На побережье Венесуэлы, примерно в трехстах километрах на запад от уст перевод - На побережье Венесуэлы, примерно в трехстах километрах на запад от уст английский как сказать

На побережье Венесуэлы, примерно в

На побережье Венесуэлы, примерно в трехстах километрах на запад от устья великой реки Ориноко, лежит один из старейших городов Америки — Кумана. Город, основанный испанцами в 1520 году у выхода из глубокой бухты, защищенный от северо-восточных пассатов длинным мысом, с самого зарождения стал оживленным торговым и культурным центром, а также форпостом конки стад орской экспансии. Отсюда в глубь страны, вплоть до самой реки Ориноко, грозные конкистадоры отправлялись в походы покорять индейские племена и захватывать их земли, отсюда во множестве отправлялись и миссионеры порабощать, а коль угодно — спасать души индейцев и закладывать богатые миссии. В Кумане, естественно, множество храмов и монастырей, веками копивших за своими стенами разные хроники, документы, летописи. До нынешних дней сохранилась здесь не одна ценная рукопись, проливающая свет на историю страны и людей, на дела минувших лет.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
On the coast of Venezuela, about three hundred kilometers to the West from the mouth of the great river Orinoco, lies one of the oldest cities in America, Cumaná. City founded by the Spanish in 1520 year exit from Deep Bay, protected from the North-East trade winds long Cape, from the very inception has become a bustling commercial and cultural centre, as well as an outpost of the horsecar Stud fortress expansion. From here into the country, until the river Orinoco, menacing conquistadors went hiking to conquer Indian tribes and grab their land, hence in many sent slaves and missionaries, and Kohl anything — save the souls of the Indians and found rich mission. In Cumaná, naturally, many temples and monasteries, kopivših centuries over their walls different Chronicles, documents, chronicles. To this day preserved here not one valuable manuscript, prolivaûŝaâ light on the history of the country and the people, to the cases of the past years.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
On the coast of Venezuela, about three hundred kilometers to the west of the mouth of the great Orinoco River is one of the oldest cities in America - Cumana. The city, founded by the Spanish in 1520 at the entrance of a deep bay, protected from the north-east trade winds long cape, from the very inception has become a busy commercial and cultural center, as well as an outpost tram herds Orsk expansion. Hence, in the interior of the country, right up to the Orinoco River, threatening the conquistadors went hiking to conquer the Indian tribes and seize their land, hence in the set and sent missionaries to enslave and stake everything - save the souls of the Indians and to lay the rich mission. In Cumana, of course, a lot of churches and monasteries, centuries kopivshih behind their walls different chronicles, documents, chronicles. Up to the present day is preserved here is not a valuable manuscript sheds light on the history of the country and the people in the affairs of the past years.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
on the coast of venezuela, about 300 miles west of the mouth of the orinoco river, is one of the oldest cities in america - cumana. the city, founded by the spanish in 1520, at the exit of the deep bayprotected from the north east trade winds a long cape, with the beginning of a busy commercial and cultural center, as well as an outpost of конки stud орской expansion. out of the depths of the countryuntil the orinoco river, creating the conquistadors were hiking across the indian tribes and seize their land, here in a lot of travel and missionaries to enslave.if you want to save the souls of the indians and provide rich mission. in кумане, naturally, many churches and monasteries, and for centuries копивших behind their walls different chronicles, documents the histories.until the current days was not a valuable manuscript about the gun that could shed some light on the history of the country and the people in the past years.
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