16. Комодский варанСтатус: уязвимыйУгрозы: Комодский варан – самая кру перевод - 16. Комодский варанСтатус: уязвимыйУгрозы: Комодский варан – самая кру английский как сказать

16. Комодский варанСтатус: уязвимый

16. Комодский варан
Статус: уязвимый
Угрозы: Комодский варан – самая крупная в мире ящерица, обитающая на индонезийских островах Комодо, Ринка, Флорес, Гили и Падар.
Вулканическая активность, землетрясения, браконьерство, туризм – все это привело к значительному сокращению поголовья варанов. Сегодня основной угрозой для вида является деградация среды обитания, в частности, снижение популяции оленей, диких кабанов и буйволов, являющихся основной добычей для варанов.
Специалисты оценивают численность популяции в 4 000 – 5 000 особей. Однако некоторые ученые опасаются, что среди них насчитывается лишь 350 самок репродуктивного возраста. Для решения этой проблемы в 1980 году был создан Национальный парк Комодо, решающий задачи по сохранению вида.
Панда, фото
17. Большая панда
Статус: находящийся под угрозой исчезновения.
Угрозы: Большую панду в настоящее время можно встретить лишь на некоторых горных хребтах в центральном Китае, в основном в провинции Сычуань и в меньшем количестве в провинциях Шэньси и Ганьсу. В результате хозяйственной деятельности человека и вырубки лесов, большие панды были вытеснены из низменных областей, где они когда-то обитали.
С древних времен большая панда была объектом браконьерства не только для местных жителей, охотящихся на них ради мягкой шкуры, но и для иностранцев. В 1869 году животное было ввезено на Запад, где оно стало любимцем публики и воспринималось как плюшевая игрушка. Во многом это мнение сложилось по причине вегетарианского характера питания панд (основу их рациона составляет бамбук).
Популяция большой панды ежегодно неумолимо сокращается, что связано во многом с крайне низким уровнем рождаемости как в дикой природе, так и при содержании в неволе. По оценкам ученых, в настоящее время на Земле осталось около 1 600 особей.
Магеллановы пингвины, фото
18. Магелланов пингвин
Статус: близкий к угрозе вымирания.
Миллионы этих пингвинов до сих пор живут на побережьях Аргентины и Чили. Однако гнездовые колонии магелланова пингвина чрезвычайно страдают от разливов нефти, которые ежегодно убивают 20 000 взрослых особей и 22 000 птенцов.
Снижение численности морских рыб также влияет на выживаемость вида. Серьезные изменения климата привели к тому, что пингвины должны плавать на 40 км дальше от гнезда в поисках пищи.
В настоящее время, численность 12 из 17 видов пингвинов быстро снижается.
Пингвины [фото + интересные факты]
Белый медведь, фото
19. Белый медведь
Статус: уязвимый
Угрозы: По оценкам Всемирного союза охраны природы (данные за 2008 год), численность мировой популяции белых медведей на сегодняшний день составляет от 20 000 до 25 000 особей. Каждый год их количество значительно снижается.
В связи с глобальным потеплением климата арктические льды стремительно тают. Для белых медведей это означает потерю привычной среды обитания и большие трудности в добывании пищи.
За последние 45 лет численность белых медведей сократилась более чем на 30%. По некоторым оценкам, в течение 100 лет белые медведи могут исчезнуть безвозвратно.
Читать о белом медведе подробнее.
Фото жирафа Ротшильда
20. Жираф Ротшильда
Статус: находящийся под угрозой исчезновения.
Угрозы: Жираф Ротшильда, известный также как жираф Баринго или Угандский жираф – один из самых редких подвидов жирафов, в дикой природе их насчитывается всего лишь несколько сотен.
