Кто совершает преступления?Есть убеждение, что преступления обычно сов перевод - Кто совершает преступления?Есть убеждение, что преступления обычно сов английский как сказать

Кто совершает преступления?Есть убе

Кто совершает преступления?
Есть убеждение, что преступления обычно совершаются людьми с психическими расстройствами. Особенно если речь идет о массовых захватах в школах, кинотеатрах или других общественных местах. Так ли это на самом деле?
Николай Проценко
ФОТО Getty Images
Благодаря многочисленным исследованиям, известно, что подобные нападения всегда бывают связаны со вспышками гнева и злоупотреблением психоактивными веществами. Кроме того, под рукой у преступника обычно оказывается легкодоступное оружие. Однако недавно ученые нескольких американских университетов впервые решили проверить, есть ли связь между психическими отклонениями и актами насилия. Для этого они тщательно изучили историю 305 преступлений.
«Случаи массовых расстрелов получают большой общественный резонанс, и в результате к психически больным людям начинают относиться настороженно. Наше исследование четко показало, что психозы редко приводят к актам насилия», – говорит главный автор исследования, клинический психолог Дженнифер Ским из Калифорнийского университета в Беркли.
Поступок пилота Germanwings: акт насилия или акт отчаяния?
Ским и ее коллеги из Виргинского и Колумбийского университетов рассмотрели истории самых опасных пациентов, которые были изучены в 1998 году в рамках крупного Макартурского исследования по оценке риска насильственных преступлений. В этой работе анализировались дела более 1100 преступников, которых к тому моменту уже выпустили из психиатрических клиник.
Авторов нового исследования особо интересовала подгруппа из 100 пациентов, совершивших два или более нападения с применением насилия в течение года после выписки из клиники. Необходимо было выяснить их психическое состояние во время совершения преступлений.
Актами насилия в данном случае считалось причинение телесных повреждений, изнасилование, нападение с оружием или угроза его применения. Пациенты страдали такими психическими заболеваниями, как шизофрения, биполярное расстройство, тяжелые тревожные и депрессивные расстройства.
Исследователи не только изучили документы, но и лично побеседовали с пациентами, чтобы больше узнать об их мыслях и переживаниях непосредственно перед нападениями. Дополнительно опросили их друзей и родственников. Оказалось, что только в 12% случаев акты насилия совершались после приступов болезни. Если этот же человек совершал другие преступления, обычно это уже происходило не под влиянием расстройства.
Психиатры предупреждают, что из-за массовых расстрелов и других подобных преступлений в обществе растут предубеждения против психически больных, которые в результате вынуждены скрывать свое заболевание и не обращаться за помощью.
Удар в спину
Недавно было также опубликовано другое исследование, которое показало, что из 120 000 убийств с применением огнестрельного оружия, совершенных в США в 2001-2010 годах, лишь 5% были совершены психически больными людьми. С другой стороны, больные гораздо чаще, чем среднестатистические граждане, становятся жертвами насильственных преступлений.
«Конечно, необходимо дать психически больным людям доступ к качественной медицинской помощи. Но важно не забывать и о других факторах, способствующих совершению актов насилия, в том числе и психически здоровыми людьми, – плохое обращение в детстве, злоупотребление алкоголем и наркотиками, неблагополучные районы», – резюмирует Ским.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Who commit crimes?There is a belief that crime usually committed by people with mental disorders. Especially if we are talking about massive engagements in schools, theaters or other public places. Is it really so?Nikolay Protsenko ALTPHOTO Getty Images Thanks to numerous studies it is known that such attacks are always associated with flashes of anger and substance abuse. In addition, under the hand of the offender is usually readily available weapons. Recently, however, scientists at several American universities for the first time decided to check whether there is a link between mental disorders and violence. To this end, they have carefully studied the history of 305 crimes."Cases of mass executions receive much public outcry, and as a result to mentally ill people start treating wary. Our research clearly showed that psychoses rarely lead to acts of violence, "said the chief author of the study, clinical psychologist Jennifer Skim of the University of California at Berkeley.READ ALSOGermanwings pilots Act: Act of violence or an act of desperation?Skim and her colleagues from Virginia and Columbia universities reviewed the history of the world's most dangerous patients who were examined in the year 1998 as part of a major Makarturskogo risk assessment study of violent crime. This work examined the cases of more than 1100 criminals, which had already been released from psychiatric hospitals.The authors of the new study is particularly interested in the subgroup of the 100 patients who have committed two or more violent attacks during the year after discharge from hospital. It was necessary to determine their mental state at the time of the crimes.Acts of violence in this case was considered a bodily harm, rape, assault with a weapon or threat of its use. Patients suffered from mental illness, such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, severe anxiety and depressive disorders.Researchers have studied not only documents, but also personally talked with patients to learn more about their thoughts and feelings just before the attacks. Additionally interviewed their friends and relatives. It turned out that only 12% of cases, the acts of violence perpetrated after bouts of illness. If the same man had committed other crimes, it usually has already happened not under the influence of the disorder.Psychiatrists warn that because of mass shootings and other such crimes in society are growing prejudice against the mentally ill, who are forced to hide their disease and not seek help.READ ALSOStab in the backIt was also recently published another study, which showed that of the 120 000000 murders with firearms committed in United States in the 2001-2010, only 5% were committed by mentally ill people. On the other hand, patients are much more likely than average citizens, victims of violent crimes."Of course, it is necessary to give the mentally ill people's access to quality health care. But it is important not to forget about other factors that contribute to the perpetration of acts of violence, including a mentally healthy people-mistreatment in childhood, alcohol and drug abuse, distressed areas, "sums up the Skim.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Those who commit crimes?
Is the belief that crime is usually committed by people with mental disorders. Especially when it comes to mass seizure in schools, cinemas and other public places. Is it really?
Nikolay Protsenko
PHOTO Getty Images
Through numerous studies, we know that such attacks are always associated with outbreaks of anger and substance abuse. In addition, under the hand of the offender is usually readily available weapons. Recently, however, scientists from several US universities for the first time decided to check whether there is a link between mental illness and violence. To do this, they thoroughly studied the history of 305 crimes.
"The cases of mass executions receive a great public resonance, and as a result to the mentally ill people begin to treat cautiously. Our research clearly showed that psychosis rarely lead to acts of violence, "- said the chief author of the study, a clinical psychologist Jennifer Skim the University of California at Berkeley.
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Act pilot Germanwings: an act of violence or an act of desperation?
Skim and colleagues from Virginia and Columbia universities reviewed the history of the most dangerous patients who were examined in 1998 as part of a large Makarturskogo studies to assess the risk of violent crime. In this paper we analyzed more than 1,100 cases of criminals who by that time had been released from psychiatric hospitals.
The authors of the new study particularly interested in the subgroup of 100 patients who have committed two or more violent attacks within a year after discharge from the hospital. It was necessary to find out their mental state at the time of the commission of crimes.
Acts of violence are considered as bodily injury, rape, assault with a weapon or threat of violence. Patients suffering from mental illness such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, severe anxiety and depressive disorders.
The researchers not only studied the documents, but also personally talked with patients to learn more about their thoughts and feelings just before the attacks. In addition, a survey of their friends and relatives. It turned out that only 12% of acts of violence committed after bouts of illness. If the same person commits another crime, it is usually already occurred not under the influence of disorders.
Psychiatrists are warning that because of the mass executions and other such crimes in a society are growing prejudice against the mentally ill, which as a result are forced to hide their disease and do not seek help .
recently was also published another study which showed that out of 120,000 murders with firearms, committed in the United States in 2001-2010, only 5% were committed by mentally ill people. On the other hand, patients are much more likely than the average citizens who are victims of violent crime.
"Of course, you need to mentally ill people access to quality health care. But it is important not to forget about the other factors contributing to the commission of acts of violence, including the mentally healthy people - mistreatment in childhood, alcohol and drug abuse, disadvantaged areas "- sums Skim.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
whoever commits the crimes?
there is a presumption that the crimes were usually people with mental disorders. especially in the case of massive seizures in schools, theaters and other public places.is it really? nikolay protsenko

