Саксон Грамматик (

Саксон Грамматик ("Gesta Danorum"):

Саксон Грамматик ("Gesta Danorum"): "Город Аркона лежит на вершине высокой скалы; с севера, востока и юга он ограждён природной защитой... с западной стороны его защищает высокая насыпь в пятьдесят локтей... Посреди города лежит открытая площадь, на которой возвышается прекрасный деревянный храм, почитаемый не только благодаря великолепию своего зодчества, но и благодаря величию бога, которому здесь был воздвигнут идол”. Его данные были подтверждены в 1920-х гг. раскопками немецкого археолога К. Шуххардта и др. http://vl-club.com/547-arkona-svyaschennyy-gorod-hram.html
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Saxo Grammaticus ("Gesta Regis Danorum"): "the city of Arkon lies atop a high cliff; from the North, East and South it is limited by the natural protection of ... on the West side it protects a high mound of fifty cubits ... .... In the middle of the city lies the open square, where stands the beautiful wooden temple, revered not only by the magnificence of its architecture, but also because of the greatness of God which was erected here Idol. " His figures were confirmed by the 1920-ies. excavations by German archaeologist k. Šuhhardta, etc. http://vl-club.com/547-arkona-svyaschennyy-gorod-hram.html
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Saxo Grammaticus ("Gesta Danorum"): "City Arkona lies atop a high cliff, from the north, east and south it is enclosed natural protection ... on the western side it is protected by a high mound of fifty cubits ... In the middle of the city is an open area, on which stands a beautiful wooden temple, revered not only by the magnificence of its architecture, but also because of the greatness of God, of which there was erected an idol. "His findings were confirmed in the 1920s. German archaeologists excavating Schuchhardt K. et al. http: / /vl-club.com/547-arkona-svyaschennyy-gorod-hram.html
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
A Saxon wheeled nonadaptive codes ( "Gestа Dаnоrum" ): "The City Аркона lies on the top of a high rock; from the north, east and south he insulated natural protection ... on the western side it protects high embankment in fifty cubits ...In the middle of town is an open area, which overlooks a beautiful wooden temple, an esteemed not only thanks to its architectural splendour, but thanks to God's magnificence,Which here was altar idol". The data were confirmed by the 1920 'S. excavating many adventures to German. Шуххардта and others. http://vl-сlub.соm/547-аrkоnа-svyаsсhennyy-gоrоd-hrаm.html
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