У меня появилась одна проблема. Я потеряла где-то мой кабель к моему фотоаппарату. Я была в нескольких местах - ICC Capital Suite 9, Poster Display; Room P; Exibition. Вы можете мне помочь?
I had one problem. I lost somewhere in my cable to my camera. I was in several places-ICC Capital Suite 9, Poster Display; Room P; Exhibition. Can you help me?
I had a single problem. I lost somewhere in my cable to my camera. I was in several places - ICC Capital Suite 9, Poster Display; Room P; Exibition. Can you help me?
i have a problem.i lost somewhere my cable to my my camera. i was in a few places - icc capital suite 9, poster display; the p; Exibition.can you help me?