales, there is a huge number of castles, the most famous of which form the so-called iron ring of King Edward I, this is perhaps the most picturesque place in the Kingdom where fully preserved the spirit of the Middle Ages. Under a historic architecture and local nature, full of a certain asceticism and majestic charm. There Kingdom stunning beauty Nature Reserve Lake District, there are small lakes alternate with picturesque English village. These places seem to be timeless, and life here is floating on its particular channel. Fascinating look scenery of Scotland, where forests give way to mountains and picturesque lakes are found everywhere. Contemplating all of this, you begin to fully understand and feel what harmony. And only a fantastic myth of the monster that lives in Loch Ness, you can return from a pleasant slumber.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
the united kingdom very rich heritage that truly can be considered as proof of the greatness and glory of the country. to meet with them to london, but this city howperhaps no one else in the world, has a number of landmark locations is tower bridge, buckingham palace, westminster abbey, and the famous "london eye", and many many more.rich ancient heritage and wales, there is a huge number of locks, the most famous of which are the so-called iron ring king edward i, perhapsthe exclusive place in the kingdom, where fully preserved the spirit of the middle ages. a historic architecture and the nature, full of charm and the ascetics.
in the kingdom of stunning beauty of nature reserve is a small lake, lake district, alternating with fetching english villages. this place seems to be affected by time.life here is on his special channel.
mesmerizing look like landscapes of scotland, where forests are the mountains, and everywhere there are живописнейшие lake. staring at it,to fully understand and perceive what is harmony. and only the fantastic myth about the monster that dwells in the lake loch ness, can bring you enjoy oblivion.
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