Мастер и Маргарита

Мастер и Маргарита", моя любимая кн

Мастер и Маргарита", моя любимая книга.
Автор этого романа Михаил Булгаков, знаменитый русский писатель и драматург.
Это сатирический роман, роман о сущности искусства, судьбе художника, так же о настоящей, верной, вечной любви.
Мастер и Маргарита, это главные герои книги.
Мастер- художник, автор «не горящей рукописи» и возлюбленный главной героини — Маргариты. Этот герой очень похож на самого Михаила Булгакова.
Маргарита, эта отдавшаяся на волю дьявола ведьма. Она верна, целеустремленна, это она вытаскивает любимого из сумасшедшего дома.
Мне нравится эта книга. С одной стороны меня привлекает ее мистический сюжет.
Действие происходит в реальном мире, но там присутствуют мистические герои: демоны, ведьмы, говорящие коты. Это позволяет ей держать внимание и интерес очень долго.
С другой стороны романтическая и трагичная история любви главных героев Мастера и Маргариты.
Булгаков очень замечательно рассказывает об истории любви своих героев. Любовь была с ними и во время тяжелой болезни Мастера.
Трагедия началась, когда Мастер исчез на многие месяцы. Маргарита неустанно думает о нем. Она, жизнелюбивая, беспокойная и отважная готовая рисковать чем угодно, лишь бы отыскать своего возлюбленного. Связывается с дьяволом и вступает в мир черной магии
Роман, читается настолько легко и увлекательно, что оторваться практически невозможно.
Каждый персонаж — необычен, а поворот сюжета — непредсказуем, потому просто невозможно оторваться от чтения и каждый раз, перечитывая эту книгу, поражаешься таланту автора, который создал такое неповторимое произведение.
Роман заканчивается очень хорошо, как в сказке "добрые" герои награждены, "злые" наказаны.
Роман «мастер и маргарита» является классикой своего жанра.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
The master and Margarita ", my favorite book.The author of this novel by Mikhail Bulgakov, the famous Russian writer and playwright.This satirical novel, a novel about the nature of art, the fate of the artist, just the real, true, eternal love.The master and Margarita, the main characters of the book.Master painter, the author of "not burning manuscripts and lover of the protagonist is Marguerite. This hero is very similar to the Mikhail Bulgakov.Margarita, this given the will of the devil witch. It is purposeful, she pulls out a loved one from crazy House.I like this book. On the one hand I am attracted to its mystical plot. The action takes place in the real world, but there are present the mystical heroes: demons, witches, talking cats. This allows her to keep the attention and interest for very long.On the other hand the romantic and tragic love story of the main characters of the master and Margarita. Bulgakov tells the story of a very wonderful love their heroes. Love was with them during severe illness in the wizard. The tragedy began when the master was gone for many months. Margarita relentlessly thinks about it. She's active, restless and brave ready to risk anything, only to find her lover. Associated with the devil and entering the world of black magic The novel is so easy and fun that it is practically impossible to tear myself away.Each character is unusual, and plot twist is unpredictable because it is simply impossible to break away from reading and every time rereading this book, you are amazed by the talent of the author who created such a unique product.The novel ends with a very good, like in a fairy tale "good" Heroes awarded, "evil" punished.The master and Margarita is a classic of its genre.I advise everyone to read
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
The Master and Margarita ", my favorite book.
The author of the novel Mikhail Bulgakov, the famous Russian writer and playwright.
It is a satirical novel, a novel about the essence of art, the fate of the artist, as of present, true, eternal love.
The Master and Margarita, are the main characters book.
The master painter, the author of "not burning the manuscripts" and lover of the protagonist -. Margarita this character is very similar to most of Mikhail Bulgakov.
Margarita, this surrender to the will of the devil witch it is true, purposeful, that she pulls out a favorite from the madhouse..
I like this book On the one hand I am attracted its mysterious plot..
The action takes place in the real world, but they are present mystical heroes. demons, witches, talking cats This allows it to keep the attention and interest for a long time.
On the other hand the romantic and tragic story love the main characters of The Master and Margarita.
Bulgakov very wonderful tells the love story of their heroes. love was with them during a serious illness Masters.
The tragedy began when the Master disappeared for many months. Margarita constantly thinking about it. She is active, restless and brave are willing to risk anything, just to find her lover. Associated with the devil, and enter into the world of black magic,
novel, read so easy and fun that is almost impossible to break.
Each character - is unusual, and the twist - is unpredictable because it is simply impossible to break away from reading and every time, reading this book, one is struck by the talent of the author who created this unique work.
The novel ends with a very good, like a fairy tale "good" heroes rewarded, "evil" punished.
The novel "The Master and Margarita" is a classic of its genre.
I advise everyone to read
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