Сейчас то время, когда все наши участники должны будут идти в армию. И боюсь, пока все мы не отслужи , мы не сможем встретиться с нашими русскими фанатами. :( но мы любим вас так же как и других фанатов, и обязательно приедем к вам в будущем.
Now is the time when all our participants will have to go into the army. And I'm afraid we are not otsluži yet, we will not be able to meet with our Russian fans. :(but we love you just like other fans, and will definitely come to you in the future.
Now is the time when all of our participants will have to go into the army. And I'm afraid, as we all have not served, we can not meet with our Russian fans. :( But we love you as well as other fans and be sure to come to you in the future.