Якутские полицейские задержали молодую женщину, подозреваемую в убийст перевод - Якутские полицейские задержали молодую женщину, подозреваемую в убийст английский как сказать

Якутские полицейские задержали моло

Якутские полицейские задержали молодую женщину, подозреваемую в убийстве своей подруги . Тело убитой обвиняемая спрятала в диване, где оно было найдено лишь месяц спустя . Расследование началось после того, как 13 июля 2015 года в правоохранительные органы города Нерюнгри обратились жители одного из многоквартирных домов с жалобами на неприятный запах, исходящий из квартиры соседей.
Прибывшие на место преступления полицейские, обнаружили труп женщина в диване.
После задержания подозреваемой, оказалась, что они вместе с потерпевшей употребляли алкоголь, вследствие чего началась драка, и подозреваемая нанесла подруги множественные ножевые ранения. Убедившись в смерти подруги, она спрятала ее в диван.
Девушку посадила на 8 лет, колонии строго режима.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Yakut policemen detained a young woman suspected of murdering his girlfriend. The body of the murdered the defendant hid in the couch where it was found a month later. The investigation began after July 13, 2015 years in law enforcement agencies requested neryungri inhabitants of one of the apartment buildings complained of a bad smell coming from the apartment neighbors. Arrived at the crime scene, police found the corpse of a woman in the couch. After the detention of a suspect, it turned out that they together with the victim drank alcohol, with the result that started the fight, and the suspect caused girlfriend multiple stab wounds. After confirming the death of girlfriends, she hid her in the sofa. The girl landed at 8 years of hard-labor colony.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Yakut police detained a young woman suspected of murdering his girlfriend. The body of the murdered accused hid in the sofa, where it was found a month later. The investigation began after the July 13, 2015 to law enforcement agencies Neryungri approached by residents of one of the apartment buildings complained of an unpleasant smell coming from the apartment neighbors.
Arrived on the scene police found the body of a woman in a couch.
After the detention of the suspect turned out to be, they are with the victim drank alcohol, so that a fight broke out, and the suspect inflicted multiple stab wounds girlfriend. Convinced of the death of a friend, she hid it in bed.
The girl has planted 8 years colony.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
sakha police detained the suspect in the murder of a young woman, my friend. the body of the defendant is hidden in the sofa, where it was found a month later. the investigation began afteron 13 july, 2015 in the law enforcement authorities of neryungri asked residents of one of the apartment buildings due to the unpleasant smell coming from the flat neighborhood.
arrived at the scene, police found the body of a woman on the sofa.
after the detention of a suspect, is that they drank alcohol together with the injured, as a result, the fight started.and the suspect had been friends with multiple stab wounds. when the death of a friend, she hid her in the couch.
the girl planted 8 years, strict regime.
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