Ведение сельского хозяйства в районах обитания жирафов стало главной причиной сокращения их численности. В настоящее время их можно встретить лишь на охраняемых территориях Национального парка «Озеро Накуру» в Кении и Национального парка «Водопады Мерчисона» в северной Уганде. Существует также Giraffe Centre в Найроби, ставший домом для многих жирафов Ротшильда.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
16. Komodo dragonStatus: vulnerableThe threat: a Komodo dragon is the largest living lizard in the world on the Indonesian islands of Komodo, Rinca, Flores, Gili and Padar.Volcanic activity, earthquakes, poaching, tourism-all this has led to a significant reduction of monitor lizards. Today the main threat to the species is habitat degradation, in particular, the decline in populations of deer, wild boar and Buffalo, are the main prey for monitor lizards.Experts estimate the population in 4000-5000 individuals. But some scientists fear that among them there are only 350 females of reproductive age. To resolve this problem, in 1980, was established, the Komodo National Park is a crucial task for the conservation of the species.Panda, photo17. Giant PandaStatus: endangered.The threat: a large Panda now can meet only a few mountain ranges in central China, mostly in Sichuan and Shaanxi provinces in smaller quantities and Gansu. As a result of human activities and forest clearing, giant pandas have been pushed out of low-lying areas where they once lived.Since ancient times, the Giant Panda has been subject to poaching, not only for the local people, hunting for them for the sake of soft skins but also for foreigners. In 1869, the animal was imported to the West, where it became the darling of the public and was perceived as a plush toy. This is largely opinion because the vegetarian diet of pandas (the basis of their diet is bamboo).The population of the big pandas each year, inexorably decline, due largely to extremely low fertility countries both in the wild and in captivity. According to scientists, the Earth currently has approximately 1600 individuals.Magellanic penguins, photo18. Magellanic PenguinStatus: close to the threat of extinction.Millions of these penguins still live on the coasts of Argentina and Chile. However, Magellan Penguin nesting colonies suffer greatly from the oil spill, which annually kill adults and 22000 20000 chicks.The decline of marine fish also affects the survival of the species. Serious climate change led the penguins to swim for 40 kilometres further from the nest in search of food.Currently, the number 12 of the 17 species of penguins declines rapidly.Penguins [photo + interesting facts]Polar bear photo19. Polar bearStatus: vulnerableThe threat: according to the World Conservation Union (data for year 2008), the number of the world's population of polar bears is from 20000 to 25000 animals. Each year, their number greatly reduced.In connection with global warming the Arctic ice is rapidly melting away. For polar bears, it means the loss of a familiar environment and great difficulties in getting food.Over the past 45 years, the number of polar bears has declined by more than 30%. By some estimates, over 100 years, polar bears could disappear forever.Read about the White bear more.Photo giraffe of Rothschild20. Giraffe of RothschildStatus: endangered.The threat: Rothschild Giraffe, also known as giraffe or Baringo giraffe Ugandskij is one of the rarest subspecies of giraffes in the wild, there are only a few hundred.Agriculture in areas of Habitat of a giraffe was the primary reason for reducing their numbers. Now they can be found only in protected areas of the National Park Lake Nakuru National Park in Kenya and the waterfalls of Merčisona "in northern Uganda. There is also the Giraffe Centre in Nairobi, which became home to many of the Rothschild giraffe.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
16. Komodo dragon
Status: Vulnerable
Threats: Komodo dragon - the world's largest lizard living on the Indonesian islands of Komodo, Rinca, Flores, Gili and Padar.
The volcanic activity, earthquakes, poaching, tourism - all this led to a significant decrease in numbers of lizards. Today, the main threat to the species is habitat degradation, in particular, reducing the population of deer, wild boar and buffalo are the main prey for monitor lizards.
Experts estimate the size of the population in 4000 - 5000 individuals. However, some scientists fear that among them there are only 350 females of reproductive age. To solve this problem in 1980 was created by the Komodo National Park, the crucial task of preserving the species.
Panda, photo
17. Giant Panda
Status: endangered.
Threats: giant pandas can now be found only in some mountain ranges in central China, mainly in Sichuan province, and to a lesser extent in the provinces of Shaanxi and Gansu. As a result of human activity and deforestation, giant pandas have been driven out of the lowland areas where they once lived.
Since ancient times, was the object of a big panda poaching not only for local residents who hunt them for soft skin, but also for foreigners. In 1869, the animal was imported to the West, where it became a favorite of the public and was perceived as a plush toy. In many ways, this opinion has been formed due to the nature of the vegetarian food of pandas (the basis of their diet is bamboo).
The population of giant panda every year steadily declining, due in large part to the extremely low level of fertility in the wild and in captivity. Scientists estimate that at the present time in the world there are about 1,600 individuals.
Magellanic penguins, photo
18. Magellanic Penguin
Status: close to the threat of extinction.
Millions of these penguins are still living on the coasts of Argentina and Chile. However, breeding colony of Magellanic penguins extremely suffer from oil spills, which annually kill 20,000 adults and 22,000 chicks.
Reducing the number of marine fish also affects the survival of the species. Severe climate change have led to the fact that penguins have to swim 40 miles farther from the nest in search of food.
