1. Она заявила, что не хочет идти с нами. 2. Она нас уверяла, что не говорила с Ниной. 3. Она отрицала, что говорила с Ниной. 4. Она напомнила мне, что я обещала позвонить Елене. 5. Она признала, что ошиблась. 6. Он нам сообщил, что достал билеты.
1. She stated that she did not want to go with us. 2. we claimed that She did not speak with Nina. 3. She denied that talked with Nina. 4. She reminded me that I had promised to call Elena. 5. She acknowledged that mistake. 6. He told us that got hold of tickets.
1. She said she did not want to go with us. 2. She assured us that did not speak with Nina. 3. She denied that she spoke with Nina. 4. She reminded me that I promised to call Helen. 5. It is recognized that mistake. 6. He told us that to get a ticket.
1. She stated that they do not want to go with us. 2. It has yielded virtually no results, that is not said with Ninoy Aquino. 3. She denied that she had said the Ninoy Aquino. 4. She reminded me that I had promised to call Elena. 5. It recognized that miscalculated. 6. He informed us,That fed up tickets.