Здравствуйте. Я дано, когда игра еще была платной, покупал диск с игрой APB и недавно услышал, что тем кто покупал игру вы жарите подарки или бонусы. Скажите пожалуйста, это правда и как можно получить подарок? Спасибо.
Hello. I was given when the game still was paid, purchased the game disc APB and recently heard that those who bought the game you fry gifts or bonuses. Please tell me this is true and how can I get a gift?Thank you.
Hello. I have been given, when the game has been paid, purchased game disc and APB recently heard that those who bought the game you fry gifts or bonuses. Please tell me this is true and how you can get a gift? Thanks.
hello.i was given when the game was still paid to buy dvd game APB and recently heard that those who bought the game you жарите gifts or bonuses. please tell me, is it true, and how you can get a gift?thank you.