At the present time, the number 12 of the 17 species of penguins declines rapidly.
Penguins [photo + Interesting Facts]
Polar bear, photo
19. Polar Bear
Status: Vulnerable
Threats: According to the World Conservation Union (data for 2008), the number of the world's polar bear population today is from 20 000 to 25 000 individuals. Each year their number is greatly reduced.
Due to global warming is rapidly melting Arctic ice. For polar bears it means the loss of familiar surroundings and great difficulty in obtaining food.
Over the past 45 years, the number of polar bears has declined by more than 30%. According to some estimates, for 100 years the polar bears could disappear forever.
Read more about the polar bear.
Photo Rothschild giraffe
20. Rothschild's giraffe
Status: endangered.
Threats: Rothschild Giraffe also known as the Baringo giraffe or Ugandan Giraffe - one of the rarest subspecies of giraffes in the wild they number only a few hundred.
Agriculture in habitats giraffes was the main reason their decline. Currently, they can be found only in protected areas of the National Park "Lake Nakuru" in Kenya and the National Park "Murchison Falls" in northern Uganda. There is also the Giraffe Centre in Nairobi, has become home to many Rothschild giraffes.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
16. Stock pair donated by prairie windhover
Status: vulnerable
threat: stock pair donated by prairie windhover - the world's largest lizard, but apart from the Indonesian islands Komodo, wholesale market, Flores, and Gili Air building.
volcanic activity, earthquakes,Poaching, tourism - all of this has led to a significant reduction in livestock numbers komodo dragon. Today the main threat for the view is degradation habitats, in particular, reducing populations of deer,Wild wild boars and buffalo, which were the main prey for komodo dragon.
experts estimate the population in the 4 000 - 5 000 species. However, some scientists fear,That among them there were only 350 female reproductive age. For the solution of the problem, in 1980, established the National park Komodo, a crucial task for the presence of the species.
Panda, photo
17. A large panda
Status:Under the endangered species.
threat: Great pandas currently, can be found only on some mountain ranges in central China,Mainly in Sichuan province and in a smaller number of the Shaanxi and Gansu provinces. As a result of the economic activity of rights and exploitation of the forests, giant pandas were ousted from low-lying areas,Where they were when the Nagaland.
since ancient times a large panda was the target poaching not only for local residents, can help thwart break them for a soft skins, but also for foreigners. In 1869, the animal was imported to the West,Where it has been bauble public and perceived as plush sole and padded tips toy. In many ways this view was the reason вегетарианского nature power pandas (the basis of their diet is bamboo) .
Every year a large gastropod panda is inexorably declining, that is linked to a large extent with the extremely low level of fertility as well as in the wilderness, and the content in captivity. It is estimated that scientists,Currently, the land is left about 1,600 species.
Магеллановы penguins, photo
18. Participated as IOC consultant on leg six, penguin
Status: close to the threatened species.
millions of these penguins are still living on the shores of Argentina and Chile.However, the female colony Magellan rescale extremely suffer from oil spills, which every year kill 20,000 adult animals and 22,000 deeply revolted.
decline in the number of marine fish species also affects the survival type.Serious climate change have led to the penguins must swim on 40 km away from its socket in search of food.
at the present time, the number 12 of the 17 species of penguins is quickly reduced.
Penguins (photo interesting facts.
White Bear, photo
19. White bear
Status: vulnerable
threat: it is estimated that the World Conservation Union (data from 2008 year),The world's population of white bears from the date, total 20 000 25 000 species. Each year, the number is significantly reduced.
In connection with the global warming climate change Arctic ice is rapidly receding. In the case of white bears this means loss familiar environment and great difficulties in beggars food.
For the past 45 years, the number white bears dropped by more than 30 %. According to some estimates, in 100 years white polar bears could disappear permanently.
read the white makes us ponder more.
Photo giraffe
20.Giraffe Mr Schwartz has already begun
Status: located in endangered species.
threat: giraffe, also known as a refuge or Угандскии giraffe giraffe is one of the most rare botanical giraffes,In the wild there are only a few hundred.
agriculture in areas habitat giraffes had become the main reason for the reduction in their number.Currently, they can be found only in protected territories National Park, Lake Nakuru in Kenya and the National park "Waterfalls Мерчисона" in northern Uganda. There is also Giraffe Center in Nairobi,Which has become a home for many giraffes Mr Schwartz has already begun.
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