«Здравствуйте. Меня зовут Форрест. Форрест Гамп. Хотите конфету? Я могу таких съесть миллион. Мама всегда говорила, что жизнь — это коробка конфет — никогда не знаешь, какую вытянешь». Так начинается эта необыкновенная и удивительная история, не нуждающаяся в представлении, история, которую сейчас знает уже, наверное, каждый человек. это история удивительного и необычного человека. Настоящего Человека. Форрест Гамп — это просто живое воплощение простых и прекрасных человеческих качеств в одном человеке. Добрый, искренний, открытый, простодушный, простой и бескорыстный. Удивительная и цельная личность. «Ты когда-нибудь думал, кем ты станешь, когда вырастешь?» — «А разве я не буду самим собой?» Да, он не умен в общепринятом смысле этого слова, но это нисколько не является изъяном и признаком его ущербности или ограниченности. Он просто любит маму — мудрую одинокую женщину, давшую сыну все, что только может дать любящая и заботливая мать, начиная от искренней любви и правильного воспитания и заканчивая хорошим образованием. Он просто защищает любимую девушку со страшной и трагичной судьбой. Он просто помогает людям. Просто преданный и заботливый друг. Он просто всегда делает то, что ему просто нравится. «Я не думал, что меня это куда-нибудь приведет». Форрест — студент и лучший игрок футбольной команды, герой войны, знаменитый спортсмен, миллиардер… Форрест — любящий сын, верный товарищ, добрый друг, муж, отец…
Результаты (
английский) 1:
«Hello. My name is Forrest. Forrest Gump. Want candy? I can eat like a million. Mama always said that life is a box of chocolates-you never know what extend ". So begins this extraordinary and amazing story, not needing to be in the view, a story that now know probably everyone. This is the story of the amazing and unusual man. This Person. Forrest Gump is a living embodiment of the simple and excellent human qualities in one person. Kind, sincere, open, guileless, simple and selfless. Amazing and whole personality. "Have you ever thought of who you'll be when you grow up?" — "I'm not going to do yourself?" Yes, he's not smart in the conventional sense, but it's not a bad thing and a sign of its impairment or limited. He just loves MOM-lonely woman, gave a wise son all that can give a loving and caring mother, from the sincere love and proper upbringing and ending with a good education. It simply protects the favorite girl with a terrible and tragic fate. It just helps people. Just a loyal and caring friend. He just always does what he likes. "I didn't think that I would go somewhere else." Forrest is a student and the best player of the football team, a war hero, famous athlete, billionaire ... Forrest was a loving son, a faithful friend, a good friend, husband, father ...
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
"Hello. My name is Forrest. Forrest Gump. Want a piece of candy? I can eat a million of these. Mom always said that life - a box of chocolates - you never know what vytyanesh. " So begins this extraordinary and amazing story that needs no introduction, the story now knows already, probably, everyone. a history of surprising and unusual man. This man. Forrest Gump - it's just the living embodiment of the simple and beautiful human qualities in one person. Kind, sincere, open, simple-minded, simple and selfless. Amazing and whole person. "Have you ever thought of who you'll be when you grow up?" - "Did not I be myself?" Yes, he is not smart in the conventional sense of the word, but it is not at all a flaw and a sign of his inferiority or limitation. He just loves his mother - a wise lonely woman who gave the son everything he can give a loving and caring mother, from a sincere love and proper education and ending with a good education. He's just protecting his girlfriend with a terrible and tragic fate. It just helps people. Just a devoted and caring friend. He just always does what he just likes. "I did not think that I was somewhere else will." Forrest - the student and the best player of the football team, a war hero, a famous athlete, a billionaire ... Forrest - a loving son, loyal friend, a good friend, husband, father of ...
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
"Hello. My name is Forrest. Forrest Gump. You want sweetie? I can such eat a million. Mom has always said that life is a box assorted chocolates - you never know when you may have, what worried".So begins this exceptional and amazing history, not investing in the presentation, history, which now knows already, I think, everyone. this story of the amazing and unusual rights.This rights. Forrest Gump - this is simply a live translation simple and beautiful human qualities in one person. I am very happy, sincere, open, is a simple soul, simple and selfless.The amazing and solid identity. "Do you ever think, anyone gonna make you, when dispensed?" - "I do not think I will not itself?" Yes, it did not decrease in the generally accepted sense of the word,But that is not a flaw and sign his apparent violation or the limited. He simply loves Nastya - wise great congregation: a woman, its author son all that only can give dad and a caring mother,Starting on the sincere love and proper education and ending with a good education. It simply protects your favorite girl with terrible and tragic fate. He simply helps people.Simply dedicated and secure each. He was just always makes that he simply like it. "I did not think that I am to somewhere will result". Forrest - a student and the best player football team, war heroes,The famous athlete, billionaire ... Forrest - the son of man, faithful comrade, friend, husband, father ...
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