Сегодня я расскажу вам про стереотипы о пожилых людях. Пожилые люди ве перевод - Сегодня я расскажу вам про стереотипы о пожилых людях. Пожилые люди ве английский как сказать

Сегодня я расскажу вам про стереоти

Сегодня я расскажу вам про стереотипы о пожилых людях. Пожилые люди везде описаны по разному. В книгах и фильмах они бывают как плохими так и хорошими. В одних фильмах, книгах их показывают как беспомощных и больных. Показывают их с плохой стороны. Но, к счастью, в большинстве фильмов и книг пожилые люди показаны как жизнерадостные, здоровые и полные сил люди. Они занимаются спортом, работают. Их обычный распорядок дня такой же, как и у молодых. В жизни пожилым людям очень трудно. Их считают слабыми и больными, но это не так. Многие пожилые люди в наше время страдают от стереотипов. По телевизору показывают много случаев, когда старики обмануты, оскорблены или же просто выброшены на улицу. И все из-за стереотипа о том, что пожилые люди больные и беспомощные. Чтобы избежать этого нужно найти общий язык с ними, постараться понять, ведь все мы в скором времени станем пожилыми. Пожилым людям трудно в наше время. Все новое, все усовершенствованное, но к сожалению люди становятся все бессердечными. В стране, во многих городах проводят акции, мероприятия и курсы для пожилых, где они учатся пользоваться компьютером, телефоном и другими современными вещами. Ежегодно празднуется день пожилого человека. На этот праздник мои дедушкам и бабушкам дарят вещи первой необходимости. Например, продукты, лекарства или же нужную в хозяйстве вещь. Чтобы показать уважение к пожилым, нужно просто помочь им. Например, просто перевести через дорогу или донести тяжелые сумки - это уже помощь.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Today I will tell you about the stereotypes of older people. Seniors everywhere are described differently. In books and films, they are both bad and good. In the films, the books show how helpless and sick. Show them with a bad hand. But, fortunately, most of the films and books, older people are shown as cheerful, healthy and full of people. They play sports, work. Their normal daily routine is the same as that of the young. In the life of the elderly people is very difficult. They are considered weak and sick, but it's not. Many older people nowadays suffer from stereotypes. On the tv show many cases of old people cheated, insulted or simply thrown out into the street. And all because of the stereotype that older people are sick and helpless. To avoid this you need to find a common language with them, try to understand, all of us will soon become older. For older people it is difficult in our time. All new, all advanced, but unfortunately people have become heartless. In the country, many cities hold rallies, activities and courses for the elderly, where they learn to use the computer, telephone and other modern things. Every year is celebrated the day of older persons. On this day my grandparents give necessities. For example, food, drugs or the in thing. To show respect for the elderly, you just need to help them. For example, just across the street or to translate heavy bags are already helping.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Today I will tell you about the stereotypes of older people. Older people everywhere are described in different ways. In books and movies, they are both bad and good. In some films, books show them how helpless and sick. Show their bad side. But, fortunately, in most movies and books elderly are shown as cheerful, healthy and full of energy people. They play sports, work. Their daily routine is the same as that of the young. In the life of elderly people is very difficult. They are considered weak and sick, but it is not. Many elderly people nowadays suffer from stereotypes. On the TV show many cases where the elderly are deceived, offended or simply thrown into the street. And all because of the stereotype that older people are sick and helpless. To avoid this you need to find a common language with them, try to understand, because we will soon become older. Elderly difficult nowadays. All new, all improved, but unfortunately people are becoming heartless. In the country, many cities hold shares, activities and courses for the elderly, where they learn to use a computer, telephone and other modern things. Annually celebrated day an elderly person. On this holiday my grandparents give things essentials. For example, food, drugs or the right thing in the economy. To show respect for the elderly, you just need to help them. For example, simply transfer across the street or bring heavy bags - it is help.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Today, I will tell you about stereotypes of older persons. Families with young people everywhere are described in different ways. In the books and movies they are both bad and good. In some movies, books they show how helpless and sick.Show them with a bad hand. But, fortunately, in most movies and books older people are shown as so cheerful, healthy and full of people. They are involved in sports, are working. Their normal day's schedule is the sameAs the young. In the life of older people is very difficult. They were seen as weak and sick, but this is not so. Many older people in our time suffer from stereotypes. On the TV show, many cases where elderly people robbed,Offended or just thrown out on the street. And all because of the stereotype that older people sick and helpless. To avoid this you need to find a common language with them, to try to understand,Indeed, all we will soon become older. Older people find it difficult in our time. All new, all advanced, but unfortunately people are great fortitude. In the country, in many cities will be escorted shares,Activities and courses for the elderly, where they learn to use the computer, telephone, and other modern things. Day is celebrated each year elderly rights.On this day my grandparents and older women may find themselves watering things first as necessary. For example, products, medicine, or same desired in agriculture thing. To show respect for the elderly, you simply help them. For example,Simply move across the street or to convey heavy bags - this is already assistance.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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