Getty alt picture images thanks to numerous studies, knowsuch attacks are always associated with outbreaks of anger and substance abuse. in addition, under the hand of the suspect is usually легкодоступное weapons.recently, however, scientists in several american universities for the first time, decided to check whether there is a relationship between mental disorders and violence. to this end, they carefully studied the history of 305 cases."cases of mass shootings receive much public outcry, and as a result the mentally ill are treated with caution. our study clearly indicatedthat the psychoses rarely lead to acts of violence ", says the lead author of the study, clinical psychologist jennifer ским from university of california, berkeley.

you read the pilot germanwings.the violent act or an act of desperation?
ским and her colleagues from the university of virginia and columbia reviewed the history of the most dangerous patientsthat has been studied in 1998 as part of a major макартурского research on risk assessment of violent crimes. in this work, analysed more than 1100 criminalswhich, at the time, were released from psychiatric clinics.
the authors new study particularly interested group of 100 patientsfor two or more violent attacks during the year after discharge from the hospital. it was necessary to find out their mental state at the time of commission of the crime.acts of violence in this case was considered as the infliction of bodily harm, rape, assault weapons, or the threat of its use. the patients suffered from mental illness such as schizophrenia.bipolar disorder, severe anxiety and depressive disorders. researchers have not only studied the documents, but also personally interviewed the patients.to learn more about their thoughts and experiences directly before the attacks. further asked them to friends and relatives. it turns outonly 12% of cases the violence occurred after bouts of illness. if the person committed other crimes is usually already was not under the influence of the disorder.
psychiatrists warnbecause of the mass shootings, and other crimes in society are growing prejudice against the mentally ill as a result of forced to hide their illness and seek help. "read also
a stab in the back "was also recently published another study which showed that the 120 000 murders committed with firearms, in the united states in 2001 to 2010only 5% were committed by the mentally ill. on the other hand, the sick more often than average citizens are the victims of violent crimes.
"courseneed to mentally ill people have access to quality health care. but it is important not to overlook other factors that contribute to the commission of acts of violence, including the mentally healthy peopleis the ill treatment in childhood, alcohol and drug abuse, poor areas, summarizes the ским.
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