1. Вам уже передали документы?
2. В чем вас обвиняют?
3. Если бы ты не ехал так медленно, мы бы успели на поезд.
4. Он сказал, что ничего не знает об этом.
5. Вас не предупредили, что я опоздаю?
6. Из чего это сделано?
7. Когда я пришел, машина была уже отремонтирована.
8. Вы не говорили, что знаете этого человека.
9. Вам звонили, но вас не было дома.
10. Посмотри, что я сделал.
11. Я не пришел потому что мне сказали, что встречу отменили.
12. Вам сообщили мой адрес?
13. Он сказал, что не хочет с нами идти, потому что уже видел этот фильм.
14.Вам передали сообщение, которое я оставил для вас?
15. Я бы никогда не поверил, если бы не увидил это собственными глазами.
16. Статья напечатана?
17.Я надеюсь вас встретили вчера в аэропорту.
18. Когда было построено это здание?
19. Кого еще пригласили на эту встречу?
20. Он пообещал, что когда я приеду, он покажет мне город.
21. Если бы вы это слышали, вы бы изминили свое мнение.
22. Я не думал что вы так хорошо осведомлены.
23. Мою машину все еще ремонтируют.
24. Если у меня не будет никаких планов на выходные, я зайду к тебе.
25. Ваша помощь не понадобилась.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
1. you have already transferred the documents?2. what you are accused?3. If you're not rode so slowly, we would have missed the train.4. He said that he knows nothing about it.5. you are not warned that I am late?6. What is it made of?7. When I arrived, the machine was already renovated.8. you're not saying that you know this person.9. Who called, but you weren't at home.10. Look what I did.11. I didn't come because I was told that the meeting was cancelled.12. you told me?13. He said that he did not want to go because we've already seen this movie.14. you have forwarded the message I left for you?15. I would never have believed it if I hadn't they it with your own eyes.16. article printed?17. I hope you met today at the airport.18. When was this building constructed?19. who else was invited to this meeting?20. He promised that when I arrive, he will show me the city.21. If you heard it, you would have izminili their opinions.22. I did not think that you are so knowledgeable.23. My car was still being repaired.24. If I will not have any plans for the weekend, I'll come to you.25. your help is not needed.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (
английский) 2:
1. You have to hand over documents?
2. What are you accused of?
3. If you were not driving so slowly, we would have time to train.
4. He said that he knew nothing about it.
5. You are not warned that I'll be late?
6. What is it made?
7. When I arrived, the car has already been repaired.
8. You did not say that you know that person.
9. You have been called, but you were not home.
10. Look what I did.
11. I did not come because I was told that the meeting was canceled.
12. You said my address?
13. He said he does not want us to go, because I've seen this movie.
14.Vam handed the message I left for you?
15. I would never have believed it if you see it with my own eyes.
16. The article was published?
17.YA hope to meet you at the airport yesterday.
18. When it was built this building?
19. Who else we were invited to this meeting?
20. He promised that when I come, it will show me the town.
21. If you hear it, you would izminit their opinions.
22. I do not think that you are so well informed.
23. My car is still renovating.
24. If I do not have any plans for the weekend, I'll come to you.
25. Your help was not needed.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (
английский) 3:
1. you have delivered the documents?
2. what you're saying?
3. if you're not going so slowly, we would have caught the train.
4. he said he knew nothing about it.
5. you don't know what i'm going to be late?
6. what is this made of?
7.when i arrived, the car was repaired.
8. didn't you say that you know this person.
9. you called, but you weren't home.
10. look what i did. "11. i didn't come because i was told that the meeting has been canceled.
12.you have my address?
13. he said he didn't want to come with us, because he has already seen the film.
14.вам delivered a message that i left for you?
15. i would never have believed it, if not seeing it with my own eyes. "16.article printed?
17.я hope you met last night at the airport.
18. when it was built this building?
19. who else was invited to the meeting?
20. he promised that when i get back, he's gonna show me the town.
21. if you heard it,would you изминили opinion.
22. i don't think you know so well.
23. my car is still under construction.
24. if i don't have any plans for the weekend, i'll come to you. "25. your help needed.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..