Его опыт вождения машины пригодится ему в будущей работе.Он никак не м перевод - Его опыт вождения машины пригодится ему в будущей работе.Он никак не м английский как сказать

Его опыт вождения машины пригодится

Его опыт вождения машины пригодится ему в будущей работе.
Он никак не мог свыкнуться с мыслью, что ему придётся пробыть там ещё полгода.
В такое время года есть только одна возможность добраться туда- это самолетом.
Он очень обрадовался перспективе поработать несколько лет под руководством такого известного ученого.
Представьте себе их восторг, когда они узнали, что он получил первую премию за свой проект.
Он пытался найти удобный предлог, чтобы уйти пораньше.
Истинная причина столь поспешного возвращения миссис Чивли в Лондон заключалась в её личной заинтересованности в том, чтобы сэр Роберт снял свой доклад в Парламенте. Она понимала, что только страх быть разоблаченным может заставить его согласиться на это.
Метод обучения мистера Броклхерста убивал у детей всякую инициативу и желание учиться.

Он вышел из зала, не дожидаясь окончания спектакля.
Увидев приближающийся поезд, мы поспешили на платформу.
Просматривая журналы, он натолкнулся на очень интересную статью по экономике Англии.
Прежде чем писать об этих событиях, он решил съездить в те места, где они происходили.
Мы уговорили его прийти, сказав, что особенно не задержим его.
Проверяя годов отчёт, бухгалтер обнаружил ошибку.
Он ушёл, не сказав ни слова, даже не простившись.
Не буду утомлять вас перечислением успех деталей.
Он выглядел бодрым и веселым как всегда, несмотря на то, что провёл бессонную ночь у постели больного.
Мы бы до сих пор не решили все эти вопросы, если бы с ним не было так легко работать.
Он начал с рассказа о том, как он добрался сюда.
Вы бы меня очень обязали, если бы передали посылку по адресу.
Увидев почтовый ящик, я остановился, вспомнив, что уже два дня ношу с собой письмо.
Грампластинки не могу быть посланы по почте без соответствующей упаковки.
Услышав крик ребёнка, мать вскочила и бросилась в детскую.
При объяснение этого физического явления преподаватель продемонстрировал несколько опытов.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
His experience driving machine is useful to him in his future work.He could not cope with the idea that he will have to stay there for another six months.This time of year there is only one opportunity to get there is by plane.He was very happy to run to work a few years under the leadership of such a famous scientist.Imagine their delight when they found out that he won first prize for his project.He was trying to find a convenient excuse to leave early.The true cause of such a hasty return of Mrs Cheveley in London was her personal interest in Sir Robert withdrew his report in Parliament. She knew that only the fear of being discovered can get him to agree to it.The teaching method of Mr Broklhersta kill children all initiative and willingness to learn.He came out of the Hall without waiting for the end of the performance.Seeing the approaching train, we rushed to the platform.Looking through magazines, he came across a very interesting article on the economy of England.Before you write about these events, he decided to go to the places where they occur.We persuaded him to come, saying that especially not delay it.Checking years report, accountant discovered the error.He left without saying a Word, not even a word of goodbye.I will not bore you by listing the success of details.He looked vigorous and cheerful as always, despite the fact that spent a sleepless night at the bedside.We'd still have not resolved all of these issues, if it were so easy to work with.He began with a story about how he got here.You would have me very obliged if handed over the parcel to the address.Seeing the mailbox, I stopped, remembering that already two days carry a letter.Records can't be sent by mail without appropriate packaging. Hearing the cry of a child, the mother and child rushed to jump up.In explanation of this physical phenomenon teacher demonstrated several experiments.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
His experience of driving the car it will come in handy in the future work.
He could not get used to the idea that he would have to stay there another six months.
At this time of year there is only one opportunity to get it tuda- plane.
He was very happy to work for several years run under the supervision of the famous scientist.
Imagine their delight when they found out that he won the first prize for his project.
He was trying to find a convenient excuse to leave early.
The real reason for such a hasty return of Mrs. Cheveley in London was her personal interest to Sir Robert made ​​his report in Parliament. She knew that only the fear of being exposed can get him to agree to this.
The teaching method of Mr. Brocklehurst kill children every initiative and willingness to learn. He left the room without waiting for the end of the play. When he saw the train coming, we rushed to the platform. Looking through magazines, He came across a very interesting article on the economy of England. Before you write about these events, he decided to go to the places where they occurred. We persuaded him to come, saying, especially not keep it. Checking the annual report, the accountant found the mistake. He left, without a word, without even saying goodbye. I will not bore you with listing the success of the details. He looked bright and cheerful as ever, despite the fact that spent a sleepless night at the bedside of the patient. We have still not solved all of these questions, had with him was not so easy to work with. He began with a story about how he got here. Would you like me very much obliged if handed a parcel to the address. Seeing the mailbox, I stopped, remembering that for two days I carry with a letter. Shellac can not be sent by mail without proper packaging. On hearing the cry of the child, the mother jumped up and rushed to the nursery. In the explanation of the physical phenomenon, the teacher demonstrated several experiments.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
his experience of driving in his future work. he couldn't get used to the fact that he would have to stay there for another six months. at this time of year, there is only one way to get there is by air. "he's very happy future work several years, under the leadership of a famous scientist.
imagine their delight when they learned that he got the first prize for my project.he tried to find an excuse to leave early. the reason for such a hasty return to mrs. чивли in london was in her personal interest in theto sir robert made his report to parliament. she knew that only the fear of being exposed and can get him to agree to this.learning method of mr броклхерста kill children all initiative and willingness to learn.

he walked out of the room without waiting for the end of the show. "when the train, we hurried to the platform.
browsing magazineshe came across a very interesting article on the economy of england.
before writing about these events, he decided to go to the place where they occur.
we persuaded him to come, saying, what not to keep it. "checking, report, accountant found mistake.
he left without saying a word, not even saying goodbye. - i don't want to bother you, indicating the success of details.
he looked cheerful and happy as ever, despite the facti spent a sleepless night at the sick bed. 'we still haven't resolved all these issues, if it was so easy to work with. he started with the story of how he got here. - you would really have.if have the package at.
when the mailbox, i stopped, remembering that for two days carry the letter. "the gramophone records can not be sent by mail, without the appropriate packaging.
when cry babythe mother jumped up and rushed to the nursery.
in the explanation of this physical phenomenon was demonstrated a few experiments.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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